- Three equivalent ordinal notation systems in Cubical Agda -

§3.1  The subset approach

Following the traditional subset approach, we construct a notation
system of ordinals below ε₀ as a Σ-type.


{-# OPTIONS --cubical --safe #-}

module SigmaOrd where

open import Preliminaries


■ Binary trees (ordinal terms)


infix 40 ω^_+_

data Tree : Type₀ where
 𝟎 : Tree
 ω^_+_ : Tree  Tree  Tree

 variable a b c d : Tree

caseTree : {A : Type } (x y : A)  Tree  A
caseTree x y  𝟎         = x
caseTree x y (ω^ _ + _) = y

𝟎≢ω^+ : ¬ (𝟎  ω^ a + b)
𝟎≢ω^+ e = subst (caseTree Tree ) e 𝟎

ω^+≢𝟎 : ¬ (ω^ a + b  𝟎)
ω^+≢𝟎 e = subst (caseTree  Tree) e 𝟎

fst : Tree  Tree
fst 𝟎 = 𝟎
fst (ω^ a + _) = a

rest : Tree  Tree
rest  𝟎         = 𝟎
rest (ω^ _ + b) = b

TreeIsDiscrete : Discrete Tree
TreeIsDiscrete  𝟎          𝟎         = yes refl
TreeIsDiscrete  𝟎         (ω^ _ + _) = no 𝟎≢ω^+
TreeIsDiscrete (ω^ _ + _)  𝟎         = no ω^+≢𝟎
TreeIsDiscrete (ω^ a + c) (ω^ b + d) with TreeIsDiscrete a b
TreeIsDiscrete (ω^ a + c) (ω^ b + d) | yes a=b with TreeIsDiscrete c d
TreeIsDiscrete (ω^ a + c) (ω^ b + d) | yes a=b | yes c=d = yes (cong₂ ω^_+_ a=b c=d)
TreeIsDiscrete (ω^ a + c) (ω^ b + d) | yes a=b | no  c≠d = no  e  c≠d (cong rest e))
TreeIsDiscrete (ω^ a + c) (ω^ b + d) | no  a≠b = no  e  a≠b (cong fst e))

TreeIsSet : isSet Tree
TreeIsSet = Discrete→isSet TreeIsDiscrete _ _


■ Ordering on trees


infix  30 _<_ _≤_ _>_ _≥_

data _<_ : Tree  Tree  Type₀ where
 <₁ : 𝟎 < ω^ a + b
 <₂ : a < c  ω^ a + b < ω^ c + d
 <₃ : a  c  b < d  ω^ a + b < ω^ c + d

_>_ _≥_ _≤_ : Tree  Tree  Type₀
a > b = b < a
a  b = a > b  a  b
a  b = b  a

≥𝟎 : a  𝟎
≥𝟎 {𝟎}        = inj₂ refl
≥𝟎 {ω^ a + b} = inj₁ <₁

<-irrefl : ¬ a < a
<-irrefl (<₂ r)   = <-irrefl r
<-irrefl (<₃ _ r) = <-irrefl r

<-irreflexive : a  b  ¬ a < b
<-irreflexive {a} p = subst  x  ¬ a < x) p <-irrefl

<IsPropValued : isProp (a < b)
<IsPropValued  <₁       <₁      = refl
<IsPropValued (<₂ r)   (<₂ s)   = cong <₂ (<IsPropValued r s)
<IsPropValued (<₂ r)   (<₃ q s) = ⊥-elim (<-irreflexive q r)
<IsPropValued (<₃ p r) (<₂ s)   = ⊥-elim (<-irreflexive p s)
<IsPropValued (<₃ p r) (<₃ q s) = cong₂ <₃ (TreeIsSet p q) (<IsPropValued r s)

≤IsPropValued : isProp (a  b)
≤IsPropValued (inj₁ r) (inj₁ s) = cong inj₁ (<IsPropValued r s)
≤IsPropValued (inj₁ r) (inj₂ q) = ⊥-elim (<-irreflexive (q ⁻¹) r)
≤IsPropValued (inj₂ p) (inj₁ s) = ⊥-elim (<-irreflexive (p ⁻¹) s)
≤IsPropValued (inj₂ p) (inj₂ q) = cong inj₂ (TreeIsSet p q)


■ Cantor normal form


data isCNF : Tree  Type₀ where
 𝟎IsCNF : isCNF 𝟎
 ω^+IsCNF : isCNF a  isCNF b  a  fst b
           isCNF (ω^ a + b)

isCNFIsPropValued : isProp (isCNF a)
isCNFIsPropValued  𝟎IsCNF              𝟎IsCNF             = refl
isCNFIsPropValued (ω^+IsCNF pa pb ra) (ω^+IsCNF qa qb rb) =
  λ i  ω^+IsCNF (isCNFIsPropValued pa qa i) (isCNFIsPropValued pb qb i) (≤IsPropValued ra rb i)


■ Subset of trees in Cantor normal form


SigmaOrd : Type₀
SigmaOrd = Σ \(a : Tree)  isCNF a

SigmaOrd⁼ : {x y : SigmaOrd}  pr₁ x  pr₁ y  x  y
SigmaOrd⁼ {a , p} e = subst P e pa
  P : (b : Tree)  Type₀
  P b = {q : isCNF b}  (a , p)  (b , q)
  pa : P a
  pa {q} i = a , isCNFIsPropValued p q i
