-- A positive formulation of "no infinitely descending sequences"

{- We recall and generalise the proof that wellfounded orders have no
   infinitely descending sequences, formulated positively, from

     Threee quivalent ordinal notation systems in cubical agda.

{-# OPTIONS --cubical --safe #-}

module InfinitelyDescendingSequences where

open import Cubical.Foundations.Prelude
open import Cubical.Foundations.Function
open import Cubical.Data.Nat
open import Cubical.Data.Nat.Order  as 
open import Cubical.Data.Nat.Properties
open import Cubical.Data.Sum
open import Cubical.Data.Sigma
open import Cubical.Data.Empty as 
open import Cubical.Relation.Binary
open import Cubical.Relation.Nullary
open BinaryRelation renaming (isTrans to isTransitive ; isRefl to isReflexive)
open import Cubical.Induction.WellFounded
  renaming (WellFounded to isWellFounded)

open import General-Properties
import Abstract.ZerSucLim as Abstract

module _
  (A : Type)
  (isSet⟨A⟩ : isSet A)
  (_<_ : A  A  Type)
  (_≤_ : A  A  Type)
  (isProp⟨<⟩ : isPropValued _<_)
  (isProp⟨≤⟩ : isPropValued _≤_)
  (<-irrefl : isIrrefl _<_)
  (≤-refl : isReflexive _≤_)
  (≤-trans : isTransitive _≤_)
  (≤-antisym : isAntisym _≤_)
  (<-in-≤ : {a b : A}  a < b  a  b)
  (<∘≤-in-< : {a b c : A}  a < b  b  c  a < c)
  -- Additional assumption: there is a zero
  (𝟎 : A)
  (𝟎-is-zero : Abstract.is-zero _<_ _≤_ 𝟎)

  open Abstract _<_ _≤_
  open Abstract.Properties _<_ _≤_ isSet⟨A⟩ isProp⟨<⟩ isProp⟨≤⟩ <-irrefl ≤-refl ≤-trans ≤-antisym <-in-≤ <∘≤-in-<

  -- A pseudo-descending sequence is strictly descending until it hits 0
  pseudo-descending : (  A)  Type
  pseudo-descending f =
     i  (f (suc i) < f i)   ((f i  𝟎) × (f (suc i)  𝟎))
  eventually-zero : (  A)  Type₀
  eventually-zero f = Σ[ n    ] (∀ i  n ℕ.≤ i  f i  𝟎)

  zeroPoint :  {f}  pseudo-descending f   {i}  f i  𝟎   j  i  ℕ.≤ j  f j  𝟎
  zeroPoint {f} df fi=0 zero j≤0 = subst  z  f z  𝟎) (≤0→≡0 j≤0) fi=0
  zeroPoint {f} df fi=0 (suc j) (zero , i=sj) = subst  z  f z  𝟎) i=sj fi=0
  zeroPoint {f} df {i} fi=0 (suc j) (suc n , sn+1=sj) with df i
  ... | inl fsi<fi = ⊥.rec (≮-zero 𝟎-is-zero (f (suc i)) (subst (f (suc i) <_) fi=0 fsi<fi))
  ... | inr (_ , fsi=0) = zeroPoint (df  suc) fsi=0 j ((n , injSuc sn+1=sj))

  nonzeroPoint :  {f}  pseudo-descending f   {i}  𝟎 < f i  f (suc i) < f i
  nonzeroPoint df fi>0 with df _
  nonzeroPoint df fi>0 | inl fi+1<fi    = fi+1<fi
  nonzeroPoint df fi>0 | inr (fi=0 , _) = ⊥.elim (<-irrefl 𝟎 (subst (𝟎 <_) fi=0 fi>0))

  eventually-zero-cons :  f  eventually-zero (f  suc)  eventually-zero f
  eventually-zero-cons f (n , p) = suc n , p' where
   p' : (i : )  suc n ℕ.≤ i   f i  𝟎
   p' zero sn≤0 = ⊥.rec (snotz (≤0→≡0 sn≤0))
   p' (suc i) (m , q) = p i ((m , injSuc (sym (+-suc m n)  q)))

  -- If we can decide if an element is 𝟎, then all pseudo-descending sequences are eventually zero.

  PD2EZ : ((b : A)  (b  𝟎)  (𝟎 < b)) -> isWellFounded _<_   f  pseudo-descending f  eventually-zero f
  PD2EZ dec-≡0 wf f df = WFI.induction wf {P = P} step (f 0) f df refl where
    P : A  Type₀
    P a =  f  pseudo-descending f  f 0  a  eventually-zero f
    step :  x  (∀ y  y < x  P y)  P x
    step x h f df f0=x with dec-≡0 (f 0)
    ... | inr f0>0 = goal where
      f1<x : f 1 < x
      f1<x = subst (f 1 <_) f0=x (nonzeroPoint df f0>0)
      ezfs : eventually-zero (f  suc)
      ezfs = h (f 1) f1<x (f  suc) (df  suc) refl
      goal : eventually-zero f
      goal = eventually-zero-cons f ezfs
    ... | inl f0=0 = goal where
      fi=0 :  i  f i  𝟎
      fi=0 i = zeroPoint df f0=0 i zero-≤
      goal : eventually-zero f
      goal = 0 , λ i _  fi=0 i

  -- Note: this straightforwardly implies
  --    `Wellfounded _<_ → ∀ f → strictly-descending f → ⊥`
  -- but this can also be proven without assuming `_≡ 𝟎` is decidable,
  -- see General-Properties.