Chuangjie Xu 2013 (updated in February 2015)

This module discusses the double-negation monad.


{-# OPTIONS --without-K #-}

module UsingNotNotFunext.NotNot where

open import Preliminaries.SetsAndFunctions
open import Preliminaries.NaturalNumber hiding (_+_)
open import Preliminaries.Boolean

infixl 10 ¬¬_

¬¬_ : ∀{}  Set   Set 
¬¬_ X = ¬ (¬ X)

Theorem[¬¬-final] :

  ∀(T : Set  Set)  (∀{A B}  (A  B)  T A  T B)  (T   ) 

  ∀{A}  T A  ¬¬ A

Theorem[¬¬-final] T fT eT ta na = eT (fT na ta)

hide : {X : Set}  X  ¬¬ X
hide x u = u x

back-to-∅ : ¬¬   
back-to-∅ φ = φ id

extension : {X Y : Set}  (X  ¬¬ Y)  ¬¬ X  ¬¬ Y
extension f φ v = φ  x  f x v)

¬¬∅-elim : {A : Set}  ¬¬   A
¬¬∅-elim = ∅-elim  back-to-∅

functor : {X Y : Set}  (X  Y)  ¬¬ X  ¬¬ Y
functor f = extension (hide  f)

functor₂ : {X Y Z : Set}  (X  Y  Z)  ¬¬ X  ¬¬ Y  ¬¬ Z
functor₂ f xh yh = extension x  functor (f x) yh) xh

Lemma[[X→Y]⇒X→[Y]] : {X : Set}{Y : X  Set}
                    ¬¬ ((x : X)  Y x)  (x : X)  ¬¬ (Y x)
Lemma[[X→Y]⇒X→[Y]] fh x = functor f  f x) fh

Lemma[[X→Y]⇒[X]→[Y]] : {X Y : Set}  ¬¬ (X  Y)  ¬¬ X  ¬¬ Y
Lemma[[X→Y]⇒[X]→[Y]] fh = extension(Lemma[[X→Y]⇒X→[Y]] fh)

decidable-structure : {X : Set}  decidable X  ¬¬ X  X
decidable-structure (inl x) xh = x
decidable-structure (inr u) xh = ¬¬∅-elim (functor u xh)

Lemma[[≡]→≡]-ℕ : {m n : }  ¬¬ m  n  m  n
Lemma[[≡]→≡]-ℕ {m} {n} = decidable-structure (ℕ-discrete m n)

Lemma[[≡]→≡]-₂ : {b b' : }  ¬¬ b  b'  b  b'
Lemma[[≡]→≡]-₂ {b} {b'} = decidable-structure (₂-discrete b b')


The double negations of identity type and related properties:


¬¬refl : {X : Set}{x : X}  ¬¬ x  x
¬¬refl = hide refl

¬¬sym : {X : Set}{x₀ x₁ : X}  ¬¬ x₀  x₁  ¬¬ x₁  x₀
¬¬sym = functor _⁻¹

¬¬trans : {X : Set}{x₀ x₁ x₂ : X}  ¬¬ x₀  x₁  ¬¬ x₁  x₂  ¬¬ x₀  x₂
¬¬trans = functor₂ _·_

¬¬transport : {X : Set}{x x' : X}(Y : X  Set)
             ¬¬ x  x'  ¬¬ Y x  ¬¬ Y x'
¬¬transport Y = functor₂ (transport Y)

¬¬ap : {X Y : Set}  (f : X  Y)  {x₀ x₁ : X}  ¬¬ x₀  x₁  ¬¬ f x₀  f x₁
¬¬ap f = functor (ap f)

¬¬fun-ap : {X Y : Set}  ∀{f g : X  Y}  ¬¬ f  g  ∀(x : X)  ¬¬ f x  g x
¬¬fun-ap eh x = functor e  fun-ap e x) eh

¬¬pair⁼ : {X : Set}{Y : X  Set}{x x' : X}{y : Y x}{y' : Y x'}
         (p : x  x')  ¬¬ transport Y p y  y'  ¬¬ (x , y)  (x' , y')
¬¬pair⁼ p = functor (pair⁼ p)

¬¬pairˣ⁼ : {X Y : Set} {x x' : X} {y y' : Y}
          ¬¬ x  x'  ¬¬ y  y'  ¬¬ (x , y)  (x' , y')
¬¬pairˣ⁼ = functor₂ pairˣ⁼
