-- Decidability results for Brouwer trees

{-# OPTIONS --cubical #-}

module BrouwerTree.Decidability where

open import Cubical.Foundations.Prelude
open import Cubical.Foundations.HLevels
open import Cubical.Foundations.Function

open import Cubical.Data.Bool hiding (_≤_)
open import Cubical.Data.Sum as Sum
open import Cubical.Data.Sigma
open import Cubical.Data.Empty as 
open import Cubical.Data.Nat as N
  using ( ; zero ; suc; snotz; injSuc; +-zero; +-suc; m+n≡0→m≡0×n≡0)
open import Cubical.Data.Nat.Order as N
  using (≤-suc; ≤0→≡0; Trichotomy; zero-≤); open Trichotomy
open import Cubical.Relation.Nullary
  using (¬_; Dec; yes; no; Stable; mapDec; Dec→Stable; isPropDec)

open import PropTrunc

open import General-Properties

open import BrouwerTree.Base
open import BrouwerTree.Properties
open import BrouwerTree.Arithmetic
open import BrouwerTree.Arithmetic.Properties
open import BrouwerTree.Arithmetic.Correctness
open import BrouwerTree.Code.Results
open import BrouwerTree.Decidability.Finite

boundedDecidable : (P :   Type)  (∀ n  Dec (P n))  (n : )  Σ  P  ((m : )  m N.≤ n  ¬ (P m))
boundedDecidable P decP zero with decP zero
... | yes p = inl (zero , p)
... | no ¬p = inr λ m m≤0  subst  z  P z  ) (sym (≤0→≡0 m≤0)) ¬p
boundedDecidable P decP (suc n) with boundedDecidable P decP n
... | inl (m , pm) = inl (m , pm)
... | inr ¬p≤n with decP (suc n)
... | yes p = inl (suc n , p)
... | no ¬p[sucn] = inr f where
  f : (m : )  m N.≤ suc n  ¬ (P m)
  f m (zero , q) = subst  z  ¬ (P z)) (sym q) ¬p[sucn]
  f m (suc r , q) = ¬p≤n m (r , injSuc q)

some-below : (  Bool)    Bool
some-below f zero = f zero
some-below f (suc n) = f (suc n) or some-below f n

all-false : {f :   Bool}  (n : )  ((k : )  k N.≤ n  f k  false)  some-below f n  false
all-false {f} zero fk≡false = fk≡false zero N.≤-refl
all-false {f} (suc n) fk≡false =
  cong₂ _or_ (fk≡false (suc n) N.≤-refl) (all-false {f} n λ k k≤n  fk≡false k (≤-suc k≤n))

indicator : (  Bool)    Brw
indicator f n = if (some-below f n) then one else zero

indicator-≤one : {f :   Bool}  (n : )  indicator f n  one
indicator-≤one {f} n with some-below f n
... | true = ≤-refl
... | false = ≤-zero

jumpSeq : (  Bool)    Brw
jumpSeq f n = (ω · indicator f n) + ι n

jumpSeq-increasing : (f :   Bool)  increasing (jumpSeq f)
jumpSeq-increasing f k with some-below f k | f (suc k)
... | false | false = ≤-refl
... | false | true = ≤-succ-mono (+x-mono (ι k) ≤-zero)
... | true | false = ≤-refl
... | true | true = ≤-refl

limit[_]↑ : (  Bool)  Brw
limit[ s ]↑ = limit (jumpSeq s) {jumpSeq-increasing s}

ω·2 : Brw
ω·2 = ω + ω

jumpSeq≤ω2 : (f :   Bool)  limit (jumpSeq f) {jumpSeq-increasing f}  ω + ω
jumpSeq≤ω2 f = pointwise≤→≤ λ k  +-mono {x = ω · indicator f k} {ι k} {ω} {ι k}
                                         (≤-trans (x·-mono (indicator-≤one k)) (≤-refl-≡ (y·one≡y ω)) ) ≤-refl

ω<jumpSeq⟨n⟩→fm≡true : (f :   Bool)  (n : )  ω < jumpSeq f n  Σ[ m   ] (f m  true)
ω<jumpSeq⟨n⟩→fm≡true f n p with boundedDecidable  n  f n  true)  n  f n  true) n
... | inl (m , p) = (m , p)
... | inr x = ⊥.rec (<-irreflexive ω (<-trans _ _ _ p (absurd-otherwise λ m p  ¬true→false (f m) (x m p)))) where
  absurd-otherwise : ((m : )  m N.≤ n  f m  false)  (jumpSeq f) n < ω
  absurd-otherwise fm=false = subst  z  (ω · (if z then one else zero)) + ι n < ω)
                                    (sym (all-false {f} n fm=false))
                                    (≤∘<-in-< (≤-refl-≡ (zero+y≡y (ι n))) (<-cocone-simple ι {ι-increasing} {n}))

jumpSeq-translate-back : (f :   Bool)  limit (jumpSeq f)  ω + ω  Σ[ n   ] (f n  true)
jumpSeq-translate-back f p = least-witness  n  f n  true)  n  isSetBool (f n) true)  n  f n  true)
                                           (∥-∥rec isPropPropTrunc  (n , p)   ω<jumpSeq⟨n⟩→fm≡true f n p )
                                           (below-limit-lemma ω (jumpSeq f) {jumpSeq-increasing f} (subst  z  ω < z) (sym p) ω<ω+ω)))

jumpSeq>ω-translate-back : (f :   Bool)
   ω < limit (jumpSeq f) {jumpSeq-increasing f}  Σ[ n   ] (f n  true)
jumpSeq>ω-translate-back f p = least-witness  n  f n  true)  n  isSetBool (f n) true)  n  f n  true)
                                             (∥-∥rec isPropPropTrunc  (n , p)   ω<jumpSeq⟨n⟩→fm≡true f n p )
                                                     (below-limit-lemma ω (jumpSeq f) p))

eventually-true : {f :   Bool}  (n : )  (f n  true)  (k : )  n N.≤ k  some-below f k  true
eventually-true {f} n fn≡true zero (zero , n=0) = sym (cong f n=0)  fn≡true
eventually-true {f} n fn≡true zero (suc r , suc=0) = ⊥.rec (snotz suc=0)
eventually-true {f} n fn≡true (suc k) (zero , p) =
  subst  z  z or some-below f k  true) (sym fn≡true  cong f p) ((zeroˡ (some-below f k)))
eventually-true {f} n fn≡true (suc k) (suc r , p) =
  subst  z  f (suc k) or z  true) (sym (eventually-true {f} n fn≡true k (r , injSuc p))) (zeroʳ (f (suc k)))

jumpSeq-translate-forth : (f :   Bool)   Σ[ n   ] (f n  true)   limit (jumpSeq f) {jumpSeq-increasing f}  ω + ω
jumpSeq-translate-forth f = ∥-∥rec (Brw-is-set _ _) λ (n , p)  bisim _ _ (left , right n p) where
  left :  z  ω · indicator f z + ι z)   z  ω + ι z)
  left k with some-below f k
  ... | false =  k , +x-mono (ι k) ≤-zero 
  ... | true =  k , +x-mono (ι k) (subst  z  z   ω)
                                          (limit-pointwise-equal _ _ λ n  sym (zero+y≡y (ι n))) ≤-refl) 

  right :  n p   z  ω + ι z)   z  ω · indicator f z + ι z)
  right n p k =  (n N.+ k) , +-mono (subst  z  z  (ω · indicator f (n N.+ k))) (y·one≡y ω)
                                        (x·-mono (subst  z  succ zero  (if z then succ zero else zero))
                                                        (sym (eventually-true n p (n N.+ k) (subst  z  z N.≤ n N.+ k)
                                                                                                     (+-zero n) (N.≤-k+ zero-≤))))
                                 (ι-mono (N.≤-+k {0} {n} {k} zero-≤)) 

lim⟨jumpSeq⟩>ω→lim⟨jumpSeq⟩≡ω+ω : (s :   Bool)
   ω < limit (jumpSeq s) {jumpSeq-increasing s}
   limit (jumpSeq s) {jumpSeq-increasing s}  ω + ω
lim⟨jumpSeq⟩>ω→lim⟨jumpSeq⟩≡ω+ω  s ls↑>ω = jumpSeq-translate-forth s ((∥-∥rec isPropPropTrunc  { (n , ω<s↑n)   ω<jumpSeq⟨n⟩→fm≡true s n ω<s↑n  })
                                                                             (below-limit-lemma ω (jumpSeq s) {jumpSeq-increasing s} ls↑>ω)))

lim⟨jumpSeq⟩≡ω+ω→lim⟨jumpSeq⟩>ω : (s :   Bool)
   limit (jumpSeq s) {jumpSeq-increasing s}  ω + ω
   ω < limit (jumpSeq s) {jumpSeq-increasing s}
lim⟨jumpSeq⟩≡ω+ω→lim⟨jumpSeq⟩>ω s e = subst (ω <_) (sym e) ω<ω+ω

lim⟨jumpSeq⟩<ω2→sk≡false : (s :   Bool) 
                           limit (jumpSeq s) < (ω + ω)  (k : )  s k  false
lim⟨jumpSeq⟩<ω2→sk≡false s p k =
  Dec→Stable (s k  false)  sk≠f  <-irreflexive-≡ (jumpSeq-translate-forth s  (_ , ¬false→true _ sk≠f) ) p)

¬¬-functor : {A B : Set}  (A  B)  ¬ ¬ A  ¬ ¬ B
¬¬-functor f = λ z z₁  z  z₂  z₁ (f z₂))

equality-notnot-stable-taboo : ((x y : Brw)  Stable (x  y))  MP
equality-notnot-stable-taboo p f ¬¬∃nf[n]≡1 = jumpSeq-translate-back f (p (limit (jumpSeq f) {jumpSeq-increasing f}) (ω + ω)
                                                                     (¬¬-functor  x  jumpSeq-translate-forth f  x ) ¬¬∃nf[n]≡1))

stable≡ω·2→MP : ((x : Brw)  Stable (x  ω + ω))  MP
stable≡ω·2→MP p f ¬¬∃nf[n]≡1 = jumpSeq-translate-back f (p (limit (jumpSeq f) {jumpSeq-increasing f})
                                                           (¬¬-functor  x  jumpSeq-translate-forth f  x ) ¬¬∃nf[n]≡1))

Stable≡a+y→Stable≡y :  a y  (∀ x  Stable (x  a + y))  (∀ x  Stable (x  y))
Stable≡a+y→Stable≡y a y st x ¬¬x≡y = +-leftCancel a (st (a + x) (¬¬-functor (cong (a +_)) ¬¬x≡y))

stable≡ω·⟨n+2⟩→MP :  n  2 N.≤ n  (∀ x  Stable (x  ω · ι n))  MP
stable≡ω·⟨n+2⟩→MP zero 2≤0 st = ⊥.rec (N.¬-<-zero 2≤0)
stable≡ω·⟨n+2⟩→MP (suc zero) 2≤1 st = ⊥.rec (N.¬-<-zero (N.pred-≤-pred 2≤1))
stable≡ω·⟨n+2⟩→MP (suc (suc zero)) 2≤n st = stable≡ω·2→MP  (subst  z   x  Stable (x  z)) (x·2=x+x ω) st)
stable≡ω·⟨n+2⟩→MP (suc (suc (suc n))) (zero , p) st = ⊥.rec (snotz (sym (injSuc (injSuc p))))
stable≡ω·⟨n+2⟩→MP (suc (suc (suc n))) (suc k , p) st = stable≡ω·⟨n+2⟩→MP (suc (suc n)) (k , injSuc p) (step n st)
   step :  n  (∀ x  Stable (x  ω · ι (suc (suc (suc n)))))  (∀ x  Stable (x  ω · ι (suc (suc n))))
   step n st = Stable≡a+y→Stable≡y ω (ω · (ι (suc (suc n)))) (subst  z  (x : Brw)  Stable (x  z)) (x·n=1=x+xn {suc (suc n)} ω) st)

stable≡ω : (x : Brw)  Stable (x  ω)
stable≡ω = Brw-ind  x  Stable (x  ω))
                    _  isPropΠ λ _  Brw-is-set _ _)
                    ¬¬zero≡ω  ⊥.rec (¬¬zero≡ω zero≠lim))
                    _ ¬¬succ≡ω  ⊥.rec (¬¬succ≡ω succ≠lim))
  limit-case :  {f f↑}  (∀ i  Stable (f i  ω))  Stable (limit f {f↑}  ω)
  limit-case {f} {f↑} _ ¬¬lim≡ω = ≤-antisym lim≤ω ω≤lim
    f<ω :  i  f i < ω
    f<ω i with <ω-or-≥ω (f i)
    ... | inl fi<ω = fi<ω
    ... | inr fi≥ω = ⊥.rec (¬¬lim≡ω  lim≡ω  <-irreflexive-≡ (sym lim≡ω) (≤∘<-in-< fi≥ω (<-cocone-simple f))))
    lim≤ω : limit f {f↑}  ω
    lim≤ω = ≤-limiting f (<-in-≤  f<ω)
    ω≤lim : ω  limit f {f↑}
    ω≤lim = ω-smallest f

equality-decidable-taboo : ((x y : Brw)  Dec (x  y))  MP
equality-decidable-taboo dec = equality-notnot-stable-taboo λ x y  Dec→Stable (dec x y)

splitting-≤ : Type
splitting-≤ = Splits Brw _<_ _≤_

splitting-≤-taboo : splitting-≤  Σ-LPO
splitting-≤-taboo split f with split {limit (jumpSeq f) {jumpSeq-increasing f}} {ω + ω} (jumpSeq≤ω2 f)
... | inl jumpSeq<ω2 = inl λ k  ¬true→false (f k) λ fk≡true  <-irreflexive-≡ (jumpSeq-translate-forth f  (k , fk≡true) ) jumpSeq<ω2
... | inr jumpSeq=ω2 = inr (jumpSeq-translate-back f jumpSeq=ω2)

BrwHasSubtraction : Type
BrwHasSubtraction = (x y : Brw)  x  y  Σ[ y-x  Brw ] x + y-x  y

has-sub-to-BrwHasSubtraction : has-sub  BrwHasSubtraction
has-sub-to-BrwHasSubtraction (f , p) x y x≤y = f y x x≤y , p y x x≤y

BrwHasSubtraction-to-has-sub : BrwHasSubtraction  has-sub
BrwHasSubtraction-to-has-sub sub =  y x x≤y  fst (sub x y x≤y)) ,  y x x≤y  snd (sub x y x≤y))

Brw-sub-is-unique : has-sub  has-unique-sub
Brw-sub-is-unique (sub , is) =
  ((sub , is)) ,  { (sub' , is')  Σ≡Prop (isProp⟨is-sub⟩ Brw-is-set)
                                          (funExt λ x  funExt λ y  funExt λ p  +-leftCancel y (is x y p  sym (is' x y p))) })

BrwHasSubtraction-to-splitting-≤ : BrwHasSubtraction  splitting-≤
BrwHasSubtraction-to-splitting-≤ sub {x} {y} x≤y with sub x y x≤y
BrwHasSubtraction-to-splitting-≤ sub {x} {y} x≤y | (y-x , x+y-x≡y) with decZero y-x
... | yes y-x≡0 = inr (subst  z  x + z  y) y-x≡0 x+y-x≡y)
... | no  y-x≠0 = inl (<∘≤-in-< (x+-mono-< (zero≠x→zero<x y-x λ p  y-x≠0 (sym p))) (≤-refl-≡ x+y-x≡y))

Dec≡a+y→Dec≡y :  a y  (∀ x  Dec (x  a + y))  (∀ x  Dec (x  y))
Dec≡a+y→Dec≡y a y d x = mapDec (+-leftCancel a)  p q  p (cong (a +_) q)) (d (a + x))

limit-drop-initial :  n f {f↑}  limit f {f↑}  limit  k  f (k N.+ n))  k  f↑ (k N.+ n)}
limit-drop-initial n f {f↑} = bisim _ _ ((λ k   k , increasing→monotone f↑ (subst  z  z N.≤ k N.+ n) (+-zero k) (N.≤-k+ {k = k} zero-≤)) ) , λ k   k N.+ n , ≤-refl )

isProp⟨BrwHasSubtraction⟩ :  {x y}  isProp (Σ[ y-x  Brw ] (x + y-x  y))
isProp⟨BrwHasSubtraction⟩ {x} {y} = λ (z-x , p) (z-x' , q)  Σ≡Prop  z  Brw-is-set (x + z) _) (+-leftCancel x (p  sym q))

splitting-≤-to-BrwHasSubtraction : splitting-≤  BrwHasSubtraction
splitting-≤-to-BrwHasSubtraction split x y x≤y = Brw-ind  y   x  (x < y)  (x  y)  Σ[ y-x  Brw ] (x + y-x  y))
   z  isPropΠ2  x _  isProp⟨BrwHasSubtraction⟩))
   { x (inl x<0)  ⊥.rec (succ≰zero x<0) ; x (inr x≡y)  (zero , x≡y) })
   { ih x (inl x<sy)  let (y-x , p) = ih x (split (≤-succ-mono⁻¹ x<sy)) in (succ y-x) , cong succ p ; _ _ (inr x≡y)  (zero , x≡y) })
   { {f} {f↑} ih x (inl x<limf)  ∥-∥rec isProp⟨BrwHasSubtraction⟩
                                           (n , x<fn)  limitcase f f↑ ih x n x<fn ) (below-limit-lemma x f {f↑} x<limf) ; _ _ (inr x≡y)  (zero , x≡y) })
  y x (split x≤y)
    limitcase :  f (f↑ : increasing f) (ih :  k x  (x < f k)  (x  f k)  Σ-syntax Brw  y-x  x + y-x  f k)) 
                 x  (n : )  x < f n  Σ Brw  y-x  x + y-x  limit f)
    limitcase f f↑ ih x n x<fn = (limit  k  fst (g k)) {increasing-fstg} ,
                                  limit-pointwise-equal  n  x + fst (g n))  k  f (k N.+ n))  k  snd (g k))  sym (limit-drop-initial n f {f↑}))
        g : (k : )  Σ[ y-x  Brw ] x + y-x  f (k N.+ n)
        g k = ih (k N.+ n) x (split (<-in-≤ (<∘≤-in-< x<fn (increasing→monotone f↑ ((N.≤-+k {k = n} zero-≤))))))
        increasing-fstg : increasing  k  fst (g k))
        increasing-fstg k = +-leftCancel-< x (subst2 _<_ (sym (snd (g k))) (sym (snd (g (suc k)))) (f↑ (k N.+ n)))

splitting-≤-to-LPO : splitting-≤  LPO
splitting-≤-to-LPO split s
  = map (lim⟨jumpSeq⟩<ω2→sk≡false s)
         p   jumpSeq-translate-back s p )
        (split {limit (jumpSeq s) {jumpSeq-increasing s}} (jumpSeq≤ω2 s))

unjump : (f :   Brw)  (P : Brw  Type)
         (decP : (n : )  Dec (P (f n)))    Bool
unjump f P decP n = Dec→Bool (decP n)

unjump≡true-to-P : (f :   Brw)(P : Brw  Type)(decP : (n : )  Dec (P (f n))) 
              (k : )  unjump f P decP k  true  P (f k)
unjump≡true-to-P f P decP k e with decP k
... | yes p = p
... | no ¬p = ⊥.rec (false≢true e)

unjump≡false-to-¬P : (f :   Brw)(P : Brw  Type)(decP : (n : )  Dec (P (f n))) 
              (k : )  unjump f P decP k  false  ¬ P (f k)
unjump≡false-to-¬P f P decP k e with decP k
... | yes p = ⊥.rec (false≢true (sym e))
... | no ¬p = ¬p

P-to-unjump≡true : (f :   Brw)(P : Brw  Type)(decP : (n : )  Dec (P (f n))) 
              (k : )  P (f k)  unjump f P decP k  true
P-to-unjump≡true f P decP k pfk with decP k
... | yes p = refl
... | no ¬p = ⊥.rec (¬p pfk)

¬P-to-unjump≡false : (f :   Brw)(P : Brw  Type)(decP : (n : )  Dec (P (f n))) 
              (k : )  ¬ P (f k)  unjump f P decP k  false
¬P-to-unjump≡false f P decP k ¬pfk with decP k
... | yes p = ⊥.rec (¬pfk p )
... | no ¬p = refl

Dec¬ : {A : Type}  Dec A  Dec (¬ A)
Dec¬ (yes a) = no λ ¬a  ¬a a
Dec¬ (no ¬a) = yes ¬a

LPO→Dec≤ : LPO  ((x y : Brw)  Dec (x  y))
LPO→Dec≤ lpo = Brw-ind  x   y  Dec (x  y))  x  isPropΠ  y  isPropDec isProp⟨≤⟩))
                        y  yes ≤-zero)
                        {x} ih  Brw-ind  y  Dec (succ x  y))  y  isPropDec isProp⟨≤⟩)
                                           (no succ≰zero)
                                            {y} ih'  mapDec ≤-succ-mono  p q  p (≤-succ-mono⁻¹ q)) (ih y))
                                           λ {f} {f↑} ih'  Sum.rec  p  no λ x<lf  ∥-∥rec isProp⊥  { (k , x<fk)  unjump≡false-to-¬P f (succ x ≤_) ih' k (p k) x<fk }) (below-limit-lemma x f x<lf))
                                                                    (∥-∥rec (isPropDec isProp⟨≤⟩) λ { (n , p)  yes (≤-cocone f (unjump≡true-to-P f (succ x ≤_) ih' n p)) })
                                                                    (lpo (unjump f (succ x ≤_) ih')))
                        {f} {f↑} ih y  Sum.rec  p  yes (≤-limiting f λ k  Dec→Stable (ih k y)
                                                                                             ¬fk≤y  unjump≡false-to-¬P f  z  ¬ (z  y))  n  Dec¬ (ih n y)) k (p k) ¬fk≤y)))
                                                  (∥-∥rec (isPropDec isProp⟨≤⟩) λ { (k , e)  no λ lf≤y  unjump≡true-to-P f  z  ¬ (z  y))  n  Dec¬ (ih n y)) k e
                                                                                                                          (≤-trans (≤-cocone-simple f {k = k}) lf≤y) })
                                                  (lpo (unjump f  z  ¬ (z  y)) λ n  Dec¬ (ih n y))))

Dec≤→Dec< : ((x y : Brw)  Dec (x  y))  ((x y : Brw)  Dec (x < y))
Dec≤→Dec< d x y = d (succ x) y

LPO→Dec< : LPO  ((x y : Brw)  Dec (x < y))
LPO→Dec< lpo = Dec≤→Dec< (LPO→Dec≤ lpo)

Dec<→Decω< : ((x y : Brw)  Dec (x < y))  ((y : Brw)  Dec (ω < y))
Dec<→Decω< d y = d ω y

Decω<→LPO : ((y : Brw)  Dec (ω < y))  LPO
Decω<→LPO decω< s with decω< (limit (jumpSeq s) {jumpSeq-increasing s})
... | yes ω<lims↑ = inr  jumpSeq-translate-back s (lim⟨jumpSeq⟩>ω→lim⟨jumpSeq⟩≡ω+ω s ω<lims↑) 
... | no ¬ω<lims↑ = inl λ k  Dec→Stable (s k  false) λ sk≠false  ¬ω<lims↑ (subst (ω <_) (sym (jumpSeq-translate-forth s  (k , ¬false→true (s k) sk≠false) )) ω<ω+ω )

ω<ω·2 : ω < ω + ω
ω<ω·2 = ≤-cocone  n  ω + ι n) {_} {1} ≤-refl

sk≡false→lim⟨jumpSeq⟩≡ω : (s :   Bool)
   (∀ k  s k  false)  limit (jumpSeq s) {jumpSeq-increasing s}  ω
sk≡false→lim⟨jumpSeq⟩≡ω s sk=false = ≤-antisym (≤-limiting (jumpSeq s) λ k  ≤-cocone ι (≤-refl-≡ (jumpSeq=ι k))) (ω-smallest (jumpSeq s))
    some-below=false : (k : )  some-below s k  false
    some-below=false zero = sk=false 0
    some-below=false (suc k) = cong₂ _or_ (sk=false (suc k)) (some-below=false k)
    jumpSeq=ι : (k : )  jumpSeq s k  ι k
    jumpSeq=ι k =
      limit ι · (if some-below s k then succ zero else zero) + ι k
        ≡⟨ cong  z  limit ι · (if z then one else zero) + ι k) (some-below=false k) 
      limit ι {ι-increasing} · zero + ι k
        ≡⟨ refl 
      zero + ι k
        ≡⟨ zero+y≡y (ι k) 
      ι k

Dec≡ω→WLPO : ((x : Brw)  Dec (x  ω))  WLPO
Dec≡ω→WLPO dec s with dec (limit (jumpSeq s) {jumpSeq-increasing s})
... | yes p = inl (lim⟨jumpSeq⟩<ω2→sk≡false s (subst (_< ω + ω) (sym p) ω<ω·2))
... | no ¬p = inr  f  ¬p (sk≡false→lim⟨jumpSeq⟩≡ω s f))

WLPO→Dec≡ω : WLPO  (x : Brw)  Dec (x  ω)
WLPO→Dec≡ω wlpo = Brw-ind  x  Dec (x  ω))
                           x  isPropDec (Brw-is-set x ω))
                          (no zero≠lim)  _  no succ≠lim)
  limit-case : {f :   Brw} {f↑ : increasing f}
              ((k : )  Dec (f k  ω))  Dec (limit f {f↑}  ω)
  limit-case {f} {f↑} p = goal
    ¬isFin : Brw  Type
    ¬isFin x = ¬ x < ω
    Dec¬isFin :  i  Dec (¬isFin (f i))
    Dec¬isFin i = Dec¬ (Dec<ω (f i))
    g :   Bool
    g = unjump f ¬isFin Dec¬isFin
    g-all-false : (∀ i  g i  false)  limit f {f↑}  ω
    g-all-false gfalse = ≤-antisym lim-f≤ω (ω-smallest f)
      f<ω :  i  f i < ω
      f<ω i = Dec→Stable (Dec<ω (f i)) (unjump≡false-to-¬P f ¬isFin Dec¬isFin i (gfalse i))
      lim-f≤ω : limit f {f↑}  ω
      lim-f≤ω = ≤-limiting f  i  <-in-≤ (f<ω i))
    g-not-all-false : ¬ (∀ i  g i  false)  ¬ (limit f {f↑}  ω)
    g-not-all-false ¬gfalse lim-f≡ω = ¬gfalse gfalse
      f<ω :  i  f i < ω
      f<ω i = subst (f i <_) lim-f≡ω (<-cocone-simple f)
      gfalse :  i  g i  false
      gfalse i = ¬P-to-unjump≡false f ¬isFin Dec¬isFin i  h  h (f<ω i))
    goal : Dec (limit f  ω)
    goal with wlpo g
    ... | inl  gfalse = yes (g-all-false gfalse)
    ... | inr ¬gfalse = no (g-not-all-false ¬gfalse)

Dec× : {A B : Set}  Dec A  Dec B  Dec (A × B)
Dec× (yes a) (yes b) = yes (a , b)
Dec× (yes a) (no ¬b) = no  z  ¬b (snd z))
Dec× (no ¬a) (yes b) = no  z  ¬a (fst z))
Dec× (no ¬a) (no ¬b) = no  z  ¬b (snd z))

LPO→Dec≡ : LPO  ((x y : Brw)  Dec (x  y))
LPO→Dec≡ lpo x y = mapDec  { (x≤y , y≤x)  ≤-antisym x≤y y≤x })
                           p q  p ((≤-refl-≡ q) , ((≤-refl-≡ (sym q)))))
                          (Dec× (LPO→Dec≤ lpo x y) (LPO→Dec≤ lpo y x))

Dec≡→Dec≡ω·2 : ((x y : Brw)  Dec (x  y))  ((x : Brw)  Dec (x  ω + ω))
Dec≡→Dec≡ω·2 d x = d x (ω + ω)

Dec≡ω·2→LPO : ((x : Brw)  Dec (x  ω + ω))  LPO
Dec≡ω·2→LPO dec s with dec (limit (jumpSeq s) {jumpSeq-increasing s})
... | yes p = inr  jumpSeq-translate-back s p 
... | no ¬p = inl λ k  Dec→Stable (s k  false) λ sk≠false  ¬p (jumpSeq-translate-forth s  k , ¬false→true (s k) sk≠false )

LPO→¬≤→> : LPO  (x y : Brw)  ¬ (x  y)  y < x
LPO→¬≤→> lpo = Brw-ind  x  (y : Brw)  ¬ (x  y)  y < x)  x  isPropΠ2  y _  isProp⟨<⟩))
                        y p  ⊥.rec (p ≤-zero))
                        {x} ih  Brw-ind  y  ¬ (succ x  y)  y < succ x)  y  isProp→ isProp⟨<⟩)
                                            _  zero<succ)
                                            {y} ihy p  <-succ-mono (ih y λ q  p (≤-succ-mono q)))
                                           λ {f} {f↑}  succlimCase x ih f f↑)
                       λ {f} {f↑}  limitCase f f↑
    succlimCase :  x (ih :  y  ¬ (x  y)  y < x) g (g↑ : increasing g) 
                 (ihy :  k  ¬ (succ x  g k)  g k < succ x) 
                 ¬ (succ x  limit g)  limit g < succ x
    succlimCase x ih g g↑ ihy p = ≤∘<-in-< (≤-limiting g all-gn<x) <-succ-incr-simple
        all-¬sx≤gn : (n : )  ¬ (succ x  g n)
        all-¬sx≤gn n sx≤gn = p (≤-trans sx≤gn (≤-cocone-simple g))
        all-gn<x : (n : )  g n  x
        all-gn<x n = ≤-succ-mono⁻¹ (ihy n (all-¬sx≤gn n))
    limitCase :  f (f↑ : increasing f) 
                (ih :  k y  ¬ (f k  y)  y < f k) 
                 y  ¬ (limit f  y)  y < limit f
    limitCase f f↑ ih y p = <-trans _ _ _ (snd ∃y<fn) (<-cocone-simple f)
        ¬∀fn≤y : ¬ ((n : )  f n  y)
        ¬∀fn≤y q = p (≤-limiting f λ k  q k)
        ¬¬∃y<fn : ¬ ¬ (Σ[ n   ] (y < f n))
        ¬¬∃y<fn q = ¬∀fn≤y  n  Dec→Stable (LPO→Dec≤ lpo _ _) λ p  q (n , ih n y p))
        ∃y<fn : Σ[ n   ] (y < f n)
        ∃y<fn = map-snd  {n}  unjump≡true-to-P f (y <_)  n  LPO→Dec< lpo _ _) n) (LPO→MP lpo (unjump f (y <_)  n  LPO→Dec< lpo _ _)) (¬¬-functor (map-snd λ {n}  P-to-unjump≡true f (y <_)  n  LPO→Dec< lpo _ _) n) ¬¬∃y<fn))

LPO→¬<→≥ : LPO  (x y : Brw)  ¬ (x < y)  y  x
LPO→¬<→≥ lpo x y p with LPO→Dec≤ lpo y x
... | yes y≤x = y≤x
... | no ¬y≤x = ⊥.rec (p (LPO→¬≤→> lpo y x ¬y≤x))

LPO→trichotomy : LPO  isTrichotomous _<_
LPO→trichotomy lpo x y with LPO→Dec< lpo x y
LPO→trichotomy lpo x y | yes x<y = inl x<y
LPO→trichotomy lpo x y | no ¬x<y with LPO→Dec< lpo y x
LPO→trichotomy lpo x y | no ¬x<y | yes y<x = inr (inl y<x)
LPO→trichotomy lpo x y | no ¬x<y | no ¬y<x = inr (inr (antisym' lpo x y ¬x<y ¬y<x))
   antisym' : LPO  (x y : Brw)  ¬ (x < y)  ¬ (y < x)  x  y
   antisym' lpo x y ¬x<y ¬y<x = ≤-antisym x≤y y≤x
     contrapositive : {A B : Type}  (A  B)  ¬ B  ¬ A
     contrapositive f ¬b = λ z  ¬b (f z)
     x≤y : x  y
     x≤y = Dec→Stable (LPO→Dec≤ lpo x y) (contrapositive (LPO→¬≤→> lpo x y) ¬y<x)
     y≤x : y  x
     y≤x = Dec→Stable (LPO→Dec≤ lpo y x) (contrapositive (LPO→¬≤→> lpo y x) ¬x<y)

LPO→splitting≤ : LPO  splitting-≤
LPO→splitting≤ lpo = trichotomous→Splits-≤ <-irreflexive <∘≤-in-<
                                           (LPO→trichotomy lpo)

splitting-≤→trichotomy : splitting-≤  isTrichotomous _<_
splitting-≤→trichotomy split = LPO→trichotomy (splitting-≤-to-LPO split)

trichotomy→splitting-≤ : isTrichotomous _<_  splitting-≤
trichotomy→splitting-≤ tri = <∘≤-in-<→Splits-≤ <-irreflexive tri <∘≤-in-<

  -- alternative proof
  LPO→splitting≤' : LPO  splitting-≤
  LPO→splitting≤' lpo {x} {y} x≤y with LPO→Dec≡ lpo x y
  LPO→splitting≤' lpo {x} {y} x≤y | yes x=y = inr x=y
  LPO→splitting≤' lpo {x} {y} x≤y | no x≠y with  LPO→Dec< lpo x y
  LPO→splitting≤' lpo {x} {y} x≤y | no x≠y | yes x<y = inl x<y
  LPO→splitting≤' lpo {x} {y} x≤y | no x≠y | no ¬x<y = ⊥.rec (x≠y (≤-antisym x≤y (LPO→¬<→≥ lpo x y ¬x<y)))

has-sub→LPO : has-sub  LPO
has-sub→LPO = splitting-≤-to-LPO  BrwHasSubtraction-to-splitting-≤  has-sub-to-BrwHasSubtraction

LPO→has-sub : LPO  has-sub
LPO→has-sub = BrwHasSubtraction-to-has-sub  splitting-≤-to-BrwHasSubtraction  LPO→splitting≤

Dec≡ωn→LPO :  n  2 N.≤ n  (∀ x  Dec (x  ω · ι n))  LPO
Dec≡ωn→LPO n 2≤n dec = Dec≡ω·2→LPO (subst  z   x  Dec (x  z)) (x·2=x+x ω) (Dec≡ω2  n 2≤n dec))
    step :  n  (∀ x  Dec (x  ω · ι (suc n)))  (∀ x  Dec (x  ω · ι n))
    step n dec x = Dec≡a+y→Dec≡y ω (ω · ι n)  x  subst  z  Dec (x  z)) (x·n=1=x+xn {n} ω) (dec x)) x
    Dec≡ω2 :  n  2 N.≤ n  (∀ x  Dec (x  ω · ι n))  (∀ x  Dec (x  ω · ι 2))
    Dec≡ω2 zero 2≤0 dec = ⊥.rec (N.¬-<-zero 2≤0)
    Dec≡ω2 (suc zero) 2≤1 dec x = ⊥.rec (N.¬-<-zero (N.pred-≤-pred 2≤1))
    Dec≡ω2 (suc (suc zero)) 2≤n dec x = dec x
    Dec≡ω2 (suc (suc (suc n))) (zero , p) dec x = ⊥.rec (snotz (sym (injSuc (injSuc p))))
    Dec≡ω2 (suc (suc (suc n))) (suc k , p) dec x = Dec≡ω2 (suc (suc n)) (k , injSuc p) (step (suc (suc n)) dec) x