-- Some results of using the Code family of ≤ on Brouwer trees

{-# OPTIONS --cubical #-}

module BrouwerTree.Code.Results where

open import Cubical.Foundations.Prelude
open import Cubical.Foundations.HLevels
open import Cubical.Foundations.Function

open import Cubical.Data.Nat
import Cubical.Data.Nat.Order as N
open import Cubical.Data.Sigma
open import Cubical.Data.Empty as 
open import Cubical.Data.Sum

-- open import Cubical.Relation.Nullary using (¬_)

open import Cubical.Induction.WellFounded
  renaming (WellFounded to isWellFounded)

open import PropTrunc

open import BrouwerTree.Base
open import BrouwerTree.Properties
open import BrouwerTree.Code

open import Iff
open import General-Properties

{- Inequality between limits is equivalent to weak simulation -}

lim≤lim→weakly-bisimilar :  f {f↑} g {g↑}  (limit f {f↑}  limit g {g↑})  f  g
lim≤lim→weakly-bisimilar f {f↑} g {g↑} ⊔f≤⊔g = λ k 
  ∥-∥rec {A = Σ[ n   ] Code (f k) (g n)}
         {P =  Σ   n  f k  g n) }
          {(n , c-fk≤gn)   (n , Code→≤ c-fk≤gn) })
         (≤→Code ⊔f≤⊔g k)

weakly-bisimilar→lim≤lim :  f {f↑} g {g↑}  f  g  (limit f {f↑}  limit g {g↑})
weakly-bisimilar→lim≤lim f {f↑} g {g↑} f≤g =
    ≤-limiting f  k  ∥-∥rec ≤-trunc  (n , fk≤gn)  ≤-cocone g fk≤gn) (f≤g k))

≤-succ-mono⁻¹ :  {x y}  succ y  succ x  y  x
≤-succ-mono⁻¹ {x} {y} sy≤sx = Code→≤ (≤→Code sy≤sx)

<-succ-mono :  {x y}  y < x  succ y < succ x
<-succ-mono = ≤-succ-mono

<-succ-mono⁻¹ :  {x y}  succ y < succ x  y < x
<-succ-mono⁻¹ = ≤-succ-mono⁻¹

<-cocone-simple :  f {f↑} {k}  f k < limit f {f↑}
<-cocone-simple f {f↑} {k} = <∘≤-in-< (f↑ k) (≤-cocone-simple f {f↑} {suc k})

-- If a limit is below `succ x`, then it is already below `x`
lim≤sx→lim≤x :  f x {f↑}  limit f {f↑}  succ x  limit f {f↑}  x
lim≤sx→lim≤x f x {f↑} ⊔f≤sx =
    ≤-limiting f {f↑}  k  ≤-succ-mono⁻¹ {x} {f k}
                                           (succ (f k) ≤⟨ f↑ k 
                                            f (suc k)  ≤⟨ ≤-cocone-simple f 
                                            limit f    ≤⟨ ⊔f≤sx 
                                            succ x     ≤∎))

-- similarly for being strictly below
lim<sx→lim≤x :  f x {f↑}  limit f {f↑} < succ x  limit f {f↑}  x
lim<sx→lim≤x f x {f↑} ⊔f<sx = ≤-succ-mono⁻¹ (⊔f<sx)

-- If something is strictly below the limit of f, then it is strictly
-- below some f n. This corresponds to the succ-limit case.
below-limit-lemma :  x f {f↑}  x < limit f {f↑}   Σ   n  x < f n) 
below-limit-lemma x f {f↑} x<⊔f =
  ∥-∥rec {A = Σ[ n   ] Code (succ x) (f n)}
         {P =  Σ   n  x < f n) }
          {(n , c-sx≤fn)   n , Code→≤ c-sx≤fn })
         (≤→Code {succ x} {limit f} x<⊔f )

-- limits are closed under successors
x<lim→sx<lim :  f x {f↑}  x < limit f {f↑}  succ x < limit f {f↑}
x<lim→sx<lim f x {f↑} p = ∥-∥rec isProp⟨<⟩  { (n , x<fn)  ≤-cocone f {k = suc n} (≤∘<-in-< x<fn (f↑ n)) }) (below-limit-lemma x f p)

{- Wellfoundedness -}

smaller-accessible : (x : Brw)  Acc _<_ x   y  y  x  Acc _<_ y
smaller-accessible x is-acc⟨x⟩ y y≤x = acc  y' y'<y  access is-acc⟨x⟩ y' (<∘≤-in-< y'<y y≤x))

<-is-wellfounded : isWellFounded _<_
<-is-wellfounded =
  Brw-ind  x  Acc _<_ x)
           x  isPropAcc x)
          (acc  y y<zero  ⊥.rec (succ≰zero y<zero)))
           {x} x-acc  acc  y y<sx  smaller-accessible x x-acc y (≤-succ-mono⁻¹ y<sx)))
           {f} {f↑} f-acc  acc  y y<⊔f 
             ∥-∥rec {A = Σ[ n   ] y < f n}
                    {P = Acc _<_ y}
                    (isPropAcc y)
                     {(n , y<fn)  smaller-accessible (f n) (f-acc n) y (<-in-≤ y<fn)})
                    (below-limit-lemma y f {f↑} y<⊔f)))

<-irreflexive :  x  (x < x)  
<-irreflexive = wellfounded→irreflexive <-is-wellfounded

<-irreflexive-≡ :  {x y}  x  y  (x < y)  
<-irreflexive-≡ {x} p = subst  z  x < z  ) p (<-irreflexive x)

isProp⟨<⊎≡⟩ :  {x y}  (p q : (x < y)  (x  y))  p  q
isProp⟨<⊎≡⟩ (inl p) (inl q) = cong inl (isProp⟨<⟩ p q)
isProp⟨<⊎≡⟩ (inl p) (inr q) = ⊥.rec (<-irreflexive-≡ q p)
isProp⟨<⊎≡⟩ (inr p) (inl q) = ⊥.rec (<-irreflexive-≡ p q)
isProp⟨<⊎≡⟩ (inr p) (inr q) = cong inr (Brw-is-set _ _ p q)

{- Antisymmetry -}

≤-antisym :  {x y} -> x  y -> y  x -> x  y
≤-antisym {x} {y} =
  Brw-ind  x   y  x  y -> y  x -> x  y)
           x  isPropΠ  y  isProp→ (isProp→ (Brw-is-set _ _))))
          (Brw-ind  y  zero  y -> y  zero -> zero  y)
                    y  isProp→ (isProp→ (Brw-is-set _ _)))
           _ _  refl)
           _ x≤y y≤x  ⊥.rec (succ≰zero y≤x))
           _ x≤y y≤x  ⊥.rec (lim≰zero y≤x)))
           {x} ih 
             Brw-ind  y  succ x  y -> y  succ x -> succ x  y)
                      y  isProp→ (isProp→ (Brw-is-set _ _)))
                      x≤y y≤x  ⊥.rec (succ≰zero x≤y))
                      {y} _ sx≤sy sy≤sx 
                        cong succ (ih y (≤-succ-mono⁻¹ sx≤sy) (≤-succ-mono⁻¹ sy≤sx)))
                      {g} {g↑} _ x≤y y≤x 
                        ⊥.rec (<-irreflexive _ (≤-trans x≤y (lim≤sx→lim≤x g x {g↑} y≤x)))))
           {f} {f↑} _ 
             Brw-ind  y  limit f {f↑}  y -> y  limit f {f↑} -> limit f {f↑}  y)
                      y  isProp→ (isProp→ (Brw-is-set _ _)))
                      x≤y y≤x  ⊥.rec (lim≰zero x≤y))
                      {y} _ x≤y y≤x 
                        ⊥.rec (<-irreflexive _ (≤-trans y≤x (lim≤sx→lim≤x f y {f↑} x≤y))))
                      {g} {g↑} _ lf≤lg lg≤lf 
                        bisim f {f↑} g {g↑} (lim≤lim→weakly-bisimilar f g lf≤lg ,
                                             lim≤lim→weakly-bisimilar g f lg≤lf)))
          x y

{- Extensionality -}

<-semi-extensional : (a b : Brw)  (∀ c  (c < a)  (c < b))  a  b
<-semi-extensional =
 Brw-ind  a  (b : Brw)  (∀ c  (c < a)  (c < b))  a  b)
          a  isPropΠ2  b _  ≤-trunc))
          b _  ≤-zero)
          {x} _ b h  h x ≤-refl)
          {f} {f↑} IH b h  ≤-limiting f
                                k  IH k b
                                     c l  h c
                                               (<-trans _ _ _
                                                        l (<-cocone-simple f)))))

<-extensional : (a b : Brw)  (∀ c  (c < a)  (c < b))  a  b
<-extensional a b h = ≤-antisym (<-semi-extensional a b (fst  h))
                                (<-semi-extensional b a (snd  h))

≤-extensional : (a b : Brw)  (∀ c  (c  a)  (c  b))  a  b
≤-extensional a b h = ≤-antisym (fst (h a) ≤-refl) (snd (h b) ≤-refl)

succ-injective :  {x y}  succ y  succ x  y  x
succ-injective p = ≤-antisym (≤-succ-mono⁻¹ (≤-refl-≡ p)) (≤-succ-mono⁻¹ (≤-refl-≡ (sym p)))

ι-reflecting : {n m : }  ι n  ι m  n N.≤ m
ι-reflecting {zero} {zero} p = N.≤-refl
ι-reflecting {zero} {suc m} p = N.zero-≤
ι-reflecting {suc n} {zero} p = subst  z  z N.≤ zero) (sym (ι-injective (x≤zero→x≡zero p))) N.≤-refl
ι-reflecting {suc n} {suc m} p = N.suc-≤-suc (ι-reflecting {n} {m} (≤-succ-mono⁻¹ p))

-- ω is the smallest limit

ω-smallest :  f {f↑ : increasing f}  ω  limit f {f↑}
ω-smallest f {f↑} = weakly-bisimilar→lim≤lim ι f λ k   k , ι-pointwise-smaller f f↑ k