-- An axiomatic approach to ordinals

{- A set `A` with relations `<` and `≤` satisfying certain conditions
   allow us to define standard concepts of ordinals. This means that
   we treat `A` as some sort of "abstract ordinal". -}

{-# OPTIONS --cubical --safe #-}

open import Cubical.Foundations.Prelude

module Abstract.ZerSucLim
  {i j k}
  {A : Type i}
  (_<_ : A  A  Type j)
  (_≤_ : A  A  Type k)

open import Cubical.Foundations.HLevels
open import Cubical.Foundations.Function
open import Cubical.Data.Sigma
open import Cubical.Data.Bool renaming (true to tt; false to ff) hiding (_≤_)
open import Cubical.Data.Nat
open import Cubical.Data.Nat.Order as N using ()
open import Cubical.Data.Empty as 
open import Cubical.Data.Sum
open import Cubical.Data.Sigma
open import Cubical.Relation.Nullary using (¬_; Discrete; yes; no)
open import Cubical.Relation.Binary
open BinaryRelation
  renaming (isTrans to isTransitive ; isRefl to isReflexive)
open import Cubical.Induction.WellFounded
  renaming (WellFounded to isWellFounded; Acc to isAcc)

open import Iff
open import PropTrunc
open import General-Properties
open import BooleanSequence

-- open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality using (inspect)

{- monotonicity definition -}

is-<-monotone : (f : A  A)  Type _
is-<-monotone f = {b a : A}  b < a  f b < f a

is-≤-monotone : (f : A  A)  Type _
is-≤-monotone f = {b a : A}  b  a  f b  f a

is-pointwise-≤-monotone : ((  A)  A)  Type _
is-pointwise-≤-monotone  = (f g :   A)  (∀ n  f n  g n)   f   g

{- increasing definition -}

is-<-increasing : (  A)  Type _
is-<-increasing f =  k  f k < f (suc k)

is-≤-increasing : (  A)  Type _
is-≤-increasing f =  k  f k  f (suc k)

{- Zero -}

is-zero : A  Type _
is-zero a = (b : A)  a  b

Zer : Type _
Zer = Σ[ a  A ] (is-zero a)

has-zero : Type _
has-zero = Zer

{- Successor -}

_is-suc-of_ : A  A  Type _
a is-suc-of b = (b < a) × (∀ x  b < x  a  x)

calc-suc : (s : A  A)  Type _
calc-suc s = (b : A)  (s b) is-suc-of b

has-suc : Type _
has-suc = Σ[ s  (A  A) ] calc-suc s

is-suc : A  Type _
is-suc a =  Σ[ b  A ] a is-suc-of b 

{- Predecessor and strong successor -}
-- (predecessor is not used, but the strong successor is central)

_is-pred-of_ : A  A  Type _
b is-pred-of a = (b < a) × (∀ x  x < a  x  b)

_is-strong-suc-of_ : A  A  Type _
a is-strong-suc-of b = a is-suc-of b ×  x  x < a  x  b

is-strong-suc : A  Type _
is-strong-suc a = Σ[ b  A ] a is-strong-suc-of b

calc-strong-suc : (s : A  A)  Type _
calc-strong-suc s = (b : A)  (s b) is-strong-suc-of b

has-strong-suc : Type _
has-strong-suc = Σ[ s  (A  A) ] calc-strong-suc s

{- Supremum -}

_is-_-sup-of_ :  {}  A  (X : Type )  (X  A)  Type _
a is- X -sup-of f = (∀ i  f i  a) × (∀ x  ((∀ i  f i  x)  a  x))

_is-sup-of_ : A  (  A)  Type _
a is-sup-of f = a is-  -sup-of f

calc-sup : ((  A)  A)  Type _
calc-sup  =  f  ( f) is-sup-of f

has-sup : Type _
has-sup = Σ[   ((  A)  A) ] calc-sup 

-- Remark: other definition of supremum (not used)
_is-sup∃-of_ : A  (  A)  Type _
a is-sup∃-of f = (∀ i  f i  a) × (∀ x  (x < a  ∃[ i   ] x  f i))

{- Binary join -}

_is-join-of_and_ : A  A  A  Type _
a is-join-of b and c = (b  a × c  a) × (∀ x  b  x  c  x  a  x)

calc-join : (A  A  A)  Type _
calc-join _⊔_ =  b c  (b  c) is-join-of b and c

has-join : Type _
has-join = Σ[ _⊔_  (A  A  A) ] (calc-join _⊔_)

{- Limits -}

IncrSeq : Type _
IncrSeq = Σ[ f  (  A) ] is-<-increasing f

IncrBoundedSeq : Type _
IncrBoundedSeq = Σ[ f  (  A) ] (is-<-increasing f × (Σ[ b  A ] (∀ k  f k < b)))

_is-lim-of_ : A  IncrSeq  Type _
a is-lim-of (f , _) = a is-sup-of f

is-Σlim : A  Type _
is-Σlim a = Σ[ f  IncrSeq ] a is-lim-of f

is-lim : A  Type _
is-lim a =  is-Σlim a 

is-general-lim : A  Type _
is-general-lim a =  Σ A  z  z < a)  × (a is- Σ A (_< a) -sup-of fst)

has-limits : Type _
has-limits = Σ[ lim  (IncrSeq  A) ]  f  lim f is-lim-of f

has-limits-of-bounded-sequences : Type _
has-limits-of-bounded-sequences = Σ[ lim  (IncrBoundedSeq  A) ]  f  lim f is-sup-of (fst f)

{- Classifiability -}

is-classifiable : A  Type _
is-classifiable a = is-zero a  (is-strong-suc a  is-lim a)

is-weakly-classifiable : A  Type _
is-weakly-classifiable a = is-zero a  (is-strong-suc a  is-general-lim a)

is-Σclassifiable : A  Type _
is-Σclassifiable a = is-zero a  (is-strong-suc a  is-Σlim a)

to-is-classifiable : {a : A}  is-Σclassifiable a  is-classifiable a
to-is-classifiable (inl x) = inl x
to-is-classifiable (inr (inl x)) = inr (inl x)
to-is-classifiable (inr (inr x)) = inr (inr  x )

not-zs-is-lim : {a : A}  is-Σclassifiable a
               ¬ (is-zero a)  ¬ (is-strong-suc a)  is-Σlim a
not-zs-is-lim (inl x)       f g = ⊥.rec (f x)
not-zs-is-lim (inr (inl x)) f g = ⊥.rec (g x)
not-zs-is-lim (inr (inr x)) f g = x

-- We say that (A , < , ≤) is classifiable if every `a : A` is.
has-classification : Type _
has-classification = (a : A)  is-classifiable a

has-weak-classification : Type _
has-weak-classification = (a : A)  is-weakly-classifiable a

satisfies-classifiability-induction :    Type _
satisfies-classifiability-induction  =
   {P : A  Type }
  (∀ a  isProp (P a))
  (∀ a  is-zero a  P a)
  (∀ a b  a is-strong-suc-of b  P b  P a)
  (∀ a f f↑  a is-lim-of (f , f↑)  (∀ i  P (f i))  P a)
   a  P a

isProp⟨is-join-of⟩ : (∀ {a b}  isProp (a  b))   {a b c}  isProp (a is-join-of b and c)
isProp⟨is-join-of⟩ isProp⟨≤⟩ = isProp× (isProp× isProp⟨≤⟩ isProp⟨≤⟩) (isPropΠ3 λ y _ _  isProp⟨≤⟩)

module Properties
  (A-is-set : isSet A)
  (isProp⟨<⟩ : isPropValued _<_)
  (isProp⟨≤⟩ : isPropValued _≤_)
  (<-irrefl : isIrrefl _<_)
  (≤-refl : isReflexive _≤_)
  (≤-trans : isTransitive _≤_)
  (≤-antisym : isAntisym _≤_)
  (<-in-≤ : {a b : A}  a < b  a  b)
  (<∘≤-in-< : {a b c : A}  a < b  b  c  a < c)

    ≤-reflexive : {a b : A}  a  b  a  b
    ≤-reflexive {a} {b} p = subst (a ≤_) p (≤-refl a)

  ≮-zero :  {a}  is-zero a  (b : A)  ¬ (b < a)
  ≮-zero {a} isz b b<a = <-irrefl b (<∘≤-in-< b<a (isz b))

  isProp⟨is-zero⟩ : (a : A)  isProp (is-zero a)
  isProp⟨is-zero⟩ a = isPropΠ λ _  isProp⟨≤⟩ _ _

  isProp⟨Zer⟩ : isProp Zer
  isProp⟨Zer⟩ (a₁ , p₁) (a₂ , p₂) = Σ≡Prop isProp⟨is-zero⟩ (≤-antisym _ _ (p₁ a₂) (p₂ a₁))

  isProp⟨is-suc-of⟩ : {a b : A}  isProp (a is-suc-of b)
  isProp⟨is-suc-of⟩ =
    isProp× (isProp⟨<⟩ _ _)
            (isPropΠ λ _  isPropΠ λ _  isProp⟨≤⟩ _ _)

  isProp⟨calc-suc⟩ : (s : A  A)  isProp (calc-suc s)
  isProp⟨calc-suc⟩ s = isPropΠ λ _  isProp⟨is-suc-of⟩

  suc-unique : (b : A)  isProp (Σ[ a  A ] (a is-suc-of b))
  suc-unique b (a₁ , b<a₁ , a₁-min) (a₂ , b<a₂ , a₂-min) =
    Σ≡Prop  _  isProp⟨is-suc-of⟩) (≤-antisym _ _ (a₁-min a₂ b<a₂) (a₂-min a₁ b<a₁))

  isProp⟨has-suc⟩ : isProp has-suc
  isProp⟨has-suc⟩ = isOfHLevelRespectEquiv 1 Σ-Π-≃ (isOfHLevelΠ 1 λ _  suc-unique _)

  isProp⟨is-suc⟩ : {a : A}  isProp (is-suc a)
  isProp⟨is-suc⟩ = isPropPropTrunc

  isProp⟨is-strong-suc-of⟩ : {a b : A}  isProp (a is-strong-suc-of b)
  isProp⟨is-strong-suc-of⟩ =
    isProp× isProp⟨is-suc-of⟩
            (isPropΠ2 λ _ _  isProp⟨≤⟩ _ _ )

  isProp⟨is-strong-suc⟩ : {a : A}  isProp (is-strong-suc a)
  isProp⟨is-strong-suc⟩ {a} (b₁ , is-suc₁ , is-pred₁) (b₂ , is-suc₂ , is-pred₂) =
    Σ≡Prop  _  isProp⟨is-strong-suc-of⟩)
           (≤-antisym _ _ (is-pred₂ b₁ (fst is-suc₁)) (is-pred₁ b₂ (fst is-suc₂)))

  -- A useful lemma:
  -- a function s calculates successors IFF b < a ↔ s b ≤ a
  calc-suc↔≤-<-characterization : (s : A  A) 
    (calc-suc s)
    ((b a : A)  ((b < a)  (s b  a)))
  calc-suc↔≤-<-characterization s =
     s-is-suc b a  snd (s-is-suc b) a ,
                      λ sb≤a  <∘≤-in-< (fst (s-is-suc b)) sb≤a)
    λ char b  snd (char b (s b)) (≤-refl (s b)) ,
    λ a  fst (char b a)

  isProp⟨is-sup-of⟩ :  { a}{X : Type } {f}  isProp (a is- X -sup-of f)
  isProp⟨is-sup-of⟩ = isProp× (isPropΠ λ _  isProp⟨≤⟩ _ _) (isPropΠ2 λ _ _  isProp⟨≤⟩ _ _)

  isProp⟨calc-sup⟩ : ( : (  A)  A)  isProp (calc-sup )
  isProp⟨calc-sup⟩  = isPropΠ λ _  isProp⟨is-sup-of⟩

  isProp⟨has-sup⟩ : isProp has-sup
  isProp⟨has-sup⟩ (⊔₁ , proof₁) (⊔₂ , proof₂) =
    Σ≡Prop  _  isProp⟨calc-sup⟩ _)
           (funExt {f = ⊔₁} {g = ⊔₂} λ f 
             ≤-antisym _ _ (snd (proof₁ f) (⊔₂ f) (fst (proof₂ f)))
                       (snd (proof₂ f) (⊔₁ f) (fst (proof₁ f))))

  sup-zero :  {a f}  is-zero a  a is-sup-of f   n  f n  a
  sup-zero {a} {f} p q n = ≤-antisym _ _ (fst q n) (p (f n))

  sup-constant :  {a c f}  a is-sup-of f  (∀ n  f n  c)  a  c
  sup-constant {a} {c} p q = ≤-antisym _ _ (snd p c (≤-reflexive  q)) (subst (_≤ a) (q 0) (fst p 0))

  sup-unique :  {a b f}  a is-sup-of f  b is-sup-of f  a  b
  sup-unique {a} {b} {f} (f≤a , a-min-over-f) (f≤b , b-min-over-f) = ≤-antisym _ _ a≤b b≤a
    a≤b : a  b
    a≤b = a-min-over-f b f≤b
    b≤a : b  a
    b≤a = b-min-over-f a f≤a

  isProp⟨is-lim⟩ : {a : A}  isProp (is-lim a)
  isProp⟨is-lim⟩ = isPropPropTrunc

  isProp⟨is-general-lim⟩ : (a : A)  isProp (is-general-lim a)
  isProp⟨is-general-lim⟩ a = isProp× isPropPropTrunc isProp⟨is-sup-of⟩

  is-general-lim-some-family→is-general-lim :
     {}  (a : A)  (X : Type )  (f : X  A)   X  
    (a is- X -sup-of f)  ((x : X)  f x < a)  is-general-lim a
  is-general-lim-some-family→is-general-lim a X f ∥x∥ a-sup a-strictly-greater
    = ∥-∥rec (isProp⟨is-general-lim⟩ a)
             x   f x , a-strictly-greater x  ,
                    (x , x<a)  <-in-≤ x<a) ,
                   λ c h  snd a-sup c λ x  h (f x , a-strictly-greater x))

  is-ℕ-lim→is-general-lim : (a : A)  is-lim a  is-general-lim a
  is-ℕ-lim→is-general-lim a a-lim =
    ∥-∥rec (isProp⟨is-general-lim⟩ a)
           ((f , f↑) , a-sup)  is-general-lim-some-family→is-general-lim a  f  0  a-sup λ n  <∘≤-in-< (f↑ n) (fst a-sup (suc n)))

  -- `a : A` can only be one out of {zero, strong successor, limit}.
  -- We first show that `a` can't be two out of {zero, strong successor, limit} at the same time.
  module unique (a : A) where

    -- Easy: `a` can't be zero and strong successor simultaneously.
    not-z-and-s : (is-zero a)  (is-strong-suc a)  
    not-z-and-s is-z (b , (b<a , _) , _) = <-irrefl b (<∘≤-in-< b<a (is-z b))

    -- `a` can't be zero and limit.
    -- We need to eliminate out of the propositional truncation. In cubical Agda, we can choose
    -- whether we use the "old-style" truncation recursion principle, proved in the library, or
    -- the new pattern matching for HITs. Here, we use the old-style principle;
    -- for the suc-lim case below, we use the new pattern matching.
    not-z-and-gen-l : (is-zero a)  (is-general-lim a)  
    not-z-and-gen-l is-z (inhabited , fst≤a , _) = ∥-∥rec isProp⊥  { (x , x<a) 
      <-irrefl x (<∘≤-in-< x<a (is-z x)) }) inhabited

    not-z-and-l : (is-zero a)  (is-lim a)  
    not-z-and-l is-z is-lim = not-z-and-gen-l is-z (is-ℕ-lim→is-general-lim a is-lim)

    -- The hardest case: `a` can't be strong successor and limit simultaneously.
    not-s-and-gen-l : (is-strong-suc a)  (is-general-lim a)  
    not-s-and-gen-l (b , (b<a , a-min-over-b) , b-max) ( x  , fst≤a , a-least) = <-irrefl b b<b
      a≤b : a  b
      a≤b = a-least b λ { (x , x<a)  b-max x x<a }
      b<b : b < b
      b<b = <∘≤-in-< b<a a≤b
    not-s-and-gen-l a-str-suc (squash x y i , fst≤a , a-least) = isProp⊥ (not-s-and-gen-l a-str-suc (x , fst≤a , a-least))
                                                                         (not-s-and-gen-l a-str-suc (y , fst≤a , a-least)) i

    not-s-and-l : (is-strong-suc a)  (is-lim a)  
    not-s-and-l is-str-suc is-lim = not-s-and-gen-l is-str-suc (is-ℕ-lim→is-general-lim a is-lim)

  open unique

  -- Uniqueness of classification. We simply put everything from above together.
  -- ⊎ is not declared left or right associative, thus we need brackets in the statement.
  isProp⟨is-classifiable⟩ : (a : A)  isProp (is-classifiable a)
  isProp⟨is-classifiable⟩ a (inl z₁) (inl z₂) =
      cong inl (isProp⟨is-zero⟩ a _ _)
  isProp⟨is-classifiable⟩ a (inl z₁) (inr (inl s₂)) =
      ⊥.elim {A = λ _  (inl z₁)  inr (inl {B = is-lim a} s₂)} (not-z-and-s a z₁ s₂)
  isProp⟨is-classifiable⟩ a (inl z₁) (inr (inr l₂)) =
      ⊥.elim {A = λ _  (inl z₁)  inr (inr {A = is-strong-suc a} l₂)} (not-z-and-l a z₁ l₂)
  isProp⟨is-classifiable⟩ a (inr (inl s₁)) (inl z₂) =
      sym (isProp⟨is-classifiable⟩ a (inl z₂) (inr (inl s₁)))
  isProp⟨is-classifiable⟩ a (inr (inl s₁)) (inr (inl s₂)) =
      cong inr (cong inl (isProp⟨is-strong-suc⟩ s₁ s₂))
  isProp⟨is-classifiable⟩ a (inr (inl s₁)) (inr (inr l₂)) =
      ⊥.elim {A = λ _  (inr {A = is-zero a} (inl s₁))  (inr (inr l₂))} (not-s-and-l a s₁ l₂)
  isProp⟨is-classifiable⟩ a (inr (inr l₁)) (inl z₂) =
      sym (isProp⟨is-classifiable⟩ a (inl z₂) (inr (inr l₁)))
  isProp⟨is-classifiable⟩ a (inr (inr l₁)) (inr (inl s₂)) =
      sym (isProp⟨is-classifiable⟩ a (inr (inl s₂)) (inr (inr l₁)))
  isProp⟨is-classifiable⟩ a (inr (inr l₁)) (inr (inr l₂)) =
      cong inr (cong inr (isProp⟨is-lim⟩ l₁ l₂))

  -- Similarly we have all the pieces to prove uniqueness of weak classification
  isProp⟨is-weakly-classifiable⟩ : (a : A)  isProp (is-weakly-classifiable a)
  isProp⟨is-weakly-classifiable⟩ a (inl z₁) (inl z₂) =
      cong inl (isProp⟨is-zero⟩ a _ _)
  isProp⟨is-weakly-classifiable⟩ a (inl z₁) (inr (inl s₂)) =
      ⊥.elim {A = λ _  (inl z₁)  inr (inl {B = is-general-lim a} s₂)} (not-z-and-s a z₁ s₂)
  isProp⟨is-weakly-classifiable⟩ a (inl z₁) (inr (inr l₂)) =
      ⊥.elim {A = λ _  (inl z₁)  inr (inr {A = is-strong-suc a} l₂)} (not-z-and-gen-l a z₁ l₂)
  isProp⟨is-weakly-classifiable⟩ a (inr (inl s₁)) (inl z₂) =
      sym (isProp⟨is-weakly-classifiable⟩ a (inl z₂) (inr (inl s₁)))
  isProp⟨is-weakly-classifiable⟩ a (inr (inl s₁)) (inr (inl s₂)) =
      cong inr (cong inl (isProp⟨is-strong-suc⟩ s₁ s₂))
  isProp⟨is-weakly-classifiable⟩ a (inr (inl s₁)) (inr (inr l₂)) =
      ⊥.elim {A = λ _  (inr {A = is-zero a} (inl s₁))  (inr (inr l₂))} (not-s-and-gen-l a s₁ l₂)
  isProp⟨is-weakly-classifiable⟩ a (inr (inr l₁)) (inl z₂) =
      sym (isProp⟨is-weakly-classifiable⟩ a (inl z₂) (inr (inr l₁)))
  isProp⟨is-weakly-classifiable⟩ a (inr (inr l₁)) (inr (inl s₂)) =
      sym (isProp⟨is-weakly-classifiable⟩ a (inr (inl s₂)) (inr (inr l₁)))
  isProp⟨is-weakly-classifiable⟩ a (inr (inr l₁)) (inr (inr l₂)) =
      cong inr (cong inr (isProp⟨is-general-lim⟩ a l₁ l₂))

  isProp⟨has-classification⟩ : isProp has-classification
  isProp⟨has-classification⟩ = isPropΠ isProp⟨is-classifiable⟩

  classifiability-induction→has-classification :
    satisfies-classifiability-induction _  has-classification
  classifiability-induction→has-classification ci =
    ci isProp⟨is-classifiable⟩
        a is-zero  inl is-zero)
        a b a-is-suc-of-b _  inr (inl (b , a-is-suc-of-b)))
        a f f↑ a-is-lim-of-f _  inr (inr  (f , f↑) , a-is-lim-of-f ))

  {- Classifiability induction -}

  module ClassifiabilityInduction
    (cc : has-classification)
    (wf : isWellFounded _<_)

    ind :  {} {P : A  Type }
         (∀ a  isProp (P a))
         (∀ a  is-zero a  P a)
         (∀ a b  a is-strong-suc-of b  P b  P a)
         (∀ a f f↑  a is-lim-of (f , f↑)  (∀ i  P (f i))  P a)
          a  P a
    ind {_} {P} pvP pz ps pl = WFI.induction wf step
      step :  a  (∀ b  b < a  P b)  P a
      step a h with cc a
      ... | inl a-is-zero = pz a a-is-zero
      ... | inr (inl (b , a-is-suc-of-b)) = ps a b a-is-suc-of-b (h b (fst (fst a-is-suc-of-b)))
      ... | inr (inr a-is-lim) = ∥-∥rec (pvP a) claim a-is-lim
        claim : is-Σlim a  P a
        claim ((f , f↑) , a-is-sup-of-f) = pl a f f↑ a-is-sup-of-f  i  h (f i) (f<a i))
          f<a :  i  f i < a
          f<a i = <∘≤-in-< (f↑ i) (fst a-is-sup-of-f (suc i))

-- Assume that A has zero, successor and limits of <-increasing sequences.
-- If A has decidable equality, then WLPO holds.
module no-go
  (<-irrefl : isIrrefl _<_)
  (<-trans : isTransitive _<_)
  (≤-antisym : isAntisym _≤_)
  (<∘≤-in-< : {a b c : A}  a < b  b  c  a < c)
  (A-has-zero   : has-zero)
  (A-has-suc    : has-suc)
  (A-has-limits : has-limits)
  <-irreflexive : {a b : A}  a  b  ¬ (a < b)
  <-irreflexive {a} {b} p = subst  x  ¬ (a < x)) p (<-irrefl a)

  z : A
  z = fst A-has-zero
  s : A  A
  s = fst A-has-suc
  lim : IncrSeq  A
  lim = fst A-has-limits

  -- Embedding of natural numbers into A
  ι :   A
  ι  0      = z
  ι (suc i) = s (ι i)
  ι-inc : is-<-increasing ι
  ι-inc i = fst (snd A-has-suc (ι i))

  -- ω is the limit of ι
  ω : A
  ω = lim (ι , ι-inc)
  ι<ω :  i  ι i < ω
  ι<ω i = <∘≤-in-< claim₀ claim₁
    claim₀ : ι i < ι (suc i)
    claim₀ = ι-inc i
    claim₁ : ι (suc i)  ω
    claim₁ = fst (snd A-has-limits (ι , ι-inc)) (suc i)

  -- Jumping sequence: (t ↑) "jumps" as soon as a tt is discovered in t.
  _↑ : (  Bool)    A
  (t )  0      = z
  (t ) (suc i) = if (least-index-true t i) then ω else (s ((t ) i))

  ↑-spec-≡ι : (t :   Bool)
     (n : )  (∀ i  i N.< n  t i  ff)
     (t ) n  ι n
  ↑-spec-≡ι t 0 p = refl
  ↑-spec-≡ι t (suc n) p = goal
    claim₀ :  i  i N.≤ n  t i  ff
    claim₀ i i≤n = p i (N.suc-≤-suc i≤n)
    claim₁ : least-index-true t n  ff
    claim₁ = least-index-true-spec-ff t n claim₀
    claim₂ : (t ) (suc n)  s((t ) n)
    claim₂ = cong (if_then ω else s((t ) n)) claim₁
    IH : (t ) n  ι n
    IH = ↑-spec-≡ι t n  i i<n  p i (N.≤-suc i<n))
    claim₃ : s((t ) n)  ι (suc n)
    claim₃ = cong s IH
    goal : (t ) (suc n)  ι (suc n)
    goal = claim₂  claim₃

  ↑-spec-<ω : (t :   Bool)
     (i : )  least-index-true t i  tt
     (t ) i < ω
  ↑-spec-<ω t i p = subst (_< ω) (sym claim₀) claim₁
    q :  j  j N.< i  t j  ff
    q = least-index-true-case-tt t i p
    claim₀ : (t ) i  ι i
    claim₀ = ↑-spec-≡ι t i q
    claim₁ : ι i < ω
    claim₁ = ι<ω i

  ↑-inc : (t :   Bool)  is-<-increasing (t )
  ↑-inc t i with least-index-true t i  tt
  ↑-inc t i | yes p = goal
    claim₀ : (t ) (suc i)  ω
    claim₀ = cong (if_then ω else s((t ) i)) p
    claim₁ : (t ) i < ω
    claim₁ = ↑-spec-<ω t i p
    goal : (t ) i < (t ) (suc i)
    goal = subst ((t ) i <_) (sym claim₀) claim₁
  ↑-inc t i | no ¬p = goal
    p : least-index-true t i  ff
    p = ¬true→false _ ¬p
    claim₀ : (t ) (suc i)  s ((t ) i)
    claim₀ = cong (if_then ω else s((t ) i)) p
    claim₁ : (t ) i < s ((t ) i)
    claim₁ = fst (snd A-has-suc ((t ) i))
    goal : (t ) i < (t ) (suc i)
    goal = subst ((t ) i <_) (sym claim₀) claim₁

  ↑-inc' : (t :   Bool) (i j : )  i N.< j  (t ) i < (t ) j
  ↑-inc' t i 0 i<0 = ⊥.rec (N.¬-<-zero i<0)
  ↑-inc' t i (suc j) (0 , i+1≡j+1) = subst  x  (t ) i < (t ) x) i+1≡j+1 (↑-inc t i)
  ↑-inc' t i (suc j) (suc k , k+i+1≡j) = <-trans _ _ _ IH fact
    IH : (t ) i < (t ) j
    IH = ↑-inc' t i j (k , injSuc k+i+1≡j)
    fact : (t ) j < (t ) (suc j)
    fact = ↑-inc t j

  ↑-spec->ω : (t :   Bool)
     (i : )  t i  tt
     ω < (t ) (suc (suc i))
  ↑-spec->ω t i ti≡tt = goal
    n : 
    n = fst (least-index-true-spec-tt t i ti≡tt)
    n≤i : n N.≤ i
    n≤i = fst (snd (least-index-true-spec-tt t i ti≡tt))
    p : least-index-true t n  tt
    p = snd (snd (least-index-true-spec-tt t i ti≡tt))
    claim₀ : (t ) (suc n)  ω
    claim₀ = cong (if_then ω else s((t ) n)) p
    n+1<i+2 : suc n N.< suc (suc i)
    n+1<i+2 = N.suc-≤-suc (N.suc-≤-suc n≤i)
    claim₁ : (t ) (suc n) < (t ) (suc (suc i))
    claim₁ = ↑-inc' t (suc n) (suc (suc i)) n+1<i+2
    goal : ω < (t ) (suc (suc i))
    goal = subst (_< (t ) (suc (suc i))) claim₀ claim₁

  case-ω<lim↑ : (t :   Bool)
      i  t i  tt  ω < lim (t  , ↑-inc t)
  case-ω<lim↑ t i p = <∘≤-in-< claim₀ claim₁
    claim₀ : ω < (t ) (suc (suc i))
    claim₀ = ↑-spec->ω t i p
    claim₁ : (t ) (suc (suc i))  lim (t  , ↑-inc t)
    claim₁ = fst (snd A-has-limits (t  , ↑-inc t)) (suc (suc i))

  case-lim↑≡ω : (t :   Bool)
     (∀ i  t i  ff)  lim (t  , ↑-inc t)  ω
  case-lim↑≡ω t p = ≤-antisym _ _ lim≤ω ω≤lim
    claim₀ :  i  (t ) i  ι i
    claim₀ i = ↑-spec-≡ι t i  i _  p i)
    claim₁ :  i  (t ) i  ω
    claim₁ i = subst (_≤ ω) (sym (claim₀ i)) (fst (snd A-has-limits (ι , ι-inc)) i)
    claim₂ :  i  ι i  lim (t  , ↑-inc t)
    claim₂ i = subst (_≤ lim (t  , ↑-inc t)) (claim₀ i) (fst (snd A-has-limits (t  , ↑-inc t)) i)
    lim≤ω : lim (t  , ↑-inc t)  ω
    lim≤ω = snd (snd A-has-limits (t  , ↑-inc t)) ω claim₁
    ω≤lim : ω  lim (t  , ↑-inc t)
    ω≤lim = snd (snd A-has-limits (ι , ι-inc)) (lim (t  , ↑-inc t)) claim₂

  no-go-theorem : Discrete A  WLPO
  no-go-theorem d t = goal
    t↑ :   A
    t↑ = t 
    a : A
    a = lim (t↑ , ↑-inc t)
    goal : (∀ i  t i  ff)  (¬(∀ i  t i  ff))
    goal with d a ω
    ... | yes a≡ω = inl subgoal
      subgoal :  i  t i  ff
      subgoal i = ¬true→false (t i)  p  <-irreflexive (sym a≡ω) (case-ω<lim↑ t i p))
    ... | no ¬a≡ω = inr subgoal
      subgoal : ¬ (∀ i  t i  ff)
      subgoal q = ¬a≡ω (case-lim↑≡ω t q)