
This file contains:

- Eliminator for propositional truncation

{-# OPTIONS --safe #-}
module Cubical.HITs.PropositionalTruncation.Properties where

open import Cubical.Core.Everything

open import Cubical.Foundations.Prelude
open import Cubical.Foundations.Equiv
open import Cubical.Foundations.Function
open import Cubical.Foundations.HLevels
open import Cubical.Foundations.Isomorphism
open import Cubical.Foundations.Univalence

open import Cubical.Data.Sigma
open import Cubical.Data.Sum hiding (rec ; elim ; map)
open import Cubical.Data.Nat using ( ; zero ; suc)
open import Cubical.Data.FinData using (Fin ; zero ; suc)

open import Cubical.HITs.PropositionalTruncation.Base

     ℓ' : Level
    A B C : Type 
    A′ : Type ℓ'

∥∥-isPropDep : (P : A  Type )  isOfHLevelDep 1  x   P x ∥₁)
∥∥-isPropDep P = isOfHLevel→isOfHLevelDep 1  _  squash₁)

rec : {P : Type }  isProp P  (A  P)   A ∥₁  P
rec Pprop f  x ∣₁ = f x
rec Pprop f (squash₁ x y i) = Pprop (rec Pprop f x) (rec Pprop f y) i

rec2 : {P : Type }  isProp P  (A  B  P)   A ∥₁   B ∥₁  P
rec2 Pprop f  x ∣₁  y ∣₁ = f x y
rec2 Pprop f  x ∣₁ (squash₁ y z i) = Pprop (rec2 Pprop f  x ∣₁ y) (rec2 Pprop f  x ∣₁ z) i
rec2 Pprop f (squash₁ x y i) z = Pprop (rec2 Pprop f x z) (rec2 Pprop f y z) i

rec3 : {P : Type }  isProp P  (A  B  C  P)   A ∥₁   B ∥₁   C ∥₁  P
rec3 Pprop f  x ∣₁  y ∣₁  z ∣₁ = f x y z
rec3 Pprop f  x ∣₁  y ∣₁ (squash₁ z w i) = Pprop (rec3 Pprop f  x ∣₁  y ∣₁ z) (rec3 Pprop f  x ∣₁  y ∣₁ w) i
rec3 Pprop f  x ∣₁ (squash₁ y z i) w = Pprop (rec3 Pprop f  x ∣₁ y w) (rec3 Pprop f  x ∣₁ z w) i
rec3 Pprop f (squash₁ x y i) z w = Pprop (rec3 Pprop f x z w) (rec3 Pprop f y z w) i

-- Old version
-- rec2 : ∀ {P : Type ℓ} → isProp P → (A → A → P) → ∥ A ∥ → ∥ A ∥ → P
-- rec2 Pprop f = rec (isProp→ Pprop) (λ a → rec Pprop (f a))

-- n-ary recursor, stated using a dependent FinVec
recFin : {m : } {P : Fin m  Type }
         {B : Type ℓ'} (isPropB : isProp B)
        ((∀ i  P i)  B)
        ((∀ i   P i ∥₁)  B)
recFin {m = zero} _ untruncHyp _ = untruncHyp  ())
recFin {m = suc m} {P = P} {B = B} isPropB untruncHyp truncFam =
  curriedishTrunc (truncFam zero) (truncFam  suc)
  curriedish : P zero  (∀ i   P (suc i) ∥₁)  B
  curriedish p₀ = recFin isPropB
                          famSuc  untruncHyp  { zero  p₀ ; (suc i)  famSuc i }))

  curriedishTrunc :  P zero ∥₁  (∀ i   P (suc i) ∥₁)  B
  curriedishTrunc = rec (isProp→ isPropB) curriedish

recFin2 : {m1 m2 : } {P : Fin m1  Fin m2  Type }
          {B : Type ℓ'} (isPropB : isProp B)
         ((∀ i j  P i j)  B)
         (∀ i j   P i j ∥₁)
recFin2 {m1 = zero} _ untruncHyp _ = untruncHyp λ ()
recFin2 {m1 = suc m1} {P = P} {B = B} isPropB untruncHyp truncFam =
  curriedishTrunc (truncFam zero) (truncFam  suc)
  curriedish : (∀ j  P zero j)  (∀ i j   P (suc i) j ∥₁)  B
  curriedish p₀ truncFamSuc = recFin2 isPropB
                              famSuc  untruncHyp λ { zero  p₀ ; (suc i)  famSuc i })

  curriedishTrunc : (∀ j   P zero j ∥₁)  (∀ i j   P (suc i) j ∥₁)  B
  curriedishTrunc = recFin (isProp→ isPropB) curriedish

elim : {P :  A ∥₁  Type }  ((a :  A ∥₁)  isProp (P a))
      ((x : A)  P  x ∣₁)  (a :  A ∥₁)  P a
elim Pprop f  x ∣₁ = f x
elim Pprop f (squash₁ x y i) =
  isOfHLevel→isOfHLevelDep 1 Pprop
    (elim Pprop f x) (elim Pprop f y) (squash₁ x y) i

elim2 : {P :  A ∥₁   B ∥₁  Type }
        (Pprop : (x :  A ∥₁) (y :  B ∥₁)  isProp (P x y))
        (f : (a : A) (b : B)  P  a ∣₁  b ∣₁)
        (x :  A ∥₁) (y :  B ∥₁)  P x y
elim2 Pprop f =
  elim  _  isPropΠ  _  Pprop _ _))
                        a  elim  _  Pprop _ _) (f a))

elim3 : {P :  A ∥₁   B ∥₁   C ∥₁  Type }
        (Pprop : ((x :  A ∥₁) (y :  B ∥₁) (z :  C ∥₁)  isProp (P x y z)))
        (g : (a : A) (b : B) (c : C)  P ( a ∣₁)  b ∣₁  c ∣₁)
        (x :  A ∥₁) (y :  B ∥₁) (z :  C ∥₁)  P x y z
elim3 Pprop g = elim2  _ _  isPropΠ  _  Pprop _ _ _))
                       a b  elim  _  Pprop _ _ _) (g a b))

-- n-ary eliminator, stated using a dependent FinVec
elimFin : {m : } {P : Fin m  Type }
          {B : (∀ i   P i ∥₁)  Type ℓ'}
          (isPropB :  x  isProp (B x))
         ((x :  i  P i)  B  i   x i ∣₁))
         ((x :  i   P i ∥₁)  B x)
elimFin {m = zero} {B = B} _ untruncHyp _ = subst B (funExt  ())) (untruncHyp  ()))
elimFin {m = suc m} {P = P} {B = B} isPropB untruncHyp x =
  subst B (funExt  { zero  refl ; (suc i)  refl}))
          (curriedishTrunc (x zero) (x  suc))
  curriedish : (x₀ : P zero) (xₛ :  i   P (suc i) ∥₁)
              B  { zero   x₀ ∣₁ ; (suc i)  xₛ i})
  curriedish x₀ xₛ = subst B (funExt  { zero  refl ; (suc i)  refl}))
     (elimFin  xₛ  isPropB  { zero   x₀ ∣₁ ; (suc i)  xₛ i}))
               y  subst B (funExt  { zero  refl ; (suc i)  refl}))
                             (untruncHyp  { zero  x₀ ; (suc i)  y i }))) xₛ)

  curriedishTrunc : (x₀ :  P zero ∥₁) (xₛ :  i   P (suc i) ∥₁)
                   B  { zero  x₀ ; (suc i)  xₛ i})
  curriedishTrunc = elim  _  isPropΠ λ _  isPropB _)
                    λ x₀ xₛ  subst B (funExt  { zero  refl ; (suc i)  refl}))
                                      (curriedish x₀ xₛ)

isPropPropTrunc : isProp  A ∥₁
isPropPropTrunc x y = squash₁ x y

propTrunc≃ : A  B   A ∥₁   B ∥₁
propTrunc≃ e =
    isPropPropTrunc isPropPropTrunc
    (rec isPropPropTrunc  a   e .fst a ∣₁))
    (rec isPropPropTrunc  b   invEq e b ∣₁))

propTruncIdempotent≃ : isProp A   A ∥₁  A
propTruncIdempotent≃ {A = A} hA = isoToEquiv f
  f : Iso  A ∥₁ A
  Iso.fun f        = rec hA (idfun A)
  Iso.inv f x      =  x ∣₁
  Iso.rightInv f _ = refl
  Iso.leftInv f    = elim  _  isProp→isSet isPropPropTrunc _ _)  _  refl)

propTruncIdempotent : isProp A   A ∥₁  A
propTruncIdempotent hA = ua (propTruncIdempotent≃ hA)

-- We could also define the eliminator using the recursor
elim' : {P :  A ∥₁  Type }  ((a :  A ∥₁)  isProp (P a)) 
        ((x : A)  P  x ∣₁)  (a :  A ∥₁)  P a
elim' {P = P} Pprop f a =
  rec (Pprop a)  x  transp  i  P (squash₁  x ∣₁ a i)) i0 (f x)) a

map : (A  B)  ( A ∥₁   B ∥₁)
map f = rec squash₁ (∣_∣₁  f)

map2 : (A  B  C)  ( A ∥₁   B ∥₁   C ∥₁)
map2 f = rec (isPropΠ λ _  squash₁) (map  f)

-- The propositional truncation can be eliminated into non-propositional
-- types as long as the function used in the eliminator is 'coherently
-- constant.' The details of this can be found in the following paper:
--   https://arxiv.org/pdf/1411.2682.pdf
module SetElim (Bset : isSet B) where
  Bset' : isSet' B
  Bset' = isSet→isSet' Bset

  rec→Set : (f : A  B) (kf : 2-Constant f)   A ∥₁  B
  helper  : (f : A  B) (kf : 2-Constant f)  (t u :  A ∥₁)
           rec→Set f kf t  rec→Set f kf u

  rec→Set f kf  x ∣₁ = f x
  rec→Set f kf (squash₁ t u i) = helper f kf t u i

  helper f kf  x ∣₁  y ∣₁ = kf x y
  helper f kf (squash₁ t u i) v
    = Bset' (helper f kf t v) (helper f kf u v) (helper f kf t u) refl i
  helper f kf t (squash₁ u v i)
    = Bset' (helper f kf t u) (helper f kf t v) refl (helper f kf u v) i

  kcomp : (f :  A ∥₁  B)  2-Constant (f  ∣_∣₁)
  kcomp f x y = cong f (squash₁  x ∣₁  y ∣₁)

  Fset : isSet (A  B)
  Fset = isSetΠ (const Bset)

  Kset : (f : A  B)  isSet (2-Constant f)
  Kset f = isSetΠ  _  isSetΠ  _  isProp→isSet (Bset _ _)))

    : (f :  A ∥₁  B)
     rec→Set (f  ∣_∣₁) (kcomp f)  f
  setRecLemma f i t
    = elim {P = λ t  rec→Set (f  ∣_∣₁) (kcomp f) t  f t}
         t  Bset _ _)  x  refl) t i

  mkKmap : ( A ∥₁  B)  Σ (A  B) 2-Constant
  mkKmap f = f  ∣_∣₁ , kcomp f

  fib : (g : Σ (A  B) 2-Constant)  fiber mkKmap g
  fib (g , kg) = rec→Set g kg , refl

  eqv : (g : Σ (A  B) 2-Constant)   fi  fib g  fi
  eqv g (f , p) =
    Σ≡Prop  f  isOfHLevelΣ 2 Fset Kset _ _)
      (cong (uncurry rec→Set) (sym p)  setRecLemma f)

  trunc→Set≃ : ( A ∥₁  B)  (Σ (A  B) 2-Constant)
  trunc→Set≃ .fst = mkKmap
  trunc→Set≃ .snd .equiv-proof g = fib g , eqv g

  -- The strategy of this equivalence proof follows the paper more closely.
  -- It is used further down for the groupoid version, because the above
  -- strategy does not generalize so easily.
  e : B  Σ (A  B) 2-Constant
  e b = const b , λ _ _  refl

  eval : A  (γ : Σ (A  B) 2-Constant)  B
  eval a₀ (g , _) = g a₀

  e-eval :  (a₀ : A) γ  e (eval a₀ γ)  γ
  e-eval a₀ (g , kg) i .fst a₁ = kg a₀ a₁ i
  e-eval a₀ (g , kg) i .snd a₁ a₂ = Bset' refl (kg a₁ a₂) (kg a₀ a₁) (kg a₀ a₂) i

  e-isEquiv : A  isEquiv (e {A = A})
  e-isEquiv a₀ = isoToIsEquiv (iso e (eval a₀) (e-eval a₀) λ _  refl)

  preEquiv₁ :  A ∥₁  B  Σ (A  B) 2-Constant
  preEquiv₁ t = e , rec (isPropIsEquiv e) e-isEquiv t

  preEquiv₂ : ( A ∥₁  Σ (A  B) 2-Constant)  Σ (A  B) 2-Constant
  preEquiv₂ = isoToEquiv (iso to const  _  refl) retr)
    to : ( A ∥₁  Σ (A  B) 2-Constant)  Σ (A  B) 2-Constant
    to f .fst x = f  x ∣₁ .fst x
    to f .snd x y i = f (squash₁  x ∣₁  y ∣₁ i) .snd x y i

    retr : retract to const
    retr f i t .fst x = f (squash₁  x ∣₁ t i) .fst x
    retr f i t .snd x y
      = Bset'
           j  f (squash₁  x ∣₁  y ∣₁ j) .snd x y j)
          (f t .snd x y)
           j  f (squash₁  x ∣₁ t j) .fst x)
           j  f (squash₁  y ∣₁ t j) .fst y)

  trunc→Set≃₂ : ( A ∥₁  B)  Σ (A  B) 2-Constant
  trunc→Set≃₂ = compEquiv (equivΠCod preEquiv₁) preEquiv₂

open SetElim public using (rec→Set; trunc→Set≃)

  : {P :  A ∥₁  Type }
   (∀ t  isSet (P t))
   (f : (x : A)  P  x ∣₁)
   (kf :  x y  PathP  i  P (squash₁  x ∣₁  y ∣₁ i)) (f x) (f y))
   (t :  A ∥₁)  P t
elim→Set {A = A} {P = P} Pset f kf t
  = rec→Set (Pset t) g gk t
  g : A  P t
  g x = transp  i  P (squash₁  x ∣₁ t i)) i0 (f x)

  gk : 2-Constant g
  gk x y i = transp  j  P (squash₁ (squash₁  x ∣₁  y ∣₁ i) t j)) i0 (kf x y i)

elim2→Set :
    {P :  A ∥₁   B ∥₁  Type }
   (∀ t u  isSet (P t u))
   (f : (x : A) (y : B)  P  x ∣₁  y ∣₁)
   (kf₁ :  x y v  PathP  i  P (squash₁  x ∣₁  y ∣₁ i)  v ∣₁) (f x v) (f y v))
   (kf₂ :  x v w  PathP  i  P  x ∣₁ (squash₁  v ∣₁  w ∣₁ i)) (f x v) (f x w))
   (sf :  x y v w  SquareP  i j  P (squash₁  x ∣₁  y ∣₁ i) (squash₁  v ∣₁  w ∣₁ j))
                              (kf₂ x v w) (kf₂ y v w) (kf₁ x y v) (kf₁ x y w))
   (t :  A ∥₁)  (u :  B ∥₁)  P t u
elim2→Set {A = A} {B = B} {P = P} Pset f kf₁ kf₂ sf =
  elim→Set  _  isSetΠ  _  Pset _ _)) mapHelper squareHelper
  mapHelper : (x : A) (u :  B ∥₁)  P  x ∣₁ u
  mapHelper x = elim→Set  _  Pset _ _) (f x) (kf₂ x)

  squareHelper : (x y : A)
                PathP  i  (u :  B ∥₁)  P (squash₁  x ∣₁  y ∣₁ i) u) (mapHelper x) (mapHelper y)
  squareHelper x y i = elim→Set  _  Pset _ _)  v  kf₁ x y v i) λ v w  sf x y v w i

RecHProp : (P : A  hProp ) (kP :  x y  P x  P y)   A ∥₁  hProp 
RecHProp P kP = rec→Set isSetHProp P kP

module GpdElim (Bgpd : isGroupoid B) where
  Bgpd' : isGroupoid' B
  Bgpd' = isGroupoid→isGroupoid' Bgpd

  module _ (f : A  B) (3kf : 3-Constant f) where
    open 3-Constant 3kf

    rec→Gpd :  A ∥₁  B
    pathHelper : (t u :  A ∥₁)  rec→Gpd t  rec→Gpd u
      : (t u v :  A ∥₁)
       Square (pathHelper t u) (pathHelper t v) refl (pathHelper u v)
      : (t u v :  A ∥₁)
       Square (pathHelper t v) (pathHelper u v) (pathHelper t u) refl

    rec→Gpd  x ∣₁ = f x
    rec→Gpd (squash₁ t u i) = pathHelper t u i

    pathHelper  x ∣₁  y ∣₁ = link x y
    pathHelper (squash₁ t u j) v = triHelper₂ t u v j
    pathHelper  x ∣₁ (squash₁ u v j) = triHelper₁  x ∣₁ u v j

    triHelper₁  x ∣₁  y ∣₁  z ∣₁ = coh₁ x y z
    triHelper₁ (squash₁ s t i) u v
      = Bgpd'
          (triHelper₁ s u v)
          (triHelper₁ t u v)
          (triHelper₂ s t u)
          (triHelper₂ s t v)
           i  refl)
           i  pathHelper u v)
    triHelper₁  x ∣₁ (squash₁ t u i) v
      = Bgpd'
          (triHelper₁  x ∣₁ t v)
          (triHelper₁  x ∣₁ u v)
          (triHelper₁  x ∣₁ t u)
           i  pathHelper  x ∣₁ v)
           i  refl)
          (triHelper₂ t u v)
    triHelper₁  x ∣₁  y ∣₁ (squash₁ u v i)
      = Bgpd'
          (triHelper₁  x ∣₁  y ∣₁ u)
          (triHelper₁  x ∣₁  y ∣₁ v)
           i  link x y)
          (triHelper₁  x ∣₁ u v)
           i  refl)
          (triHelper₁  y ∣₁ u v)

    triHelper₂  x ∣₁  y ∣₁  z ∣₁ = coh₂ x y z
    triHelper₂ (squash₁ s t i) u v
      = Bgpd'
          (triHelper₂ s u v)
          (triHelper₂ t u v)
          (triHelper₂ s t v)
           i  pathHelper u v)
          (triHelper₂ s t u)
           i  refl)
    triHelper₂  x ∣₁ (squash₁ t u i) v
      = Bgpd'
          (triHelper₂  x ∣₁ t v)
          (triHelper₂  x ∣₁ u v)
           i  pathHelper  x ∣₁ v)
          (triHelper₂ t u v)
          (triHelper₁  x ∣₁ t u)
           i  refl)
    triHelper₂  x ∣₁  y ∣₁ (squash₁ u v i)
      = Bgpd'
          (triHelper₂  x ∣₁  y ∣₁ u)
          (triHelper₂  x ∣₁  y ∣₁ v)
          (triHelper₁  x ∣₁ u v)
          (triHelper₁  y ∣₁ u v)
           i  link x y)
           i  refl)

  preEquiv₁ : ( A ∥₁  Σ (A  B) 3-Constant)  Σ (A  B) 3-Constant
  preEquiv₁ = isoToEquiv (iso fn const  _  refl) retr)
    open 3-Constant

    fn : ( A ∥₁  Σ (A  B) 3-Constant)  Σ (A  B) 3-Constant
    fn f .fst x = f  x ∣₁ .fst x
    fn f .snd .link x y i = f (squash₁  x ∣₁  y ∣₁ i) .snd .link x y i
    fn f .snd .coh₁ x y z i j
      = f (squash₁  x ∣₁ (squash₁  y ∣₁  z ∣₁ i) j) .snd .coh₁ x y z i j

    retr : retract fn const
    retr f i t .fst x = f (squash₁  x ∣₁ t i) .fst x
    retr f i t .snd .link x y j
      = f (squash₁ (squash₁  x ∣₁  y ∣₁ j) t i) .snd .link x y j
    retr f i t .snd .coh₁ x y z
      = Bgpd'
           k j  f (cb k j i0) .snd .coh₁ x y z k j )
           k j  f (cb k j i1) .snd .coh₁ x y z k j)
           k j  f (cb i0 j k) .snd .link x y j)
           k j  f (cb i1 j k) .snd .link x z j)
           _  refl)
           k j  f (cb j i1 k) .snd .link y z j)
      cb : I  I  I   _ ∥₁
      cb i j k = squash₁ (squash₁  x ∣₁ (squash₁  y ∣₁  z ∣₁ i) j) t k

  e : B  Σ (A  B) 3-Constant
  e b .fst _ = b
  e b .snd = record
           { link = λ _ _ _  b
           ; coh₁ = λ _ _ _ _ _  b

  eval : A  Σ (A  B) 3-Constant  B
  eval a₀ (g , _) = g a₀

  module _ where
    open 3-Constant
    e-eval : ∀(a₀ : A) γ  e (eval a₀ γ)  γ
    e-eval a₀ (g , 3kg) i .fst x = 3kg .link a₀ x i
    e-eval a₀ (g , 3kg) i .snd .link x y = λ j  3kg .coh₁ a₀ x y j i
    e-eval a₀ (g , 3kg) i .snd .coh₁ x y z
      = Bgpd'
           _ _  g a₀)
          (3kg .coh₁ x y z)
           k j  3kg .coh₁ a₀ x y j k)
           k j  3kg .coh₁ a₀ x z j k)
           _  refl)
           k j  3kg .coh₁ a₀ y z j k)

  e-isEquiv : A  isEquiv (e {A = A})
  e-isEquiv a₀ = isoToIsEquiv (iso e (eval a₀) (e-eval a₀) λ _  refl)

  preEquiv₂ :  A ∥₁  B  Σ (A  B) 3-Constant
  preEquiv₂ t = e , rec (isPropIsEquiv e) e-isEquiv t

  trunc→Gpd≃ : ( A ∥₁  B)  Σ (A  B) 3-Constant
  trunc→Gpd≃ = compEquiv (equivΠCod preEquiv₂) preEquiv₁

open GpdElim using (rec→Gpd; trunc→Gpd≃) public

  : ∀(x y z : A)
   Square (squash₁  x ∣₁  y ∣₁) (squash₁  x ∣₁  z ∣₁) refl (squash₁  y ∣₁  z ∣₁)
squash₁ᵗ x y z i = squash₁  x ∣₁ (squash₁  y ∣₁  z ∣₁ i)

  : (P :  A ∥₁  Type )
   (∀ t  isGroupoid (P t))
   (f : (x : A)  P  x ∣₁)
   (kf :  x y  PathP  i  P (squash₁  x ∣₁  y ∣₁ i)) (f x) (f y))
   (3kf :  x y z
          SquareP  i j  P (squash₁ᵗ x y z i j)) (kf x y) (kf x z) refl (kf y z))
   (t :  A ∥₁)  P t
elim→Gpd {A = A} P Pgpd f kf 3kf t = rec→Gpd (Pgpd t) g 3kg t
  g : A  P t
  g x = transp  i  P (squash₁  x ∣₁ t i)) i0 (f x)

  open 3-Constant

  3kg : 3-Constant g
  3kg .link x y i
    = transp  j  P (squash₁ (squash₁  x ∣₁  y ∣₁ i) t j)) i0 (kf x y i)
  3kg .coh₁ x y z i j
    = transp  k  P (squash₁ (squash₁ᵗ x y z i j) t k)) i0 (3kf x y z i j)

RecHSet : (P : A  TypeOfHLevel  2)  3-Constant P   A ∥₁  TypeOfHLevel  2
RecHSet P 3kP = rec→Gpd (isOfHLevelTypeOfHLevel 2) P 3kP

∥∥-IdempotentL-⊎-≃ :   A ∥₁  A′ ∥₁   A  A′ ∥₁
∥∥-IdempotentL-⊎-≃ = isoToEquiv ∥∥-IdempotentL-⊎-Iso
  where ∥∥-IdempotentL-⊎-Iso : Iso (  A ∥₁  A′ ∥₁)  ( A  A′ ∥₁)
        Iso.fun ∥∥-IdempotentL-⊎-Iso x = rec squash₁ lem x
          where lem :  A ∥₁  A′   A  A′ ∥₁
                lem (inl x) = map  a  inl a) x
                lem (inr x) =  inr x ∣₁
        Iso.inv ∥∥-IdempotentL-⊎-Iso x = map lem x
          where lem : A  A′   A ∥₁  A′
                lem (inl x) = inl  x ∣₁
                lem (inr x) = inr x
        Iso.rightInv ∥∥-IdempotentL-⊎-Iso x = squash₁ (Iso.fun ∥∥-IdempotentL-⊎-Iso (Iso.inv ∥∥-IdempotentL-⊎-Iso x)) x
        Iso.leftInv ∥∥-IdempotentL-⊎-Iso x  = squash₁ (Iso.inv ∥∥-IdempotentL-⊎-Iso (Iso.fun ∥∥-IdempotentL-⊎-Iso x)) x

∥∥-IdempotentL-⊎ :   A ∥₁  A′ ∥₁   A  A′ ∥₁
∥∥-IdempotentL-⊎ = ua ∥∥-IdempotentL-⊎-≃

∥∥-IdempotentR-⊎-≃ :  A   A′ ∥₁ ∥₁   A  A′ ∥₁
∥∥-IdempotentR-⊎-≃ = isoToEquiv ∥∥-IdempotentR-⊎-Iso
  where ∥∥-IdempotentR-⊎-Iso : Iso ( A   A′ ∥₁ ∥₁) ( A  A′ ∥₁)
        Iso.fun ∥∥-IdempotentR-⊎-Iso x = rec squash₁ lem x
          where lem : A   A′ ∥₁   A  A′ ∥₁
                lem (inl x) =  inl x ∣₁
                lem (inr x) = map  a  inr a) x
        Iso.inv ∥∥-IdempotentR-⊎-Iso x = map lem x
          where lem : A  A′  A   A′ ∥₁
                lem (inl x) = inl x
                lem (inr x) = inr  x ∣₁
        Iso.rightInv ∥∥-IdempotentR-⊎-Iso x = squash₁ (Iso.fun ∥∥-IdempotentR-⊎-Iso (Iso.inv ∥∥-IdempotentR-⊎-Iso x)) x
        Iso.leftInv ∥∥-IdempotentR-⊎-Iso x  = squash₁ (Iso.inv ∥∥-IdempotentR-⊎-Iso (Iso.fun ∥∥-IdempotentR-⊎-Iso x)) x

∥∥-IdempotentR-⊎ :  A   A′ ∥₁ ∥₁   A  A′ ∥₁
∥∥-IdempotentR-⊎ = ua ∥∥-IdempotentR-⊎-≃

∥∥-Idempotent-⊎ : {A : Type } {A′ : Type ℓ'}    A ∥₁   A′ ∥₁ ∥₁   A  A′ ∥₁
∥∥-Idempotent-⊎ {A = A} {A′} =   A ∥₁   A′ ∥₁ ∥₁ ≡⟨ ∥∥-IdempotentR-⊎ 
                                 A ∥₁  A′ ∥₁     ≡⟨ ∥∥-IdempotentL-⊎ 
                                A  A′ ∥₁         

∥∥-IdempotentL-×-≃ :   A ∥₁ × A′ ∥₁   A × A′ ∥₁
∥∥-IdempotentL-×-≃ = isoToEquiv ∥∥-IdempotentL-×-Iso
  where ∥∥-IdempotentL-×-Iso : Iso (  A ∥₁ × A′ ∥₁) ( A × A′ ∥₁)
        Iso.fun ∥∥-IdempotentL-×-Iso x = rec squash₁ lem x
          where lem :  A ∥₁ × A′   A × A′ ∥₁
                lem (a , a′) = map2  a a′  a , a′) a  a′ ∣₁
        Iso.inv ∥∥-IdempotentL-×-Iso x = map lem x
          where lem : A × A′   A ∥₁ × A′
                lem (a , a′) =  a ∣₁ , a′
        Iso.rightInv ∥∥-IdempotentL-×-Iso x = squash₁ (Iso.fun ∥∥-IdempotentL-×-Iso (Iso.inv ∥∥-IdempotentL-×-Iso x)) x
        Iso.leftInv ∥∥-IdempotentL-×-Iso x  = squash₁ (Iso.inv ∥∥-IdempotentL-×-Iso (Iso.fun ∥∥-IdempotentL-×-Iso x)) x

∥∥-IdempotentL-× :   A ∥₁ × A′ ∥₁   A × A′ ∥₁
∥∥-IdempotentL-× = ua ∥∥-IdempotentL-×-≃

∥∥-IdempotentR-×-≃ :  A ×  A′ ∥₁ ∥₁   A × A′ ∥₁
∥∥-IdempotentR-×-≃ = isoToEquiv ∥∥-IdempotentR-×-Iso
  where ∥∥-IdempotentR-×-Iso : Iso ( A ×  A′ ∥₁ ∥₁) ( A × A′ ∥₁)
        Iso.fun ∥∥-IdempotentR-×-Iso x = rec squash₁ lem x
          where lem : A ×  A′ ∥₁   A × A′ ∥₁
                lem (a , a′) = map2  a a′  a , a′)  a ∣₁ a′
        Iso.inv ∥∥-IdempotentR-×-Iso x = map lem x
          where lem : A × A′  A ×  A′ ∥₁
                lem (a , a′) = a ,  a′ ∣₁
        Iso.rightInv ∥∥-IdempotentR-×-Iso x = squash₁ (Iso.fun ∥∥-IdempotentR-×-Iso (Iso.inv ∥∥-IdempotentR-×-Iso x)) x
        Iso.leftInv ∥∥-IdempotentR-×-Iso x  = squash₁ (Iso.inv ∥∥-IdempotentR-×-Iso (Iso.fun ∥∥-IdempotentR-×-Iso x)) x

∥∥-IdempotentR-× :  A ×  A′ ∥₁ ∥₁   A × A′ ∥₁
∥∥-IdempotentR-× = ua ∥∥-IdempotentR-×-≃

∥∥-Idempotent-× : {A : Type } {A′ : Type ℓ'}    A ∥₁ ×  A′ ∥₁ ∥₁   A × A′ ∥₁
∥∥-Idempotent-× {A = A} {A′} =   A ∥₁ ×  A′ ∥₁ ∥₁ ≡⟨ ∥∥-IdempotentR-× 
                                 A ∥₁ × A′ ∥₁     ≡⟨ ∥∥-IdempotentL-× 
                                A × A′ ∥₁         

∥∥-Idempotent-×-≃ : {A : Type } {A′ : Type ℓ'}    A ∥₁ ×  A′ ∥₁ ∥₁   A × A′ ∥₁
∥∥-Idempotent-×-≃ {A = A} {A′} = compEquiv ∥∥-IdempotentR-×-≃ ∥∥-IdempotentL-×-≃

∥∥-×-≃ : {A : Type } {A′ : Type ℓ'}   A ∥₁ ×  A′ ∥₁   A × A′ ∥₁
∥∥-×-≃ {A = A} {A′} = compEquiv (invEquiv (propTruncIdempotent≃ (isProp× isPropPropTrunc isPropPropTrunc))) ∥∥-Idempotent-×-≃

∥∥-× : {A : Type } {A′ : Type ℓ'}   A ∥₁ ×  A′ ∥₁   A × A′ ∥₁
∥∥-× = ua ∥∥-×-≃

-- using this we get a convenient recursor/eliminator for binary functions into sets
rec2→Set : {A B C : Type } (Cset : isSet C)
          (f : A  B  C)
          (∀ (a a' : A) (b b' : B)  f a b  f a' b')
           A ∥₁   B ∥₁  C
rec2→Set {A = A} {B = B} {C = C} Cset f fconst = curry (g  ∥∥-×-≃ .fst)
 g :  A × B ∥₁  C
 g = rec→Set Cset (uncurry f) λ x y  fconst (fst x) (fst y) (snd x) (snd y)