
This file contains:

- Some cases of internal cubical subtypes (extension types);

- Cubes with a pair of fixed constant opposite faces is equivalent to cubes in the path type;

- Every cubes can be deformed to have (a pair of) fixed constant opposite faces,
  and this procedure gives an equivalence.

{-# OPTIONS --safe #-}
module Cubical.Foundations.Cubes.Subtypes where

open import Cubical.Foundations.Prelude hiding (Cube)
open import Cubical.Foundations.Equiv
open import Cubical.Foundations.Equiv.HalfAdjoint
open import Cubical.Foundations.Equiv.Dependent
open import Cubical.Foundations.Isomorphism
open import Cubical.Foundations.Univalence
open import Cubical.Foundations.Univalence.Dependent
open import Cubical.Foundations.Cubes.Base

open import Cubical.Data.Nat.Base
open import Cubical.Data.Sigma

     : Level
    A : Type 


  Cubical Subtypes


-- Cubes with a pair of specified constant opposite faces

∂CubeConst₀₁ : (n : ) (A : Type )  (a₀ a₁ : A)  Type 
∂CubeConst₀₁ n A a₀ a₁ = ∂Cube₀₁ n A (const _ a₀) (const _ a₁)

CubeRelConst₀₁ : (n : ) (A : Type ) {a₀ a₁ : A}  ∂CubeConst₀₁ n A a₀ a₁  Type 
CubeRelConst₀₁ n A  = CubeRel (suc n) A (∂Cube₀₁→∂Cube )

CubeConst₀₁ : (n : ) (A : Type )  Type 
CubeConst₀₁ n A = Σ[ a₀  A ] Σ[ a₁  A ] Σ[   ∂CubeConst₀₁ n A a₀ a₁ ] (CubeRelConst₀₁ n A )


  The equivalence of cubes with fixed constant opposite faces and cubes in the path type


interleaved mutual

  ∂CubeConst₀₁→Path :
    {n : }{A : Type }{a₀ a₁ : A}
     ∂CubeConst₀₁ n A a₀ a₁  ∂Cube n (a₀  a₁)

  CubeRelConst₀₁→Path :
    {n : }{A : Type }{a₀ a₁ : A}{∂₀₁ : ∂CubeConst₀₁ n A a₀ a₁}
     CubeRelConst₀₁ n A ∂₀₁  CubeRel n (a₀  a₁) (∂CubeConst₀₁→Path ∂₀₁)

  ∂CubeConst₀₁→Path {n = 0} _ = tt*
  ∂CubeConst₀₁→Path {n = 1} p = cong fst p , cong snd p
  ∂CubeConst₀₁→Path {n = suc (suc n)} {A} {a₀} {a₁} ∂₀₁ =
    (_ , CubeRelConst₀₁→Path  i  ∂₀₁ i .fst .snd)) ,
    (_ , CubeRelConst₀₁→Path  i  ∂₀₁ i .snd .fst .snd)) ,
    λ i  ∂CubeConst₀₁→Path  j  ∂₀₁ j .snd .snd i)

  CubeRelConst₀₁→Path {n = 0} p = p
  CubeRelConst₀₁→Path {n = 1} a₋ i j = a₋ j i
  CubeRelConst₀₁→Path {n = suc (suc n)} {A} {a₀} {a₁} a₋ i =
    CubeRelConst₀₁→Path  j  a₋ j i)

interleaved mutual

  ∂CubePath→Const₀₁ :
    {n : }{A : Type }{a₀ a₁ : A}
     ∂Cube n (a₀  a₁)  ∂CubeConst₀₁ n A a₀ a₁

  CubeRelPath→Const₀₁ :
    {n : }{A : Type }{a₀ a₁ : A}{ : ∂Cube n (a₀  a₁)}
     CubeRel n (a₀  a₁)   CubeRelConst₀₁ n A (∂CubePath→Const₀₁ )

  ∂CubePath→Const₀₁ {n = 0} _ = tt*
  ∂CubePath→Const₀₁ {n = 1} (p , q) i = p i , q i
  ∂CubePath→Const₀₁ {n = suc (suc n)} (a₀ , a₁ , ∂₋) i =
    (_ , CubeRelPath→Const₀₁ (a₀ .snd) i) ,
    (_ , CubeRelPath→Const₀₁ (a₁ .snd) i) ,
    λ j  ∂CubePath→Const₀₁ (∂₋ j) i

  CubeRelPath→Const₀₁ {n = 0} p = p
  CubeRelPath→Const₀₁ {n = 1} a₋ i j = a₋ j i
  CubeRelPath→Const₀₁ {n = suc (suc n)} a₋ i j = CubeRelPath→Const₀₁ (a₋ j) i

interleaved mutual

  ∂CubeConst₀₁→Path→Const₀₁ :
    {n : }{A : Type }{a₀ a₁ : A}
    (∂₀₁ : ∂CubeConst₀₁ n A a₀ a₁)
     ∂CubePath→Const₀₁ (∂CubeConst₀₁→Path ∂₀₁)  ∂₀₁

  CubeRelConst₀₁→Path→Const₀₁ :
    {n : }{A : Type }{a₀ a₁ : A}{∂₀₁ : ∂CubeConst₀₁ n A a₀ a₁}
    (a₋ : CubeRelConst₀₁ n A ∂₀₁)
     PathP  i  CubeRelConst₀₁ n A (∂CubeConst₀₁→Path→Const₀₁ ∂₀₁ i))
      (CubeRelPath→Const₀₁ {n = n} (CubeRelConst₀₁→Path a₋)) a₋

  ∂CubeConst₀₁→Path→Const₀₁ {n = 0} _ = refl
  ∂CubeConst₀₁→Path→Const₀₁ {n = 1} _ = refl
  ∂CubeConst₀₁→Path→Const₀₁ {n = suc (suc n)} ∂₀₁ i j =
    (_ , CubeRelConst₀₁→Path→Const₀₁ {n = suc n}  i  ∂₀₁ i .fst .snd) i j) ,
    (_ , CubeRelConst₀₁→Path→Const₀₁ {n = suc n}  i  ∂₀₁ i .snd .fst .snd) i j) ,
    λ t  ∂CubeConst₀₁→Path→Const₀₁ {n = suc n}  j  ∂₀₁ j .snd .snd t) i j

  CubeRelConst₀₁→Path→Const₀₁ {n = 0} _ = refl
  CubeRelConst₀₁→Path→Const₀₁ {n = 1} _ = refl
  CubeRelConst₀₁→Path→Const₀₁ {n = suc (suc n)} a₋ i j k =
    CubeRelConst₀₁→Path→Const₀₁ {n = suc n}  j  a₋ j k) i j

interleaved mutual

  ∂CubePath→Const₀₁→Path :
    {n : }{A : Type }{a₀ a₁ : A}
    ( : ∂Cube n (a₀  a₁))
     ∂CubeConst₀₁→Path (∂CubePath→Const₀₁ )  

  CubeRelPath→Const₀₁→Path :
    {n : }{A : Type }{a₀ a₁ : A}{ : ∂Cube n (a₀  a₁)}
    (a₋ : CubeRel n (a₀  a₁) )
     PathP  i  CubeRel n (a₀  a₁) (∂CubePath→Const₀₁→Path  i))
      (CubeRelConst₀₁→Path {n = n} (CubeRelPath→Const₀₁ a₋)) a₋

  ∂CubePath→Const₀₁→Path {n = 0} _ = refl
  ∂CubePath→Const₀₁→Path {n = 1} _ = refl
  ∂CubePath→Const₀₁→Path {n = suc (suc n)} (a₀ , a₁ , ∂₋) i =
    (_ , CubeRelPath→Const₀₁→Path (a₀ .snd) i) ,
    (_ , CubeRelPath→Const₀₁→Path (a₁ .snd) i) ,
    λ t  ∂CubePath→Const₀₁→Path {n = suc n} (∂₋ t) i

  CubeRelPath→Const₀₁→Path {n = 0} _ = refl
  CubeRelPath→Const₀₁→Path {n = 1} _ = refl
  CubeRelPath→Const₀₁→Path {n = suc (suc n)} a₋ i j =
    CubeRelPath→Const₀₁→Path {n = suc n} (a₋ j) i

open isHAEquiv

Iso-∂CubeConst₀₁-Path : {n : }{A : Type }{a₀ a₁ : A}  Iso (∂CubeConst₀₁ n A a₀ a₁) (∂Cube n (a₀  a₁))
Iso-∂CubeConst₀₁-Path =
  iso ∂CubeConst₀₁→Path ∂CubePath→Const₀₁ ∂CubePath→Const₀₁→Path ∂CubeConst₀₁→Path→Const₀₁

-- The iso defined above seems automatically half-adjoint,
-- but I don't want to write more crazy paths...

HAEquiv-∂CubeConst₀₁-Path : {n : }{A : Type }{a₀ a₁ : A}  HAEquiv (∂CubeConst₀₁ n A a₀ a₁) (∂Cube n (a₀  a₁))
HAEquiv-∂CubeConst₀₁-Path = iso→HAEquiv Iso-∂CubeConst₀₁-Path

IsoOver-CubeRelConst₀₁-Path : {n : }{A : Type }{a₀ a₁ : A}
   IsoOver Iso-∂CubeConst₀₁-Path (CubeRelConst₀₁ n A) (CubeRel n (a₀  a₁))
IsoOver-CubeRelConst₀₁-Path {n = n} =
  isoover  _  CubeRelConst₀₁→Path)  _  CubeRelPath→Const₀₁)
     _  CubeRelPath→Const₀₁→Path)  _  CubeRelConst₀₁→Path→Const₀₁ {n = n})

∂CubeConst₀₁≡∂CubePath : {n : }{A : Type }{a₀ a₁ : A}  ∂CubeConst₀₁ n A a₀ a₁  ∂Cube n (a₀  a₁)
∂CubeConst₀₁≡∂CubePath = ua (_ , isHAEquiv→isEquiv (HAEquiv-∂CubeConst₀₁-Path .snd))

CubeRelConst₀₁≡CubeRelPath : {n : }{A : Type }{a₀ a₁ : A}
   PathP  i  ∂CubeConst₀₁≡∂CubePath {n = n} {A} {a₀} {a₁} i  Type ) (CubeRelConst₀₁ n A) (CubeRel n (a₀  a₁))
CubeRelConst₀₁≡CubeRelPath = isoToPathOver _ _ (IsoOverIso→IsoOverHAEquiv IsoOver-CubeRelConst₀₁-Path)


  All cubes can be deformed to cubes with fixed constant opposite faces


-- Uncurry the previous definitions

Σ∂CubeConst₀₁ : (n : ) (A : Type )  Type 
Σ∂CubeConst₀₁ n A = Σ[ a₀  A ] Σ[ a₁  A ] ∂CubeConst₀₁ n A a₀ a₁

ΣCubeRelConst₀₁ : (n : ) (A : Type )  Σ∂CubeConst₀₁ n A  Type 
ΣCubeRelConst₀₁ n A ∂₀₁ = CubeRel (suc n) A (∂Cube₀₁→∂Cube (∂₀₁ .snd .snd))

ΣCubeConst₀₁ : (n : ) (A : Type )  Type 
ΣCubeConst₀₁ n A = Σ[ ∂₀₁  Σ∂CubeConst₀₁ n A ] (ΣCubeRelConst₀₁ n A ∂₀₁)

-- For simplicity, we begin at n=1, and that is all we need.

∂CubeConst₀₁≃∂CubeSuc : {n : } {A : Type }  Σ∂CubeConst₀₁ (suc n) A  ∂Cube (suc (suc n)) A
∂CubeConst₀₁≃∂CubeSuc = Σ-cong-equiv (_ , isEquivConst)  a  Σ-cong-equiv-fst (_ , isEquivConst))

HAEquiv-∂CubeConst₀₁-∂CubeSuc : {n : }{A : Type }  HAEquiv (Σ∂CubeConst₀₁ (suc n) A) (∂Cube (suc (suc n)) A)
HAEquiv-∂CubeConst₀₁-∂CubeSuc = equiv→HAEquiv ∂CubeConst₀₁≃∂CubeSuc

IsoOver-CubeRelConst₀₁-CubeRelSuc : {n : } {A : Type }
   IsoOver (isHAEquiv→Iso (HAEquiv-∂CubeConst₀₁-∂CubeSuc .snd)) (ΣCubeRelConst₀₁ (suc n) A) (CubeRel (suc (suc n)) A)
IsoOver-CubeRelConst₀₁-CubeRelSuc = liftHAEToIsoOver _ _  a  idIso)

∂CubeConst₀₁≡∂CubeSuc : {n : } {A : Type }  Σ∂CubeConst₀₁ (suc n) A  ∂Cube (suc (suc n)) A
∂CubeConst₀₁≡∂CubeSuc = ua (_ , isHAEquiv→isEquiv (HAEquiv-∂CubeConst₀₁-∂CubeSuc .snd))

CubeRelConst₀₁≡CubeRelSuc : {n : }{A : Type }
   PathP  i  ∂CubeConst₀₁≡∂CubeSuc {n = n} {A} i  Type ) (ΣCubeRelConst₀₁ (suc n) A) (CubeRel (suc (suc n)) A)
CubeRelConst₀₁≡CubeRelSuc = isoToPathOver _ _ IsoOver-CubeRelConst₀₁-CubeRelSuc