-- Properties and consequences of the interpretations between notions
{-# OPTIONS --cubical #-}

module Interpretations.CnfToBrw.Properties where

open import Cubical.Foundations.Prelude
open import Cubical.Foundations.HLevels
open import Cubical.Foundations.Function
open import Cubical.Data.Sigma
open import Cubical.Data.Sum as Sum
open import Cubical.Data.Empty as 
open import Cubical.Relation.Nullary
open import Cubical.Data.Nat as N
  using ( ; suc ; injSuc)
open import Cubical.Data.Nat.Order as N using ()
open import Cubical.Data.Bool
  renaming (false to ff; true to tt)

open import PropTrunc
open import General-Properties

open import CantorNormalForm.Base as C
open import CantorNormalForm.Wellfoundedness as C
open import CantorNormalForm.Classifiability as C
open import CantorNormalForm.Addition as C
open import CantorNormalForm.Multiplication as C hiding (_·_)
open import CantorNormalForm.Subtraction as C
open import CantorNormalForm.LimitsAndTaboos

open import BrouwerTree.Base as B
open import BrouwerTree.Properties as B
open import BrouwerTree.Arithmetic as B
open import BrouwerTree.Arithmetic.Properties as B
open import BrouwerTree.Code.Results as B
open import BrouwerTree.Decidability
open import BrouwerTree.Decidability.Finite

open import Interpretations.CnfToBrw

open import BooleanSequence
open import Simulations Cnf C._≤_

CtoB-preserves-limits→MP :
  (∀ {lf} f  (f↑ : is-<-increasing f)  lf C.is-lim-of (f , f↑) 
   CtoB lf  limit (CtoB  f) {CtoB-preserves-increasing f↑})  MP
CtoB-preserves-limits→MP hyp s ¬¬p = least-witness  n  s n  tt)
                                                    n  isSetBool (s n) tt)
                                                    n  s n  tt)
   ¬s≡ff : ¬ (∀ i  s i  ff)
   ¬s≡ff p = ¬¬p  { (n , sn=tt)  true≢false (sym sn=tt  p n) })
   ω+ω-min-over-s↑ : (c : Cnf)  (∀ i  (s ) i C.≤ c)  C.ω C.+ C.ω C.≤ c
   ω+ω-min-over-s↑ c s≤c = ≮→≥ ¬c<ω+ω
     ¬c<ω+ω : ¬ (c C.< C.ω C.+ C.ω)
     ¬c<ω+ω c<ω+ω = let (n , c≤ω+n) = x<ω+ω→x≤ω+n c c<ω+ω
                     in ¬s≡ff (s↑-spec-<ω-back s n  i  C.≤-trans (s≤c i) c≤ω+n))
   lim⟨s↑⟩=ω+ω : (C.ω C.+ C.ω) is-lim-of (s  , s↑-inc s)
   lim⟨s↑⟩=ω+ω = ((λ i  inl (s↑-bounded-by-ω+ω s i)) , ω+ω-min-over-s↑)
   preserved-limit : limit (CtoB  (s ))  B.ω B.+ B.ω
   preserved-limit = sym (hyp (s ) (s↑-inc s) lim⟨s↑⟩=ω+ω)
                    limit-pointwise-equal  n  ω^ (ω^ zero) B.+ one · ι n)
                                            n  B.ω B.+ ι n)
                                            n  cong₂ B._+_ B.ω^one≡ω (B.one·y≡y (ι n)))
   shifted-preserved-limit : limit  n  CtoB ((s ) (suc n)))  k  CtoB-preserves-increasing (s↑-inc s) (suc k)}  B.ω B.+ B.ω
   shifted-preserved-limit = limit-pointwise-equal  n  CtoB ((s ) (suc n)))
                                                    n  CtoB ((s ) (n N.+ 1)))
                                                    n  cong (CtoB  (s )) (cong suc (sym (N.+-zero n))  sym (N.+-suc n 0)))
                            sym (limit-drop-initial 1  n  CtoB ((s ) n)))
   index-found :  Σ[ n   ] B.ω B.< CtoB ((s ) (suc n)) 
   index-found = below-limit-lemma B.ω  n  CtoB ((s ) (suc n))) (subst (B.ω B.<_) (sym shifted-preserved-limit) ω<ω+ω)
   goal :  Σ[ n   ] s n  tt 
   goal = ∥-∥map  (n , p)  map-snd snd (s↑-spec->ω-back s n (CtoB-reflects-< (subst  z  z B.< CtoB ((s ) (suc n))) (sym ω^one≡ω) p)))) index-found

MP→CtoB-preserves-limits : MP 
  (∀ {lf} f  (f↑ : is-<-increasing f)  lf C.is-lim-of (f , f↑) 
   CtoB lf  limit (CtoB  f) {CtoB-preserves-increasing f↑})
MP→CtoB-preserves-limits mp {x} f f↑ xlimf = goal
  islim-x : is-lim x
  islim-x =  (f , f↑) , xlimf 
  x>0 : x > 𝟎
  x>0 = lim>𝟎 islim-x
  x-not-suc : ¬ (is-strong-suc x)
  x-not-suc = lim-is-not-suc islim-x
  g :   Cnf
  g = fund-sequence x islim-x
  g↑ : is-<-increasing g
  g↑ = fund-sequence↑ x islim-x
  xlimg : x C.is-lim-of (g , g↑)
  xlimg = fst (snd (snd (CtoB-preserves-FS x x>0 x-not-suc)))
  CtoBx≡lCtoB⟨g⟩ : CtoB x  limit  n  CtoB (g n)) {CtoB-preserves-increasing g↑}
  CtoBx≡lCtoB⟨g⟩ = CtoB-preserves-fund-sequence x islim-x
  f≲g : f simulated-by g
  f≲g = MP→limits-unique mp f {f↑} g {g↑} C.≤-refl xlimf xlimg
  g≲f : g simulated-by f
  g≲f = MP→limits-unique mp g {g↑} f {f↑} C.≤-refl xlimg xlimf
  lCtoB⟨f⟩≡lCtoB⟨g⟩ : limit  n  CtoB (f n)) {CtoB-preserves-increasing f↑}  limit  n  CtoB (g n)) {CtoB-preserves-increasing g↑}
  lCtoB⟨f⟩≡lCtoB⟨g⟩ = bisim _ _ ((λ k  ∥-∥map (map-snd CtoB-≤-monotone) (f≲g k)) ,  k  ∥-∥map (map-snd CtoB-≤-monotone) (g≲f k)))
  goal : CtoB x  limit (CtoB  f)
  goal = CtoBx≡lCtoB⟨g⟩  sym lCtoB⟨f⟩≡lCtoB⟨g⟩