Chuangjie Xu 2013 (updated in February 2015)


{-# OPTIONS --without-K #-}

module AddingProbeAxiom.Space.YonedaLemma where

open import Preliminaries.SetsAndFunctions hiding (_+_)
open import Preliminaries.NaturalNumber
open import Preliminaries.Boolean
open import Preliminaries.Sequence
open import Continuity.UniformContinuity
open import UsingNotNotFunext.NotNot
open import AddingProbeAxiom.Space.Coverage
open import AddingProbeAxiom.Space.Space
open import AddingProbeAxiom.Space.CartesianClosedness
open import AddingProbeAxiom.Space.DiscreteSpace


Because our site is a one-object category, there is only one representable
sheaf, which is concrete and hence can be regarded as a C-space.  This concrete
sheaf, seen as a C-space, is the set ₂ℕ equipped with all uniformly continuous
maps ₂ℕ → ₂ℕ as probes.  Moreover, it is (isomorphic to) the exponential of the
discrete spaces ₂Space and ℕSpace in the category of C-spaces.  The following
lemma is one direction of this fact, which assigns each probe on ₂ℕ, i.e. a
uniformly continuous map, to a probe on the exponential ℕSpace ⇒ ₂Space.


Lemma[₂ℕ→₂ℕ-to-₂ℕ→ℕ⇒₂] : (r : ₂ℕ  ₂ℕ)  r  C 
     Σ \(φ : ₂ℕ  U (ℕSpace  ₂Space))  φ  Probe (ℕSpace  ₂Space)
Lemma[₂ℕ→₂ℕ-to-₂ℕ→ℕ⇒₂] r ucr = φ , prf
  φ : ₂ℕ  U (ℕSpace  ₂Space)
  φ α = r α , Lemma[discrete-ℕSpace] ₂Space (r α)
  prf : ∀(p : ₂ℕ  )  p  LC  ∀(t : ₂ℕ  ₂ℕ)  t  C 
          α  (pr₁  φ)(t α)(p α))  LC
  prf p ucp t uct = Lemma[LM-₂-least-modulus] q l pr
    q : ₂ℕ  
    q α = (pr₁  φ)(t α)(p α)
    m : 
    m = pr₁ ucp
    f : ₂Fin m  
    f s = p (cons s )
    eq : ∀(α : ₂ℕ)  p α  f (take m α)
    eq α = pr₁ (pr₂ ucp) α (cons (take m α) ) (Lemma[cons-take-≡[]] m α )
    k' : 
    k' = pr₁ (max-fin f)
    k'-max : ∀(α : ₂ℕ)  p α  k'
    k'-max α = transport  i  i  k') ((eq α) ⁻¹) (pr₂ (max-fin f) (take m α))
    k : 
    k = succ k'
    k-max : ∀(α : ₂ℕ)  p α < k
    k-max α = ≤-succ (k'-max α)
    ucrt : uniformly-continuous-₂ℕ (r  t)
    ucrt = Lemma[∘-UC] r ucr t uct
    n : 
    n = pr₁ (ucrt k)
    l : 
    l = max m n
    m≤l : m  l
    m≤l = max-spec₀ m n
    n≤l : n  l
    n≤l = max-spec₁ m n
    pr : ∀(α β : ₂ℕ)  α ≡[ l ] β  r(t α)(p α)  r(t β)(p β)
    pr α β awl = transport  i  r(t α)(p α)  r(t β) i) eqp subgoal
      awm : α ≡[ m ] β
      awm = Lemma[≡[]-≤] awl m≤l
      eqp : p α  p β
      eqp = pr₁ (pr₂ ucp) α β awm
      awn : α ≡[ n ] β
      awn = Lemma[≡[]-≤] awl n≤l
      awk : r (t α) ≡[ k ] r (t β)
      awk = pr₁ (pr₂ (ucrt k)) α β awn
      subgoal : r(t α)(p α)  r(t β)(p α)
      subgoal = Lemma[≡[]-<] awk (p α) (k-max α)


In particular, the "identity" map ₂ℕ → U(ℕSpace ⇒ ₂Space) is a probe on the
exponential ℕSpace ⇒ ₂Space.


ID : ₂ℕ  U(ℕSpace  ₂Space)
ID = pr₁ (Lemma[₂ℕ→₂ℕ-to-₂ℕ→ℕ⇒₂] id Lemma[id-UC])

Lemma[ID-[≡]] : ∀(α : U (ℕSpace  ₂Space))  ¬¬ α  ID (pr₁ α)
Lemma[ID-[≡]] α = Lemma[Map-₂-[≡]] ℕSpace α (ID (pr₁ α))  _  refl)

ID-is-a-probe : ID  Probe(ℕSpace  ₂Space)
ID-is-a-probe = pr₂ (Lemma[₂ℕ→₂ℕ-to-₂ℕ→ℕ⇒₂] id Lemma[id-UC])


Using the above facts, we conclude that the Yoneda Lemma amounts to saying that
the set of continuous maps from the exponential ℕSpace ⇒ ₂Space to any C-space X
is isomorphic to the C-topology of X.  The following gives one direction of the
Yoneda Lemma, which is sufficient to construct a fan functional.


Lemma[Yoneda] : ∀(X : Space)  Map (ℕSpace  ₂Space) X 
                 Σ \(p : ₂ℕ  U X)  p  Probe X
Lemma[Yoneda] X (f , cts) = (f  ID) , (cts ID ID-is-a-probe)
