{-# OPTIONS --safe #-}
This file models "ZF - powerset" in cubical agda, via a cumulative hierarchy, in the sense given
in the HoTT book §10.5 "The cumulative hierarchy".

A great amount of inspiration is taken from the Coq implementations found in
Jérémy Ledent, Modeling set theory in homotopy type theory, code of which can be found online at

module Cubical.HITs.CumulativeHierarchy.Base where

open import Cubical.Foundations.Prelude
open import Cubical.Foundations.Path
open import Cubical.Foundations.Function
open import Cubical.Foundations.HLevels
open import Cubical.Foundations.Equiv using (fiber)
open import Cubical.Functions.Logic
open import Cubical.Data.Sigma
open import Cubical.HITs.PropositionalTruncation as P hiding (elim; elim2)

import Cubical.HITs.PropositionalTruncation.Monad as PropMonad

     ℓ' : Level

infix 5 _∈_

-- set up the basic hierarchy definition and _∈_ as recursive, higher inductive types
data V ( : Level) : Type (ℓ-suc )
_∈_ : (S T : V )  hProp (ℓ-suc )

eqImage : {X Y : Type } (ix : X  V ) (iy : Y  V )  Type (ℓ-suc )
eqImage {X = X} {Y = Y} ix iy = (∀ (a : X)   fiber iy (ix a) ∥₁) ⊓′
                                (∀ (b : Y)   fiber ix (iy b) ∥₁)

data V  where
  sett : (X : Type )  (X  V )  V 
  seteq : (X Y : Type ) (ix : X  V ) (iy : Y  V ) (eq : eqImage ix iy)  sett X ix  sett Y iy
  setIsSet : isSet (V )

A  sett X ix =  Σ[ i  X ] (ix i  A) ∥ₚ
A  seteq X Y ix iy (f , g) i =
  ⇔toPath {P = A  sett X ix} {Q = A  sett Y iy}
     ax  do (x , xa)  ax ; (y , ya)  f x ;  y , ya  xa ∣₁)
     ay  do (y , ya)  ay ; (x , xa)  g y ;  x , xa  ya ∣₁) i
  where open PropMonad
A  setIsSet a b p q i j = isSetHProp (A  a) (A  b)  j  A  p j)  j  A  q j) i j

-- setup a general eliminator into h-sets
record ElimSet {Z : (s : V )  Type ℓ'}
               (isSetZ :  s  isSet (Z s)) : Type (ℓ-max ℓ' (ℓ-suc )) where
    ElimSett :
       (X : Type ) (ix : X  V )
      -- ^ the structural parts of the set
       (rec :  x  Z (ix x))
      -- ^ a recursor into the elements
       Z (sett X ix)
    ElimEq :
       (X₁ X₂ : Type ) (ix₁ : X₁  V ) (ix₂ : X₂  V ) (eq : eqImage ix₁ ix₂)
      -- ^ the structural parts of the seteq path
       (rc₁ :  x₁  Z (ix₁ x₁)) (rc₂ :  x₂  Z (ix₂ x₂))
      -- ^ recursors into the elements
       ((x₁ : X₁)  ∃[ (x₂ , p)  fiber ix₂ (ix₁ x₁) ] PathP  i  Z (p i)) (rc₂ x₂) (rc₁ x₁))
       ((x₂ : X₂)  ∃[ (x₁ , p)  fiber ix₁ (ix₂ x₂) ] PathP  i  Z (p i)) (rc₁ x₁) (rc₂ x₂))
      -- ^ proofs that the recursors have equal images
       PathP  i  Z (seteq X₁ X₂ ix₁ ix₂ eq i)) (ElimSett X₁ ix₁ rc₁) (ElimSett X₂ ix₂ rc₂)

module _ {Z : (s : V )  Type ℓ'} {isSetZ :  s  isSet (Z s)} (E : ElimSet isSetZ) where
  open ElimSet E
  elim : (s : V )  Z s
  elim (sett X ix) = ElimSett X ix (elim  ix)
  elim (seteq X₁ X₂ ix₁ ix₂ eq i) =
    ElimEq X₁ X₂ ix₁ ix₂ eq (elim  ix₁) (elim  ix₂) rec₁→₂ rec₂→₁ i
    rec₁→₂ :
       (x₁ : X₁)
       ∃[ (x₂ , p)  fiber ix₂ (ix₁ x₁) ] PathP  i  Z (p i)) (elim (ix₂ x₂)) (elim (ix₁ x₁))
    rec₂→₁ :
       (x₂ : X₂)
       ∃[ (x₁ , p)  fiber ix₁ (ix₂ x₂) ] PathP  i  Z (p i)) (elim (ix₁ x₁)) (elim (ix₂ x₂))
    -- using a local definition of Prop.rec satisfies the termination checker
    rec₁→₂ x₁ = localRec₁ (eq .fst x₁) where
      localRec₁ :
           fiber ix₂ (ix₁ x₁) ∥₁
         ∃[ (x₂ , p)  fiber ix₂ (ix₁ x₁) ] PathP  i  Z (p i)) (elim (ix₂ x₂)) (elim (ix₁ x₁))
      localRec₁  x₂ , xx ∣₁ =  (x₂ , xx) ,  i  elim (xx i)) ∣₁
      localRec₁ (squash₁ x y i) = squash₁ (localRec₁ x) (localRec₁ y) i
    rec₂→₁ x₂ = localRec₂ (eq .snd x₂) where
      localRec₂ :
           fiber ix₁ (ix₂ x₂) ∥₁
         ∃[ (x₁ , p)  fiber ix₁ (ix₂ x₂) ] PathP  i  Z (p i)) (elim (ix₁ x₁)) (elim (ix₂ x₂))
      localRec₂  x₁ , xx ∣₁ =  (x₁ , xx) ,  i  elim (xx i)) ∣₁
      localRec₂ (squash₁ x y i) = squash₁ (localRec₂ x) (localRec₂ y) i
  elim (setIsSet S T x y i j) = isProp→PathP propPathP (cong elim x) (cong elim y) i j where
    propPathP : (i : I)  isProp (PathP  j  Z (setIsSet S T x y i j)) (elim S) (elim T))
    propPathP _ = subst isProp (sym (PathP≡Path _ _ _)) (isSetZ _ _ _)

-- eliminator into propositions
elimProp : {Z : (s : V )  Type ℓ'} (isPropZ :  s  isProp (Z s))
          ((X : Type )  (ix : X  V )  (∀ x  Z (ix x))  Z (sett X ix))
          (s : V )  Z s
elimProp isPropZ algz (sett X ix) = algz X ix  x  elimProp isPropZ algz (ix x))
elimProp isPropZ algz (seteq X Y ix iy eq i) =
  isProp→PathP  i  isPropZ (seteq X Y ix iy eq i))
               (algz X ix (elimProp isPropZ algz  ix))
               (algz Y iy (elimProp isPropZ algz  iy)) i
elimProp isPropZ algz (setIsSet S T x y i j) =
  isProp→SquareP  i j  isPropZ (setIsSet S T x y i j))
                  _  elimProp isPropZ algz S)
                  _  elimProp isPropZ algz T)
                 (cong (elimProp isPropZ algz) x)
                 (cong (elimProp isPropZ algz) y) i j

-- eliminator for two sets at once
record Elim2Set {Z : (s t : V )  Type ℓ'}
                (isSetZ :  s t  isSet (Z s t)) : Type (ℓ-max ℓ' (ℓ-suc )) where
    ElimSett2 :
       (X : Type ) (ix : X  V ) (Y : Type ) (iy : Y  V )
      -- ^ the structural parts of the set
       (rec :  x y  Z (ix x) (iy y))
      -- ^ a recursor into the elements
       Z (sett X ix) (sett Y iy)
    -- path when the the first argument deforms along seteq and the second argument is held constant
    ElimEqFst :
       (X₁ X₂ : Type ) (ix₁ : X₁  V ) (ix₂ : X₂  V ) (eq : eqImage ix₁ ix₂)
      -- ^ the structural parts of the seteq path
       (Y : Type ) (iy : Y  V )
      -- ^ the second argument held constant
       (rec₁ :  x₁ y  Z (ix₁ x₁) (iy y)) (rec₂ :  x₂ y  Z (ix₂ x₂) (iy y))
      -- ^ recursors into the elements
       (rec₁→₂ : (x₁ : X₁)
                 ∃[ (x₂ , p)  fiber ix₂ (ix₁ x₁) ]
                     PathP  i   y  Z (p i) (iy y))  y  rec₂ x₂ y)  y  rec₁ x₁ y))
       (rec₂→₁ : (x₂ : X₂)
                 ∃[ (x₁ , p)  fiber ix₁ (ix₂ x₂) ]
                     PathP  i   y  Z (p i) (iy y))  y  rec₁ x₁ y)  y  rec₂ x₂ y))
      -- ^ proofs that the recursors have equal images
       PathP  i  Z (seteq X₁ X₂ ix₁ ix₂ eq i) (sett Y iy))
              (ElimSett2 X₁ ix₁ Y iy rec₁)
              (ElimSett2 X₂ ix₂ Y iy rec₂)
    -- path when the the second argument deforms along seteq and the first argument is held constant
    ElimEqSnd :
       (X : Type ) (ix : X  V )
      -- ^ the first argument held constant
       (Y₁ Y₂ : Type ) (iy₁ : Y₁  V ) (iy₂ : Y₂  V )  (eq : eqImage iy₁ iy₂)
      -- ^ the structural parts of the seteq path
       (rec₁ :  x y₁  Z (ix x) (iy₁ y₁)) (rec₂ :  x y₂  Z (ix x) (iy₂ y₂))
      -- ^ recursors into the elements
       (rec₁→₂ : (y₁ : Y₁)
                 ∃[ (y₂ , p)  fiber iy₂ (iy₁ y₁) ]
                     PathP  i   x  Z (ix x) (p i))  x  rec₂ x y₂)  x  rec₁ x y₁))
       (rec₂→₁ : (y₂ : Y₂)
                 ∃[ (y₁ , p)  fiber iy₁ (iy₂ y₂) ]
                     PathP  i   x  Z (ix x) (p i))  x  rec₁ x y₁)  x  rec₂ x y₂))
      -- ^ proofs that the recursors have equal images
       PathP  i  Z (sett X ix) (seteq Y₁ Y₂ iy₁ iy₂ eq i))
              (ElimSett2 X ix Y₁ iy₁ rec₁)
              (ElimSett2 X ix Y₂ iy₂ rec₂)

module _ {Z : (s t : V )  Type ℓ'} {isSetZ :  s t  isSet (Z s t)} (E : Elim2Set isSetZ) where
  open Elim2Set E
  open ElimSet

  elim2 : (s t : V )  Z s t
  elim2 = elim pElim where
    open PropMonad

    isSetPElim :  s  isSet (∀ t  Z s t)
    isSetPElim s = isSetΠ (isSetZ s)

    eliminatorImplX : (X : Type ) (ix : X  V )
                     (rec :  x y  Z (ix x) y)
                     ElimSet  t  isSetZ (sett X ix) t)
    ElimSett (eliminatorImplX X ix rec) Y iy _ =
      ElimSett2 X ix Y iy  x  rec x  iy)
    ElimEq (eliminatorImplX X ix rec) Y₁ Y₂ iy₁ iy₂ eq _ _ _ _ =
      ElimEqSnd X ix Y₁ Y₂ iy₁ iy₂ eq  x  rec x  iy₁)  x  rec x  iy₂) rec₁→₂ rec₂→₁
      rec₁→₂ :
         (y₁ : Y₁)
         ∃[ (y₂ , p)  fiber iy₂ (iy₁ y₁) ]
             PathP  i   x  Z (ix x) (p i))  x  rec x (iy₂ y₂))  x  rec x (iy₁ y₁))
      rec₂→₁ :
         (y₂ : Y₂)
         ∃[ (y₁ , p)  fiber iy₁ (iy₂ y₂) ]
             PathP  i   x  Z (ix x) (p i))  x  rec x (iy₁ y₁))  x  rec x (iy₂ y₂))
      rec₁→₂ y₁ = do (y₂ , yy)  fst eq y₁ ;  (y₂ , yy) ,  i x  rec x (yy i)) ∣₁
      rec₂→₁ y₂ = do (y₁ , yy)  snd eq y₂ ;  (y₁ , yy) ,  i x  rec x (yy i)) ∣₁

    elimImplS :
       (X : Type ) (ix : X  V )
       (∀ x t₂  Z (ix x) t₂)
       (t : V )  Z (sett X ix) t
    elimImplS X ix rec = elim (eliminatorImplX X ix rec)

    elimImplSExt :
       (X₁ X₂ : Type ) (ix₁ : X₁  V ) (ix₂ : X₂  V )  (eq : eqImage ix₁ ix₂)
       (rec₁ :  x₁ t₂  Z (ix₁ x₁) t₂) (rec₂ :  x₂ t₂  Z (ix₂ x₂) t₂)
       ((x₁ : X₁)  ∃[ (x₂ , p)  fiber ix₂ (ix₁ x₁) ]
                        PathP  i   t  Z (p i) t) (rec₂ x₂) (rec₁ x₁))
       ((x₂ : X₂)  ∃[ (x₁ , p)  fiber ix₁ (ix₂ x₂) ]
                        PathP  i   t  Z (p i) t) (rec₁ x₁) (rec₂ x₂))
       (t : V )
       PathP  i  Z (seteq X₁ X₂ ix₁ ix₂ eq i) t)
              (elimImplS X₁ ix₁ rec₁ t)
              (elimImplS X₂ ix₂ rec₂ t)
    elimImplSExt X₁ X₂ ix₁ ix₂ eq rec₁ rec₂ rec₁→₂ rec₂→₁ =
      elimProp propPathP  Y iy _  elimImplSExtT Y iy)
      propPathP : (t : V )
                 isProp (PathP  i  Z (seteq X₁ X₂ ix₁ ix₂ eq i) t)
                                (elimImplS X₁ ix₁ rec₁ t)
                                (elimImplS X₂ ix₂ rec₂ t))
      propPathP _ = subst isProp (sym (PathP≡Path _ _ _)) (isSetZ _ _ _ _)

      elimImplSExtT : (Y : Type ) (iy : Y  V )  _ {- the appropriate path type -}
      elimImplSExtT Y iy =
        ElimEqFst X₁ X₂ ix₁ ix₂ eq Y iy  x₁ y  rec₁ x₁ (iy y))
                                         x₂ y  rec₂ x₂ (iy y)) rec₁→₂Impl rec₂→₁Impl
        rec₁→₂Impl :
           (x₁ : X₁)
           ∃[ (x₂ , p)  fiber ix₂ (ix₁ x₁) ]
               PathP  i   y  Z (p i) (iy y))  y  rec₂ x₂ (iy y))  y  rec₁ x₁ (iy y))
        rec₂→₁Impl :
           (x₂ : X₂)
           ∃[ (x₁ , p)  fiber ix₁ (ix₂ x₂) ]
               PathP  i   y  Z (p i) (iy y))  y  rec₁ x₁ (iy y))  y  rec₂ x₂ (iy y))
        rec₁→₂Impl x₁ = do ((x₂ , xx) , rx)  rec₁→₂ x₁ ;  (x₂ , xx) ,  i y  rx i (iy y)) ∣₁
        rec₂→₁Impl x₂ = do ((x₁ , xx) , rx)  rec₂→₁ x₂ ;  (x₁ , xx) ,  i y  rx i (iy y)) ∣₁

    pElim : ElimSet isSetPElim
    ElimSett pElim = elimImplS
    ElimEq pElim X₁ X₂ ix₁ ix₂ eq rec₁ rec₂ rec₁→₂ rec₂→₁ i t =
      elimImplSExt X₁ X₂ ix₁ ix₂ eq rec₁ rec₂ rec₁→₂ rec₂→₁ t i