-- An alternative definition of Brouwer trees

{-# OPTIONS --cubical #-}

{- This file presents an alternative definition of Brouwer trees.
   The difference to our main definition of Brouwer trees is:
   * The main definition uses a constructors
     `bisim` and `trunc` which ensure that weakly bisimilar
     sequences have equal limits, and that the type of
     Brouwer trees is a set.
   * This alternative definition instead directly uses a
     constructor `antisym`.
   Here, we show that the two definitions are equivalent.

module BrouwerTree.AlternativeDefinition where

open import Cubical.Foundations.Prelude
open import Cubical.Foundations.Equiv
open import Cubical.Foundations.Isomorphism
open import Cubical.Foundations.HLevels
open import Cubical.Foundations.Function

open import Cubical.Data.Nat
open import Cubical.Data.Sigma

open import Cubical.Relation.Nullary
  using (HSeparated; HSeparated→isSet)

open import PropTrunc

open import BrouwerTree.Base
open import BrouwerTree.Properties
open import BrouwerTree.Code
open import BrouwerTree.Code.Results

{- The alternative definition -}

  data Brw' : Type where
    zero'    : Brw'
    succ'    : Brw' -> Brw'
    limit'   : (f :  -> Brw') {f↑ : increasing' f} -> Brw'
    antisym' :  {x y} -> x ≤' y -> y ≤' x -> x  y

  data _≤'_ : Brw' -> Brw' -> Type where
    ≤-zero'    :  {x}  zero' ≤' x
    ≤-trans'   :  {x y z} -> x ≤' y -> y ≤' z -> x ≤' z
    succ-mono' :  {x y} -> x ≤' y -> succ' x ≤' succ' y
    cocone'    :  f {f↑} k {x} -> x ≤' f k -> x ≤' limit' f {f↑}
    limiting'  :  f {f↑ x} -> ((k : ) -> f k ≤' x) -> limit' f {f↑} ≤' x
    ≤-trunc'   :  {x y} -> isProp (x ≤' y)

  _<'_ : Brw' -> Brw' -> Type
  x <' y = succ' x ≤' y

  increasing' : (  Brw') -> Type
  increasing' f =  k  f k <' f (suc k)

Brw'-ind :  {a} 
             (P : Brw'  Type a) 
             (P-prop : (x : Brw')  isProp (P x)) 
             (z : P zero') 
             (s : {x : Brw'}  P x  P (succ' x)) 
             (l :  {f f↑}  ((k : )  P (f k))  P (limit' f {f↑})) 
             (x : Brw')  P x
Brw'-ind P isProp⟨P⟩ z s l zero' = z
Brw'-ind P isProp⟨P⟩ z s l (succ' x) = s (Brw'-ind P isProp⟨P⟩ z s l x)
Brw'-ind P isProp⟨P⟩ z s l (limit' f {f↑}) = l λ k  Brw'-ind P isProp⟨P⟩ z s l (f k)
Brw'-ind P isProp⟨P⟩ z s l (antisym' {x} {y} p q i) =
  isProp→PathP  j  isProp⟨P⟩ (antisym' p q j))
               (Brw'-ind P isProp⟨P⟩ z s l x)
               (Brw'-ind P isProp⟨P⟩ z s l y) i

≤'-refl :  {x}  x ≤' x
≤'-refl {zero'} = ≤-zero'
≤'-refl {succ' x} = succ-mono' (≤'-refl {x})
≤'-refl {limit' f {f↑}} = limiting' f {f↑} λ k  cocone' f {f↑} k {f k} (≤'-refl {f k})
≤'-refl {antisym' {x} {y} p q i} =
  isProp→PathP {B = λ i  antisym' p q i ≤' antisym' p q i}
                _  ≤-trunc')
               (≤'-refl {x})
               (≤'-refl {y}) i

≤'-refl-≡ :  {x y}  x  y  x ≤' y
≤'-refl-≡ {x} {y} x≡y = subst  z  z ≤' y) (sym x≡y) ≤'-refl

Brw'-hSeparated : HSeparated Brw'
Brw'-hSeparated x y ∣x≡y∣ = antisym' x≤y y≤x
  x≤y×y≤x =
      (isProp× ≤-trunc' ≤-trunc')
       x≡y  subst  z  x ≤' z) x≡y ≤'-refl , subst  z  z ≤' x) x≡y ≤'-refl)
      (fromLib∥-∥ ∣x≡y∣)
  x≤y = fst x≤y×y≤x
  y≤x = snd x≤y×y≤x

Brw'-is-set : isSet Brw'
Brw'-is-set = HSeparated→isSet Brw'-hSeparated

open import Simulations Brw' _≤'_
  renaming (_simulated-by_ to _≲'_ ; _bisimilar-to_ to _≈'_)

bisim→≤' :  {f f↑ g g↑}  f ≲' g  limit' f {f↑} ≤' limit' g {g↑}
bisim→≤' {f} {f↑} {g} {g↑} f≲g =
  limiting' f {x = limit' g}  k  ∥-∥rec {A = Σ[ n   ] f k ≤' g n}
                                           {P = f k ≤' limit' g}
                                            {(n , fk≤'gn)  cocone' g n {f k} fk≤'gn})
                                           (f≲g k))

bisim' :  {f f↑ g g↑}  f ≈' g  limit' f {f↑}  limit' g {g↑}
bisim' {f} {f↑} {g} {g↑} (f≲'g , g≲'f) = antisym' (bisim→≤' f≲'g) (bisim→≤' g≲'f)

{- Maps back and forth -}

  Brw→Brw' : Brw  Brw'
  Brw→Brw' zero = zero'
  Brw→Brw' (succ x) = succ' (Brw→Brw' x)
  Brw→Brw' (limit f {f↑}) = limit' (Brw→Brw'  f)
                                    k  Brw→Brw'-mono {succ (f k)} {f (suc k)} (f↑ k)}
  Brw→Brw' (bisim f {f↑} g {g↑} (f≲g , g≲f) i) =
    bisim' {f↑ = λ k  Brw→Brw'-mono {succ (f k)} {f (suc k)} (f↑ k)}
           {g↑ = λ k  Brw→Brw'-mono {succ (g k)} {g (suc k)} (g↑ k)}
           (Brw→Brw'-pres-bisim f≲g  , Brw→Brw'-pres-bisim g≲f) i
  Brw→Brw' (trunc x y p q i j) = isSet→SquareP {A = λ _ _  Brw'}  _ _  Brw'-is-set)
                                                 j  Brw→Brw' (p j))
                                                 j  Brw→Brw' (q j))
                                                refl i j

  Brw→Brw'-mono :  {x y}  x  y  (Brw→Brw' x ≤' Brw→Brw' y)
  Brw→Brw'-mono {.zero} {y} ≤-zero = ≤-zero'
  Brw→Brw'-mono (≤-trans {x} {y} {z} x≤y y≤z) = ≤-trans' (Brw→Brw'-mono x≤y) (Brw→Brw'-mono y≤z)
  Brw→Brw'-mono {.(succ x)} {.(succ y)} (≤-succ-mono {x} {y} x≤y) = succ-mono' (Brw→Brw'-mono x≤y)
  Brw→Brw'-mono {x} {.(limit f)} (≤-cocone f {k = k} x≤y) = cocone' (Brw→Brw'  f) k
                                                                    (Brw→Brw'-mono x≤y)
  Brw→Brw'-mono {.(limit f)} {y} (≤-limiting f f≤y) = limiting' (Brw→Brw'  f) (Brw→Brw'-mono  f≤y)
  Brw→Brw'-mono {x} {y} (≤-trunc p q i) = ≤-trunc' (Brw→Brw'-mono p) (Brw→Brw'-mono q) i

  -- Agda does not see that the recursive call on `fk≤gn` is structurally smaller,
  -- because it has been uncovered under the propositional truncation. In the
  -- "official" induction principle, we instead get a family of truncated inductive hypothesis,
  -- and here we can uncover the k-th one because we are proving a proposition.
  -- To work around this, we mark the definition as terminating.
  Brw→Brw'-pres-bisim :  {f g}  f  g  (Brw→Brw'  f) ≲' (Brw→Brw'  g)
  Brw→Brw'-pres-bisim {f} {g} f≲g =
    λ k  ∥-∥rec {A = Σ[ n   ] f k  g n}
                 {P =  Σ[ n   ] Brw→Brw' (f k) ≤' Brw→Brw' (g n) }
                  {(n , fk≤gn)  (n , Brw→Brw'-mono fk≤gn)})
                 (f≲g k)

  Brw'→Brw : Brw'  Brw
  Brw'→Brw zero' = zero
  Brw'→Brw (succ' x) = succ (Brw'→Brw x)
  Brw'→Brw (limit' f {f↑}) = limit  n  Brw'→Brw (f n))  k  Brw'→Brw-mono (f↑ k)}
  Brw'→Brw (antisym' p q i) = ≤-antisym (Brw'→Brw-mono p) (Brw'→Brw-mono q) i

  Brw'→Brw-mono :  {x y}  x ≤' y  (Brw'→Brw x  Brw'→Brw y)
  Brw'→Brw-mono ≤-zero' = ≤-zero
  Brw'→Brw-mono (≤-trans' x≤z z≤y) = ≤-trans (Brw'→Brw-mono x≤z) (Brw'→Brw-mono z≤y)
  Brw'→Brw-mono (succ-mono' x≤y) = ≤-succ-mono (Brw'→Brw-mono x≤y)
  Brw'→Brw-mono (cocone' f k x≤fk) = ≤-cocone  n  Brw'→Brw (f n)) {k = k} (Brw'→Brw-mono x≤fk)
  Brw'→Brw-mono (limiting' f f≤y) = ≤-limiting  n  Brw'→Brw (f n))  k  Brw'→Brw-mono (f≤y k))
  Brw'→Brw-mono (≤-trunc' p q i) = ≤-trunc (Brw'→Brw-mono p) (Brw'→Brw-mono q) i

{- Identities are straightforward. -}

right-identity : (x : Brw')  Brw→Brw' (Brw'→Brw x)  x
right-identity = Brw'-ind  x  Brw→Brw' (Brw'→Brw x)  x)
                           c  Brw'-is-set _ _)
                           {x} ih  cong succ' ih)
                           {f} {f↑} ih  bisim' ((λ k   k , ≤'-refl-≡ (ih k) ) ,
                                                    k   k , ≤'-refl-≡ (sym (ih k)) )))

left-identity : (x : Brw)  Brw'→Brw (Brw→Brw' x)  x
left-identity = Brw-ind  x  Brw'→Brw (Brw→Brw' x)  x)
                         c  Brw-is-set _ _)
                         {x} ih  cong succ ih)
                         {f} {f↑} ih  bisim  n  Brw'→Brw (Brw→Brw' (f n))) f
                                               ((λ k   k , ≤-refl-≡ (ih k) ) ,
                                                 k   k , ≤-refl-≡ (sym (ih k)) )))

{- Hence Brw and Brw' are equivalent. -}

Brw≃Brw' : Brw  Brw'
Brw≃Brw' = isoToEquiv (iso Brw→Brw'  Brw'→Brw right-identity left-identity)