-- Characterisation of ≤ for Brouwer trees via a family Code

{-# OPTIONS --cubical #-}

module BrouwerTree.Code where

{- This module characterizes the inequality ≤ of Brouwer ordinal trees.
   We define a family
     Code : Brw → Brw → Type,
   valued in propositions, and show that
     x ≤ y  ↔  Code x y.

open import Cubical.Foundations.Prelude
open import Cubical.Foundations.HLevels
open import Cubical.Foundations.Path
open import Cubical.Foundations.Structure
open import Cubical.Foundations.Univalence

open import Cubical.Data.Nat
open import Cubical.Data.Sigma
open import Cubical.Data.Empty as 
open import Cubical.Data.Unit

open import Cubical.Relation.Nullary

open import Cubical.HITs.PropositionalTruncation.Properties
  renaming (rec to ∥-∥rec)

open import BrouwerTree.Base
open import BrouwerTree.Properties


  {- ## Code
     The main object of interest in this construction are Code and Code',
     as well as the correctness properties of Code (introduced later). -}

  Code' : Brw  Brw  hProp ℓ-zero

  Code : Brw  Brw  Type ℓ-zero
  Code x y = typ (Code' x y)

  isPropCode : (x y : Brw) -> isProp (Code x y)
  isPropCode x y = str (Code' x y)

  _simulated-byᶜ_ : (f g :   Brw)  Type _
  f simulated-byᶜ g =  k   Σ[ n   ] Code (f k) (g n) 

  _bisimilar-toᶜ_ : (f g :   Brw)  Type _
  f bisimilar-toᶜ g = f simulated-byᶜ g × f simulated-byᶜ f

  -- Code is defined by induction on the first, then on the second argument.

  -- case: first argument is zero
  Code' zero y = Unit , isPropUnit

  -- case: first argument is a successor
  Code' (succ x) zero =  , isProp⊥
  Code' (succ x) (succ y) = Code' x y
  Code' (succ x) (limit f) =  (Σ[ n   ] Code (succ x) (f n))  , propTruncIsProp
  Code' (succ x) (bisim f {f↑} g {g↑} (f≲g , g≲f) i) =
    Σ≡Prop  _  isPropIsProp)
           {u = Code' (succ x) (limit f {f↑})}
           {v = Code' (succ x) (limit g {g↑})}
           (hPropExt propTruncIsProp propTruncIsProp
                     (∥-∥rec {A = Σ[ n   ] (Code (succ x) (f n))}
                             {P =  Σ[ n   ] (Code (succ x) (g n)) }
                              {(k , sx≤fk) 
                                ∥-∥rec propTruncIsProp
                                        { (l , fk≤gl)   l , Code-trans {succ x} {f k} {g l}
                                                                           sx≤fk (≤→Code fk≤gl)  })
                                       (f≲g k) }))
                     (∥-∥rec {A = Σ[ n   ] (Code (succ x) (g n))}
                             {P =  Σ[ n   ] (Code (succ x) (f n)) }
                              {(k , sx≤gk) 
                                ∥-∥rec propTruncIsProp
                                        { (l , gk≤fl)   l , Code-trans {succ x} {g k} {f l}
                                                                           sx≤gk (≤→Code gk≤fl)  })
                                       (g≲f k) })))
  Code' (succ x) (trunc y₁ y₂ p q i j) =
    isSet→SquareP {A = λ _ _  hProp ℓ-zero}
                   _ _  isSetHProp)
                   j  Code' (succ x) (p j))
                   j  Code' (succ x) (q j))
                  i j

  -- case: first argument is a limit
  Code' (limit f {f↑}) zero =  , isProp⊥
  Code' (limit f {f↑}) (succ y) = ((k : ) -> Code (f k) (succ y)) ,
                                  isPropΠ  k  isPropCode (f k) (succ y))
  Code' (limit f {f↑}) (limit g {g↑}) = f simulated-byᶜ g ,
                                        isPropΠ λ n  propTruncIsProp
  Code' (limit f {f↑}) (bisim g {g↑} h {h↑} (g≲h , h≲g) i) =
    Σ≡Prop  _  isPropIsProp)
           {u = Code' (limit f {f↑}) (limit g {g↑})}
           {v = Code' (limit f {f↑}) (limit h {h↑})}
           (hPropExt (isPropΠ  z  propTruncIsProp)) (isPropΠ  z  propTruncIsProp))
                      f≲g k  (∥-∥rec {A = Σ[ n   ] Code (f k) (g n)}
                                        {P =  Σ[ m   ] Code (f k) (h m) }
                                         {(n , c-fk≤gn) 
                                           ∥-∥rec propTruncIsProp
                                                   { (l , gn≤hl) 
                                                     l , Code-trans {f k} c-fk≤gn
                                                                           (≤→Code gn≤hl)  })
                                           (g≲h n) })
                                        (f≲g k)))
                      f≲h k  (∥-∥rec {A = Σ[ n   ] Code (f k) (h n)}
                                        {P =  Σ[ m   ] Code (f k) (g m) }
                                         {(n , c-fk≤hn) 
                                           ∥-∥rec propTruncIsProp
                                                   { (l , hn≤gl) 
                                                     l , Code-trans {f k} c-fk≤hn
                                                                           (≤→Code hn≤gl)  })
                                           (h≲g n) })
                                        (f≲h k))))
  Code' (limit f {f↑}) (trunc x y p q i j) =
    isSet→SquareP {A = λ _ _  hProp ℓ-zero}
                   _ _  isSetHProp)
                   j  Code' (limit f {f↑}) (p j))
                   j  Code' (limit f {f↑}) (q j))
                  i j

  -- case: first argument is the bisim constructor
  Code' (bisim f g x i) zero =  , isProp⊥
  Code' (bisim f {f↑} g {g↑} (f≲g , g≲f) i) (succ y) =
    Σ≡Prop  _  isPropIsProp)
           {u = Code' (limit f {f↑}) (succ y)}
           {v = Code' (limit g {g↑}) (succ y)}
           (hPropExt (isPropΠ  k  isPropCode (f k) (succ y)))
                     (isPropΠ  k  isPropCode (g k) (succ y)))
                      fk<sy k  ∥-∥rec (isPropCode (g k) (succ y))
                                          { (l , gk≤fl)  Code-trans {g k} (≤→Code gk≤fl)
                                                                             (fk<sy l) }) (g≲f k))
                      gk<sy k  ∥-∥rec (isPropCode (f k) (succ y))
                                          { (l , fk≤gl)  Code-trans {f k} (≤→Code fk≤gl)
                                                                             (gk<sy l) }) (f≲g k)))

  -- symmetric to the limit-bisim case
  Code' (bisim f {f↑} g {g↑} (f≲g , g≲f) i) (limit h {h↑}) =
    Σ≡Prop  _  isPropIsProp)
           {u = Code' (limit f {f↑}) (limit h {h↑})}
           {v = Code' (limit g {g↑}) (limit h {h↑})}
           (hPropExt (isPropΠ λ _  propTruncIsProp)
                     (isPropΠ λ _  propTruncIsProp)
                      f≲h k  ∥-∥rec propTruncIsProp
                                        { (l , gk≤fl) 
                                         ∥-∥rec {A = Σ[ n   ] Code (f l) (h n)}
                                               {P =  Σ[ m   ] Code (g k) (h m) }
                                                { (n , c-fl≤hn) 
                                                  n , Code-trans {g k} (≤→Code gk≤fl) c-fl≤hn  })
                                               (f≲h l) })
                                       (g≲f k))
                     g≲h k  ∥-∥rec propTruncIsProp
                                       { (l , fk≤gl) 
                                         ∥-∥rec {A = Σ[ n   ] Code (g l) (h n)}
                                               {P =  Σ[ m   ] Code (f k) (h m) }
                                                { (n , c-gl≤hn) 
                                                  n , Code-trans {f k} (≤→Code fk≤gl) c-gl≤hn  })
                                               (g≲h l) })
                                      (f≲g k)))

  -- bisim-bisim and bisim-trunc
  Code' (bisim f {f↑} g {g↑} f-g-bisim i) (bisim h {h↑} k {k↑} h-k-bisim j) =
    isSet→SquareP  i j  isSetHProp)
                   j  Code' (limit f {f↑}) (bisim h {h↑} k {k↑} h-k-bisim j))
                   j  Code' (limit g {g↑}) (bisim h {h↑} k {k↑} h-k-bisim j))
                   i  Code' (bisim f {f↑} g {g↑} f-g-bisim i) (limit h {h↑}))
                   i  Code' (bisim f {f↑} g {g↑} f-g-bisim i) (limit k {k↑})) i j
  Code' (bisim f {f↑} g {g↑} f≈g i) (trunc x y p q j j') =
    isGroupoid→isGroupoid' (isSet→isGroupoid isSetHProp)
                            j j'  Code' (limit f {f↑})  (trunc x y p q j j'))
                            j j'  Code' (limit g {g↑})  (trunc x y p q j j'))
                            i j  Code' (bisim f {f↑} g {g↑} f≈g i) (p j))
                            i j  Code' (bisim f {f↑} g {g↑} f≈g i) (q j))
                            i j  Code' (bisim f {f↑} g {g↑} f≈g i) x)
                            i j  Code' (bisim f {f↑} g {g↑} f≈g i) y) i j j'

  -- case: first argument is the set-truncation constructor
  Code' (trunc x₁ x₂ p q i j) y =
    isSet→SquareP {A = λ _ _  hProp ℓ-zero}
                   _ _  isSetHProp)
                   j  Code' (p j) y)
                   j  Code' (q j) y)
                  refl i j

  {- ## Transitivity of Code.
     This needs to be proved mutually. There probably is no elegant way of doing this.
     We simply pattern match on everything and power through. -}
  Code-trans :  {x y z}  Code x y  Code y z  Code x z
  Code-trans {zero} {y} {z} c-x≤y c-y≤z = tt
  Code-trans {succ x} {succ y} {succ z} c-sx≤sy c-sy≤sz = Code-trans {x} {y} {z} c-sx≤sy c-sy≤sz
  Code-trans {succ x} {succ y} {limit f} c-sx≤sy =
    ∥-∥rec {A = Σ[ n   ] Code (succ y) (f n)}
          {P =  Σ[ n   ] Code (succ x) (f n) }
          λ {(n , c-sy≤fn)   n , Code-trans {succ x} {succ y} {f n} c-sx≤sy c-sy≤fn }
  Code-trans {succ x} {succ y} {bisim f {f↑} g {g↑} f∼g i} c-x≤y =
    isProp→PathP {B = λ i  Code (succ y) (bisim f {f↑} g {g↑} f∼g i)
                           Code (succ x) (bisim f {f↑} g {g↑} f∼g i)}
                  i  isProp→ (isPropCode (succ x) (bisim f {f↑} g {g↑} f∼g i)))
                 (Code-trans {succ x} {succ y} {limit f {f↑}} c-x≤y)
                 (Code-trans {succ x} {succ y} {limit g {g↑}} c-x≤y)
  Code-trans {succ x} {succ y} {trunc z₁ z₂ p q i j} c-x≤y =
    isProp→SquareP {B = λ i j  Code (succ y) (trunc z₁ z₂ p q i j)
                               Code (succ x) (trunc z₁ z₂ p q i j)}
                    i j  isProp→ (isPropCode (succ x) (trunc z₁ z₂ p q i j)))
                    j  Code-trans {succ x} {succ y} {p j} c-x≤y)
                    j  Code-trans {succ x} {succ y} {q j} c-x≤y)
                   i j
  Code-trans {succ x} {limit f} {succ z} c-sx≤⊔f c-⊔f≤sz =
    ∥-∥rec {A = Σ[ n   ] Code (succ x) (f n)}
           {P = Code x z}
           (isPropCode x z)
            {(n , c-sx≤fn)  Code-trans {succ x} {f n} {succ z} c-sx≤fn (c-⊔f≤sz n)})
  Code-trans {succ x} {limit f} {limit g} =
     ∥-∥rec {A = Σ[ n   ] Code (succ x) (f n)}
           {P = f simulated-byᶜ g   Σ[ n   ] Code (succ x) (g n) }
           (isProp→  propTruncIsProp)
           λ { (n , c-sx≤fn) f-g-∥csim∥ 
             ∥-∥rec {A = Σ   m  Code (f n) (g m)) }
                   {P =   Σ   m  Code (succ x) (g m)) }
                    { (m , c-fn≤gm)   m , Code-trans {succ x} {f n} {g m} c-sx≤fn c-fn≤gm  })
                   (f-g-∥csim∥ n) }
  Code-trans {succ x} {limit f {f↑}} {bisim g {g↑} h {h↑} p i} c-x≤y =
    isProp→PathP {B = λ i  Code (limit f {f↑}) (bisim g {g↑} h {h↑} p i)
                           Code (succ x) (bisim g {g↑} h {h↑} p i)}
                  i  isProp→ (isPropCode (succ x) (bisim g {g↑} h {h↑} p i)))
                 (Code-trans {succ x} {limit f {f↑}} {limit g {g↑}} c-x≤y)
                 (Code-trans {succ x} {limit f {f↑}} {limit h {h↑}} c-x≤y)

  Code-trans {succ x} {limit f {f↑}} {trunc z₁ z₂ p q i j} c-x≤y =
    isProp→SquareP {B = λ i j  Code (limit f {f↑}) (trunc z₁ z₂ p q i j)
                               Code (succ x) (trunc z₁ z₂ p q i j)}
                    i j  isProp→ (isPropCode (succ x) (trunc z₁ z₂ p q i j)))
                    j  Code-trans {succ x} {limit f {f↑}} {p j} c-x≤y)
                    j  Code-trans {succ x} {limit f {f↑}} {q j} c-x≤y)
                   i j
  Code-trans {succ x} {bisim f {f↑} g {g↑} p i} {y} =
    isProp→PathP {B = λ i  Code (succ x) (bisim f {f↑} g {g↑} p i)
                           Code (bisim f {f↑} g {g↑} p i) y  Code (succ x) y}
                  i  isProp→ (isProp→ (isPropCode (succ x) y)))
                 (Code-trans {succ x} {limit f {f↑}} {y})
                 (Code-trans {succ x} {limit g {g↑}} {y}) i
  Code-trans {succ x} {trunc z₁ z₂ p q i j} {y} =
    isProp→SquareP {B = λ i j  Code (succ x) (trunc z₁ z₂ p q i j)
                               Code (trunc z₁ z₂ p q i j) y  Code (succ x) y}
                    i j  isProp→ (isProp→ (isPropCode (succ x) y)))
                    j  Code-trans {succ x} {p j} {y})
                    j  Code-trans {succ x} {q j} {y}) i j
  Code-trans {limit f} {succ y} {succ z} c-⊔f≤sy c-sy≤sz = λ k  Code-trans {f k} {succ y} {succ z}
                                                                            (c-⊔f≤sy k) c-sy≤sz
  Code-trans {limit f} {succ y} {limit h} c-⊔f≤sy c-sy≤hn k =
    ∥-∥rec {A = Σ[ n   ] Code (succ y) (h n)}
          {P =  Σ[ n   ] Code (f k) (h n) }
           { (n , c-sy≤hn)   n , Code-trans {f k} {succ y} {h n} (c-⊔f≤sy k) c-sy≤hn  })
  Code-trans {limit f {f↑}} {succ y} {bisim g {g↑} h {h↑} p i} c-x≤y =
    isProp→PathP {B = λ i  Code (succ y) (bisim g {g↑} h {h↑} p i)
                           Code (limit f {f↑}) (bisim g {g↑} h {h↑} p i)}
                  i  isProp→ (isPropCode (limit f {f↑}) (bisim g {g↑} h {h↑} p i)))
                 (Code-trans {limit f {f↑}} {succ y} {limit g {g↑}} c-x≤y)
                 (Code-trans {limit f {f↑}} {succ y} {limit h {h↑}} c-x≤y) i
  Code-trans {limit f {f↑}} {succ y} {trunc z₁ z₂ p q i j} c-x≤y =
    isProp→SquareP {B = λ i j  Code (succ y) (trunc z₁ z₂ p q i j)
                               Code (limit f {f↑}) (trunc z₁ z₂ p q i j)}
                    i j  isProp→ (isPropCode (limit f {f↑}) (trunc z₁ z₂ p q i j)))
                    j  Code-trans {limit f {f↑}} {succ y} {p j} c-x≤y)
                    j  Code-trans {limit f {f↑}} {succ y} {q j} c-x≤y) i j
  Code-trans {limit f} {limit g} {succ z} c-⊔f≤⊔g c-⊔g≤sz k =
    ∥-∥rec {A = Σ[ n   ] Code (f k) (g n)}
          {P = Code (f k) (succ z)}
          (isPropCode (f k) (succ z))
           { (l , c-fk≤gn)  Code-trans {f k} {g l} {succ z} c-fk≤gn (c-⊔g≤sz l) })
          (c-⊔f≤⊔g k)
  Code-trans {limit f} {limit g} {limit h} c-f≤gn c-g≤hn k =
    ∥-∥rec {A = Σ[ n   ] Code (f k) (g n)}
          {P =  Σ[ n   ] Code (f k) (h n) }
           { (l , c-fk≤gl) 
            ∥-∥rec {A = Σ[ n   ] Code (g l) (h n)}
                  {P =  Σ[ n   ] Code (f k) (h n) }
                   { (l' , c-gl≤hl')   l' , Code-trans {f k} {g l} {h l'} c-fk≤gl c-gl≤hl'  })
                  (c-g≤hn l) })
          (c-f≤gn k)
  Code-trans {limit f {f↑}} {limit g {g↑}} {bisim h {h↑} k {k↑} p i} c-x≤y =
    isProp→PathP {B = λ i  Code (limit g {g↑}) (bisim h {h↑} k {k↑} p i)
                           Code (limit f {f↑}) (bisim h {h↑} k {k↑} p i)}
                  i  isProp→ (isPropCode (limit f {f↑}) (bisim h {h↑} k {k↑} p i)))
                 (Code-trans {limit f {f↑}} {limit g {g↑}} {limit h {h↑}} c-x≤y)
                 (Code-trans {limit f {f↑}} {limit g {g↑}} {limit k {k↑}} c-x≤y)
  Code-trans {limit f {f↑}} {limit g {g↑}} {trunc z₁ z₂ p q i j} c-x≤y =
    isProp→SquareP {B = λ i j  Code (limit g {g↑}) (trunc z₁ z₂ p q i j)
                               Code (limit f {f↑}) (trunc z₁ z₂ p q i j)}
                    i j  isProp→ (isPropCode (limit f {f↑}) (trunc z₁ z₂ p q i j)))
                    j  Code-trans {limit f {f↑}} {limit g {g↑}} {p j} c-x≤y)
                    j  Code-trans {limit f {f↑}} {limit g {g↑}} {q j} c-x≤y)
                   i j
  Code-trans {limit f {f↑}} {bisim g {g↑} h {h↑} p i} {y} =
    isProp→PathP {B = λ i  Code (limit f {f↑}) (bisim g {g↑} h {h↑} p i)
                           Code (bisim g {g↑} h {h↑} p i) y  Code (limit f {f↑}) y}
                  i  isProp→ (isProp→ (isPropCode (limit f {f↑}) y)))
                 (Code-trans {limit f {f↑}} {limit g {g↑}} {y})
                 (Code-trans {limit f {f↑}} {limit h {h↑}} {y}) i
  Code-trans {limit f {f↑}} {trunc z₁ z₂ p q i j} {y} =
    isProp→SquareP {B = λ i j  Code (limit f {f↑}) (trunc z₁ z₂ p q i j)
                               Code (trunc z₁ z₂ p q i j) y  Code (limit f {f↑}) y}
                    i j  isProp→ (isProp→ (isPropCode (limit f {f↑}) y)))
                    j  Code-trans {limit f {f↑}} {p j} {y})
                    j  Code-trans {limit f {f↑}} {q j} {y})
                   i j
  Code-trans {bisim f {f↑} g {g↑} p i} {x} {y} =
    isProp→PathP {B = λ i  Code (bisim f {f↑} g {g↑} p i) x
                           Code x y  Code (bisim f {f↑} g {g↑} p i) y}
                  i  isProp→ (isProp→ (isPropCode (bisim f {f↑} g {g↑} p i) y)))
                 (Code-trans {limit f {f↑}} {x} {y})
                 (Code-trans {limit g {g↑}} {x} {y}) i
  Code-trans {trunc z₁ z₂ p q i j} {x} {y} =
    isProp→SquareP {B = λ i j  Code (trunc z₁ z₂ p q i j) x
                               Code x y  Code (trunc z₁ z₂ p q i j) y}
                    i j  isProp→ (isProp→ (isPropCode (trunc z₁ z₂ p q i j) y)))
                    j  Code-trans {p j} {x} {y})
                    j  Code-trans {q j} {x} {y}) i j

  -- Reflexivity of Code
  Code-refl :  {x}  Code x x
  Code-refl {zero} = tt
  Code-refl {succ x} = Code-refl {x}
  Code-refl {limit f} = λ k   (k , Code-refl {f k}) 
  Code-refl {bisim f {f↑} g {g↑} p i} =
    isProp→PathP  i  isPropCode (bisim f {f↑} g {g↑} p i) (bisim f {f↑} g {g↑} p i))
                  k   (k , Code-refl {f k}) )
                  k   (k , Code-refl {g k}) ) i
  Code-refl {trunc x y p q i j} =
    isProp→SquareP {B = λ i j  Code (trunc x y p q i j) (trunc x y p q i j)}
                    i j  isPropCode (trunc x y p q i j) (trunc x y p q i j))
                    j  Code-refl {x})
                    j  Code-refl {y})
                    j  Code-refl {p j})
                    j  Code-refl {q j})
                   i j

  -- An auxiliary lemma
  Code-cocone :  (f :  -> Brw) {f↑} k x  Code x (f k) -> Code x (limit f {f↑})
  Code-cocone f k zero p = tt
  Code-cocone f k (succ x) p =  k , p 
  Code-cocone f k (limit g) p = λ l   (k , Code-trans {x = g l} (Code-cocone-simple g l) p) 
  -- With the simple case unfolded, we have this:
  -- Code-cocone f k (limit g) p =
  --   λ l → ∣ k , Code-trans {x = g l} (Code-cocone g l (g l) (Code-refl {g l})) p ∣
  Code-cocone f {f↑} k (bisim g {g↑} h {h↑} q i) =
    isProp→PathP {B = λ i  Code (bisim g h q i) (f k)
                           Code (bisim g {g↑} h {h↑} q i) (limit f {f↑})}
                  i  isProp→ (isPropCode (bisim g {g↑} h {h↑} q i) (limit f {f↑})))
                 (Code-cocone f {f↑} k (limit g {g↑}))
                 (Code-cocone f {f↑} k (limit h {h↑}))
  Code-cocone f {f↑} k (trunc x y p q i j) =
    isProp→SquareP {B = λ i j  Code (trunc x y p q i j) (f k)
                               Code (trunc x y p q i j) (limit f {f↑})}
                    i j  isProp→ (isPropCode (trunc x y p q i j) (limit f {f↑})))
                    j  Code-cocone f {f↑} k (p j))
                    j  Code-cocone f {f↑} k (q j))
                   i j

  Code-cocone-simple :  (f :  -> Brw) {f↑} k -> Code (f k) (limit f {f↑})
  Code-cocone-simple f {f↑} k = Code-cocone f {f↑} k (f k) (Code-refl {f k})

  Code-succ-incr-simple :  {x}  Code x (succ x)
  Code-succ-incr-simple {zero} = tt
  Code-succ-incr-simple {succ x} = Code-succ-incr-simple {x}
  Code-succ-incr-simple {limit f {f↑}} = λ k  Code-trans {x = f k} {y = succ (f k)}
                                                          (Code-succ-incr-simple {f k})
                                                          (Code-cocone-simple f {f↑} k)
  Code-succ-incr-simple {bisim f {f↑} g {g↑} p i} =
    isProp→PathP {B = λ i  Code (bisim f {f↑} g {g↑} p i) (succ (bisim f g p i))}
                  i  isPropCode (bisim f {f↑} g {g↑} p i) (succ (bisim f g p i)))
                 (Code-succ-incr-simple {limit f {f↑}})
                 (Code-succ-incr-simple {limit g {g↑}}) i
  Code-succ-incr-simple {trunc x y p q i j} =
    isProp→SquareP {B = λ i j  Code (trunc x y p q i j) (succ (trunc x y p q i j))}
                    i j  isPropCode (trunc x y p q i j) (succ (trunc x y p q i j)))
                    j  Code-succ-incr-simple {p j})
                    j  Code-succ-incr-simple {q j})
                   i j

  {- We need to simultaneously define the difficult direction of the correctness of Code.

     This is marked as terminating for the following reason:
     From Code, we call ≤→Code with arguments unpacked by ∥-∥rec,
     which is not seen as structurally smaller by Agda. This is
     justified since this function goes into a Prop, which means that
     there is an equivalent induction principle with those arguments
     already unpacked. Implementing this workaround (to avoid the
     flag is work in progress.
  ≤→Code :  {x y}  x  y  Code x y
  ≤→Code {.zero} {y} ≤-zero = tt
  ≤→Code {x} {y} (≤-trans {x} {x₁} {y} x≤x₁ x₁≤y) =
    Code-trans {x} {x₁} {y} (≤→Code x≤x₁) (≤→Code x₁≤y)
  ≤→Code {.(succ x)} {.(succ y)} (≤-succ-mono {x} {y} x≤y) = ≤→Code x≤y
  ≤→Code {zero} {.(limit f)} (≤-cocone f {f↑} {k} x≤fk) = tt
  ≤→Code {succ x} {.(limit f)} (≤-cocone f {f↑} {k} x≤fk) =  k , ≤→Code x≤fk 
  ≤→Code {limit g {g↑}} {.(limit f)} (≤-cocone f {f↑} {k} ⊔g≤fk)
    = λ l   (k , Code-trans {x = g l} (Code-cocone-simple g l) (≤→Code ⊔g≤fk)) 
  ≤→Code {bisim g {g↑} h {h↑} p i} {.(limit f)} (≤-cocone f {f↑} {k} x≤fk) =
    isProp→PathP {B = λ i  bisim g h p i  limit f  Code (bisim g {g↑} h {h↑} p i) (limit f {f↑})}
                  i  isProp→ (isPropCode (bisim g {g↑} h {h↑} p i) (limit f {f↑})))
                 (≤→Code {limit g {g↑}} {limit f {f↑}})
                 (≤→Code {limit h {h↑}} {limit f {f↑}})
                 (≤-cocone f {f↑} {k} x≤fk)
  ≤→Code {trunc x y p q i j} {.(limit f)} (≤-cocone f {f↑} {k} x≤fk) =
    isProp→SquareP {B = λ i j  trunc x y p q i j  limit f
                               Code (trunc x y p q i j) (limit f {f↑})}
                    i j  isProp→ (isPropCode (trunc x y p q i j) (limit f {f↑})))
                    j  ≤→Code {x} {limit f {f↑}})
                    j  ≤→Code {y} {limit f {f↑}})
                    j  ≤→Code {p j} {limit f {f↑}})
                    j  ≤→Code {q j} {limit f {f↑}}) i j (≤-cocone f {f↑} {k} x≤fk)

  ≤→Code {.(limit f)} {zero} (≤-limiting f {f↑} f≤z) = lim≰zero {f} {f↑} (≤-limiting f f≤z)
  ≤→Code {.(limit f)} {succ y} (≤-limiting f f≤sy) k = ≤→Code {f k} {succ y} (f≤sy k)

  ≤→Code {.(limit f)} {limit g {g↑}} (≤-limiting f {f↑} f≤⊔g) k =
    ∥-∥rec {A = Σ   n  Code (succ (f k)) (g n))}
          {P =   Σ   n  Code (f k) (g n)) }
           { (l , sfk≤gl) 
             l , Code-trans {x = f k} {y = succ (f k)} (Code-succ-incr-simple {f k}) sfk≤gl  })
          (Code-trans {x = succ (f k)} {y = f (suc k)} (≤→Code (f↑ k)) (≤→Code (f≤⊔g (suc k))))

  ≤→Code {.(limit f)} {bisim g {g↑} h {h↑} p i} (≤-limiting f {f↑} f≤y) =
    isProp→PathP {B = λ i  limit f  bisim g {g↑} h {h↑} p i
                           Code (limit f {f↑}) (bisim g {g↑} h {h↑} p i)}
                  i  isProp→ (isPropCode (limit f {f↑}) (bisim g {g↑} h {h↑} p i)))
                 (≤→Code {limit f {f↑}} {limit g {g↑}})
                 (≤→Code {limit f {f↑}} {limit h {h↑}}) i (≤-limiting f {f↑} f≤y)
  ≤→Code {.(limit f)} {trunc x y p q i j} (≤-limiting f {f↑} f≤y) =
    isProp→SquareP {B = λ i j  limit f  trunc x y p q i j
                               Code (limit f {f↑}) (trunc x y p q i j)}
                    i j  isProp→ (isPropCode (limit f {f↑}) (trunc x y p q i j)))
                    j  ≤→Code {limit f {f↑}} {x})
                    j  ≤→Code {limit f {f↑}} {y})
                    j  ≤→Code {limit f {f↑}} {p j})
                    j  ≤→Code {limit f {f↑}} {q j}) i j (≤-limiting f {f↑} f≤y)

  ≤→Code {x} {y} (≤-trunc x≤y x≤y₁ i) = isPropCode x y (≤→Code x≤y) (≤→Code x≤y₁) i

{- End of the mutual definition.

Note: Above, we have defined:

≤→Code : (x ≤ y) → Code x y
Code-trans : Code x y → Code y z → C x z

In an older approach, we instead defined the following:

(x ≤ y) → Code y z → Code x z
Code x y → (y ≤ z) → Code x z

Interestingly, Code-trans is defined by triple-induction on ordinals,
while the others are defined by induction on ≤.

   ## Using Code, we can characterise the relation ≤.
   We have already defined ≤→Code in the big mutual definition;
   we now define the other direction, Code→≤.
   Together, they prove the correctness of Code.

-- See the discussion above
Code→≤ :  {x y}  Code x y  x  y

Code→≤ {zero} {y} c-x≤y = ≤-zero

Code→≤ {succ x} {succ y} c-sx≤sy = ≤-succ-mono (Code→≤ {x} {y} c-sx≤sy)
Code→≤ {succ x} {limit g {g↑}} =
  ∥-∥rec {A = Σ[ n   ] Code (succ x) (g n)}
         {P = succ x  limit g}
          {(n , c-sx≤gn)  ≤-trans (Code→≤ {succ x} {g n} c-sx≤gn) (≤-cocone-simple g) })
Code→≤ {succ x} {bisim g {g↑} h {h↑} g≈h i} =
  isProp→PathP {B = λ i  Code (succ x) (bisim g {g↑} h {h↑} g≈h i)
                         succ x  bisim g {g↑} h {h↑} g≈h i}
                i  isProp→ ≤-trunc)
               (∥-∥rec ≤-trunc
                       λ {(n , c-sx≤gn)  ≤-trans (Code→≤ {succ x} {g n} c-sx≤gn)
                                                          (≤-cocone-simple g)})
               (∥-∥rec ≤-trunc
                       λ {(n , c-sx≤hn)  ≤-trans (Code→≤ {succ x} {h n} c-sx≤hn)
                                                          (≤-cocone-simple h)})
Code→≤ {succ x} {trunc y₁ y₂ p q i j} =
  isProp→SquareP {B = λ i j  Code (succ x) (trunc y₁ y₂ p q i j)  succ x  trunc y₁ y₂ p q i j}
                  i j  isProp→ ≤-trunc)
                  j  Code→≤ {succ x} {y₁})
                  j  Code→≤ {succ x} {y₂})
                  j  Code→≤ {succ x} {p j})
                  j  Code→≤ {succ x} {q j})
                 i j

Code→≤ {limit f {f↑}} {succ y} c-⊔f≤sy = ≤-limiting f {f↑} {succ y} λ k  Code→≤ (c-⊔f≤sy k)
Code→≤ {limit f {f↑}} {limit g {g↑}} c-⊔f≤⊔g =
  ≤-limiting f {f↑} {limit g}
              k  ∥-∥rec  ≤-trunc
                            {(n , c-fk≤gn)  ≤-trans (Code→≤ c-fk≤gn) (≤-cocone-simple g) })
                           (c-⊔f≤⊔g k))

Code→≤ {limit f {f↑}} {bisim g {g↑} h {h↑} g≈h i} =
  isProp→PathP {B = λ i  Code (limit f {f↑}) (bisim g {g↑} h {h↑} g≈h i)
                         limit f {f↑}  bisim g {g↑} h {h↑} g≈h i}
                i  isProp→ ≤-trunc)
                c-⊔f≤⊔g  ≤-limiting f {f↑}
                                        k  ∥-∥rec ≤-trunc
                                                     {(n , c-fk≤gn) 
                                                      ≤-trans (Code→≤ c-fk≤gn)
                                                              (≤-cocone-simple g) })
                                                    (c-⊔f≤⊔g k)))
                c-⊔f≤⊔h  ≤-limiting f {f↑}
                                        k  ∥-∥rec ≤-trunc
                                                     {(n , c-fk≤hn) 
                                                      ≤-trans (Code→≤ c-fk≤hn)
                                                              (≤-cocone-simple h) })
                                                    (c-⊔f≤⊔h k)))
Code→≤ {limit f {f↑}} {trunc y₁ y₂ p q i j} =
  isProp→SquareP {B = λ i j  Code (limit f {f↑}) (trunc y₁ y₂ p q i j)
                             limit f {f↑}  trunc y₁ y₂ p q i j}
                  i j  isProp→ ≤-trunc)
                  j  Code→≤ {limit f {f↑}} {y₁})
                  j  Code→≤ {limit f {f↑}} {y₂})
                  j  Code→≤ {limit f {f↑}} {p j})
                  j  Code→≤ {limit f {f↑}} {q j}) i j
Code→≤ {bisim f {f↑} g {g↑} p i} {y} =
  isProp→PathP {B = λ i  Code (bisim f {f↑} g {g↑} p i) y  bisim f {f↑} g {g↑} p i  y}
                i  isProp→ ≤-trunc)
               (Code→≤ {limit f {f↑}} {y})
               (Code→≤ {limit g {g↑}} {y}) i

Code→≤ {trunc x y p q i j} {z} =
  isProp→SquareP {B = λ i j  Code (trunc x y p q i j) z  trunc x y p q i j  z}
                  i j  isProp→ ≤-trunc)
                  j  Code→≤ {x} {z})
                  j  Code→≤ {y} {z})
                  j  Code→≤ {p j} {z})
                  j  Code→≤ {q j} {z}) i j