---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Brouwer trees ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {-# OPTIONS --cubical #-} module BrouwerTree.Everything where {- Definition -} open import BrouwerTree.Base public {- Some properties of Brouwer trees -} open import BrouwerTree.Properties public {- Characterisation of ≤ for Brouwer trees via a family Code -} open import BrouwerTree.Code public {- Some results of using the Code family, e.g. antisymmetry and extensionality -} open import BrouwerTree.Code.Results public {- Classifiability -} open import BrouwerTree.Classifiability public {- Arithmetic operations -} open import BrouwerTree.Arithmetic public {- Properties of arithmetic operations -} open import BrouwerTree.Arithmetic.Properties public {- Correctness of arithmetic operations -} open import BrouwerTree.Arithmetic.Correctness public {- An alternative definition of Brouwer trees -} open import BrouwerTree.AlternativeDefinition {- Decidability and undecidability results -} open import BrouwerTree.Decidability public open import BrouwerTree.Decidability.Finite public open import BrouwerTree.Decidability.Joins public