- Three equivalent ordinal notation systems in Cubical Agda -

§5  Transfinite induction

We prove transfinite induction for MutualOrd, and then transport it to
transfinite induction for HITOrd.  Then we consider a simple
application of transfinite induction - to prove that all strictly
descending sequences of ordinals below ε₀ are finite.


{-# OPTIONS --cubical --safe #-}

module TransfiniteInduction where

open import Preliminaries
open import MutualOrd as M
open import HITOrd as H
open import Equivalences
open import Arithmetic


§5.1  The transported ordering on HITOrd

■ Ordering on HITOrd


_<ᴴ_ : HITOrd  HITOrd  Type₀
_<ᴴ_ = transport  i  M≡H i  M≡H i  Type₀) _<_

<Path : PathP  i  M≡H i  M≡H i  Type₀) _<_ _<ᴴ_
<Path i = transp  j  M≡H (i  j)  M≡H (i  j)  Type₀) (~ i) _<_


■ Decidability of _<ᴴ_


DEC : (A : Type )  (A  A  Type ℓ')  Type (  ℓ')
DEC A _<_ = (x y : A)  x < y  ¬ x < y

<ᴴ-dec : DEC HITOrd _<ᴴ_
<ᴴ-dec = transport  i  DEC (M≡H i) (<Path i)) <-dec


■ The transported property <ᴴ-dec computes.


-- To simplify the examples, we turn <ᴴ-dec into a boolean-valued function.

open import Agda.Builtin.Bool

⊎2Bool : {A : Type } {B : Type ℓ'}  A  B  Bool
⊎2Bool (inj₁ _) = true
⊎2Bool (inj₂ _) = false

lt : HITOrd  HITOrd  Bool
lt a b = ⊎2Bool (<ᴴ-dec a b)

Ex[<ᴴ-decComp] :
   lt 𝟎 𝟎  false
 × lt H.ω ((H.𝟏  H.𝟏)  H.ω)  true
 × lt H.ω^⟨ H.ω  H.ω^⟨ H.𝟏 +ᴴ H.ω   false
 × lt H.ω^⟨ H.ω  H.ω^⟨ H.𝟏  H.ω   true
Ex[<ᴴ-decComp] = refl , refl , refl , refl


§5.2  Transfinite induction

■ Principle of transfinite induction


TI : (A : Type )  (A  A  Type ℓ') 
      ℓ''  Type (  ℓ'  lsuc ℓ'')
TI A _<_ ℓ'' = (P : A  Type ℓ'')
              (∀ x  (∀ y  y < x  P y)  P x)
               x  P x


■ Accessibility


module Acc (A : Type ) (_<_ : A  A  Type ℓ') where

 data isAccessible (x : A) : Type (  ℓ') where
  next : (∀ y  y < x  isAccessible y)  isAccessible x

 accInd : (P : A  Type ℓ'')
         (∀ x  (∀ y  y < x  P y)  P x)
          x  isAccessible x  P x
 accInd P step x (next δ) =
   step x  y r  accInd P step y (δ y r))


■ All elements of MutualOrd are accessible.


open Acc MutualOrd _<_

𝟎Acc : isAccessible 𝟎
𝟎Acc = next  x x<𝟎  ⊥-elim (≮𝟎 x<𝟎))

-- fstAcc and sndAcc are proved simultaneously.

fstAcc :  {a a'}  isAccessible a'  a  a'
    {b x}  isAccessible b  x < a'  (r : x  fst b)
   isAccessible (ω^ x + b [ r ])
sndAcc :  {a a'}  isAccessible a'  a  a'
    {c y}  isAccessible c  y < c  (r : a  fst y)
   isAccessible (ω^ a + y [ r ])

fstAcc {a} {a'} (next ξ) a=a' {b} {x} acᵇ x<a r = next goal
   goal :  z  z < ω^ x + b [ r ]  isAccessible z
   goal 𝟎 <₁ = 𝟎Acc
   goal (ω^ c + d [ s ]) (<₂ c<y) = fstAcc (ξ x x<a) refl (goal d (<-trans (rest< c d s) (<₂ c<y))) c<y s
   goal (ω^ c + d [ s ]) (<₃ c=y d<b) = sndAcc (ξ x x<a) c=y acᵇ d<b s

sndAcc {a} {a'} acᵃ a=a' {c} {y} (next ξᶜ) y<c r = next goal
   goal :  z  z < ω^ a + y [ r ]  isAccessible z
   goal 𝟎 <₁ = 𝟎Acc
   goal (ω^ b + d [ t ]) (<₂ b<a) = fstAcc acᵃ a=a' (goal d (<-trans (rest< b d t) (<₂ b<a))) (subst (b <_) a=a' b<a) t
   goal (ω^ b + d [ t ]) (<₃ b=a d<y) = sndAcc acᵃ (b=a  a=a') (ξᶜ y y<c) d<y t

ω+Acc : (a b : MutualOrd) (r : a  fst b)
       isAccessible a  isAccessible b  isAccessible (ω^ a + b [ r ])
ω+Acc a b r acᵃ acᵇ = next goal
  goal :  z  z < ω^ a + b [ r ]  isAccessible z
  goal 𝟎 <₁ = 𝟎Acc
  goal (ω^ c + d [ s ]) (<₂ c<a) = fstAcc acᵃ refl (goal d (<-trans (rest< c d s) (<₂ c<a))) c<a s
  goal (ω^ c + d [ s ]) (<₃ c=a d<b) = sndAcc acᵃ c=a acᵇ d<b s

WF : (x : MutualOrd)  isAccessible x
WF 𝟎 = 𝟎Acc
WF (ω^ a + b [ r ]) = ω+Acc a b r (WF a) (WF b)


■ Transfinite induction for MutualOrd


MTI : TI MutualOrd _<_ 
MTI P step x = accInd P step x (WF x)


■ Transfinite induction for HITOrd


HTI : TI HITOrd _<ᴴ_ 
HTI = transport  i  TI (M≡H i) (<Path i) _) MTI


§5.3  All strictly descending sequences are finite

■ Definitions


pseudo-descending : (  MutualOrd)  Type₀
pseudo-descending f =
   i  f i > f (suc i)  (f i  𝟎 × f (suc i)  𝟎)

strictly-descending : (  MutualOrd)  Set
strictly-descending f =  i  f i > f (suc i)

eventually-zero : (  MutualOrd)  Type₀
eventually-zero f = Σ \(n : )   i  i ≥ᴺ n  f i  𝟎


■ Some facts of pseudo-descendingness and eventual zeroness


zeroPoint :  {f}  pseudo-descending f
    {i}  f i  𝟎   j  j ≥ᴺ i  f j  𝟎
zeroPoint df f0=0   0      z≤n                   = f0=0
zeroPoint df f0=0  (suc j) z≤n with df 0
zeroPoint df f0=0  (suc j) z≤n | inj₁ f1<f0      = ⊥-elim (≮𝟎 (<-≡ f1<f0 f0=0))
zeroPoint df f0=0  (suc j) z≤n | inj₂ (_ , f1=0) = zeroPoint (df  suc) f1=0  j z≤n
zeroPoint df fsi=0 (suc j) (s≤s i≤j)             = zeroPoint (df  suc) fsi=0 j i≤j

nonzeroPoint :  {f}  pseudo-descending f
    {i}  f i > 𝟎  f i > f (suc i)
nonzeroPoint df fi>0 with df _
nonzeroPoint df fi>0 | inj₁ fi+1<fi    = fi+1<fi
nonzeroPoint df fi>0 | inj₂ (fi=0 , _) = ⊥-elim (≮𝟎 (<-≡ fi>0 fi=0))

eventually-zero-cons :
   f  eventually-zero (f  suc)  eventually-zero f
eventually-zero-cons f (n , p) = suc n , p'
  p' : (i : )  i ≥ᴺ suc n  f i  𝟎
  p' (suc i) (s≤s r) = p i r


■ All pseudo-descending sequences are eventually zero.


PD2EZ :  f  pseudo-descending f  eventually-zero f
PD2EZ f df = MTI P step (f 0) f df refl
  P : MutualOrd  Type₀
  P a =  f  pseudo-descending f  f 0  a  eventually-zero f
  step :  x  (∀ y  y < x  P y)  P x
  step x h f df f0=x with ≥𝟎 {f 0}
  step x h f df f0=x | inj₁ f0>0 = goal
    f1<x : f 1 < x
    f1<x = subst (f 1 <_) f0=x (nonzeroPoint df f0>0)
    ezfs : eventually-zero (f  suc)
    ezfs = h (f 1) f1<x (f  suc) (df  suc) refl
    goal : eventually-zero f
    goal = eventually-zero-cons f ezfs
  step x h f df f0=x | inj₂ f0=0 = goal
    fi=0 :  i  f i  𝟎
    fi=0 i = zeroPoint df f0=0 i z≤n
    goal : eventually-zero f
    goal = 0 , λ i _  fi=0 i


■ There is no strictly descending sequence.


NSDS :  f  strictly-descending f  
NSDS f sd = <-irreflexive fn+1=fn fn+1<fn
  ez : eventually-zero f
  ez = PD2EZ f (inj₁  sd)
  n : 
  n = pr₁ ez
  prf :  i  i ≥ᴺ n  f i  𝟎
  prf = pr₂ ez
  fn+1=fn : f (suc n)  f n
  fn+1=fn = prf (suc n) n≤1+n  (prf n ≤ᴺ-refl) ⁻¹
  fn+1<fn : f (suc n) < f n
  fn+1<fn = sd n
