-- Definition and Basic Properties of of Marked Extensional Wellfounded orders

{-# OPTIONS --cubical --safe #-}

module MEWO.Base where

open import Cubical.Foundations.Prelude
open import Cubical.Foundations.GroupoidLaws
open import Cubical.Foundations.Equiv
open import Cubical.Foundations.Equiv.BiInvertible
open import Cubical.Foundations.Isomorphism
open import Cubical.Foundations.Univalence
open import Cubical.Foundations.HLevels
open import Cubical.Foundations.Function
open import Cubical.Foundations.Structure using (typ; str)

open import Cubical.Data.Unit
open import Cubical.Data.Sigma
open import Cubical.Relation.Nullary
open import Cubical.Relation.Binary
open BinaryRelation
open import Cubical.Induction.WellFounded
  renaming (WellFounded to isWellFounded)

open import PropTrunc

open import General-Properties
open import Relation.Closure

   ℓ' ℓ'' : Level

isEWO : {A : Type }(_≺_ : A -> A -> Type )  Type 
isEWO _≺_ = isPropValued _≺_ × isExtensional _≺_ × isWellFounded _≺_

MEWO-structure : Type   Type (ℓ-suc )
MEWO-structure { = } A = Σ[ x  ((A -> A -> Type ) × (A  hProp )) ] (isEWO (fst x))

MEWO : ( : Level)  Type (ℓ-suc )
MEWO  = Σ[ A  (Type ) ] (MEWO-structure A)

-- Carrier
⟨_⟩  : MEWO   Type 
⟨_⟩ = fst

underlyingOrder : (A : MEWO )   A    A   Type 
underlyingOrder (A , (_<_ , M) , ax) = _<_

transitiveClosureUnderlyingOrder : (A : MEWO )   A    A   Type 
transitiveClosureUnderlyingOrder A = TransCl (underlyingOrder A)

reflexiveTransitiveClosureUnderlyingOrder : (A : MEWO )   A    A   Type 
reflexiveTransitiveClosureUnderlyingOrder A = ReflTransCl (underlyingOrder A)

syntax underlyingOrder A x y = x ≺⟨ A  y
syntax transitiveClosureUnderlyingOrder A x y = x ≺⁺⟨ A  y
syntax reflexiveTransitiveClosureUnderlyingOrder A x y = x ≺̂*⟨ A  y

marked : (A : MEWO )   A   Type 
marked (A , (_<_ , M) , ax) a = typ (M a)

isPropMarked : (A : MEWO )  (x :  A )  isProp (marked A x)
isPropMarked (A , (_<_ , M) , ax) a = str (M a)

truncated : (A : MEWO )  isPropValued (underlyingOrder A)
truncated (A , (_<_ , M) , ax) = fst ax

extensional : (A : MEWO )  isExtensional (underlyingOrder A)
extensional (A , (_<_ , M) , ax) = fst (snd ax)

wellfounded : (A : MEWO )  isWellFounded (underlyingOrder A)
wellfounded (A , (_<_ , M) , ax) = snd (snd ax)

{- The carrier of a MEWO is a set -}

propValued-and-extensional→isSetCarrier : (A : Type )  (_<_ : A  A  Type ) 
                                          isPropValued _<_  isExtensional _<_ 
                                          isSet A
propValued-and-extensional→isSetCarrier A _<_ truncated extensional
  = Collapsible≡→isSet λ x y  (f , f-wconst)
       f :  {x y}  x  y  x  y
       f {x} {y} p = extensional x y  c  subst (c <_) p , subst (c <_) (sym p))

       f-wconst :  {x y}  (p q : x  y)  f p  f q
       f-wconst {x} {y} p q = cong (extensional x y)
                                   (funExt  c  ΣPathP ((funExt λ r  truncated _ _ _ _) ,
                                                          (funExt λ r  truncated _ _ _ _))))

isSetCarrier : (A : MEWO )  isSet ( A )
isSetCarrier A
  = propValued-and-extensional→isSetCarrier  A  (underlyingOrder A) (truncated A) (extensional A)

isPropIsEWO : {A : Type }(_≺_ : A -> A -> Type )  isProp (isEWO _≺_)
isPropIsEWO _≺_ p@(t , e , w) =
  isProp×2 (isPropΠ2  x y  isPropIsProp))
           (isPropΠ2  a b  isProp→ (propValued-and-extensional→isSetCarrier _ _≺_ t e a b)))
           (isPropΠ isPropAcc)  p

{- Notions of structure preservation for MEWOS -}

isMonotone : (A : MEWO )(B : MEWO ℓ')  (f :  A    B )  Type (ℓ-max  ℓ')
isMonotone A B f =  {a a'}  a ≺⟨ A  a'  f a ≺⟨ B  f a'

isMarkingPreserving : (A : MEWO )(B : MEWO ℓ')  (f :  A    B )  Type (ℓ-max  ℓ')
isMarkingPreserving A B f =  {a}  marked A a  marked B (f a)

isStructurePreserving : (A : MEWO )(B : MEWO ℓ')  (f :  A    B )  Type (ℓ-max  ℓ')
isStructurePreserving A B f = isMonotone A B f × isMarkingPreserving A B f

isReflecting : (A : MEWO )(B : MEWO ℓ')  (f :  A    B )  Type (ℓ-max  ℓ')
isReflecting A B f =  {a a'}  f a ≺⟨ B  f a'  a ≺⟨ A  a'

isOrderEquiv : (A : MEWO )(B : MEWO ℓ')  (f :  A    B )  Type (ℓ-max  ℓ')
isOrderEquiv A B f
  = (isStructurePreserving A B f) × (Σ[ e  isEquiv f ] (isStructurePreserving B A (invIsEq e)))

isPropMonotone : (A : MEWO )(B : MEWO ℓ')  (f :  A    B )  isProp (isMonotone A B f)
isPropMonotone A B f = isPropImplicitΠ2  x x'  isProp→ (truncated B (f x) (f x')))

isPropMarkingPreserving : (A : MEWO )(B : MEWO ℓ')  (f :  A    B ) 
                          isProp (isMarkingPreserving A B f)
isPropMarkingPreserving A B f = isPropImplicitΠ  a  isProp→ (isPropMarked B (f a)))

isPropStructurePreserving : (A : MEWO )(B : MEWO ℓ')  (f :  A    B ) 
                            isProp (isStructurePreserving A B f)
isPropStructurePreserving A B f = isProp× (isPropMonotone A B f) (isPropMarkingPreserving A B f)

isPropOrderEquiv : (A : MEWO )(B : MEWO ℓ')  (f :  A    B )  isProp (isOrderEquiv A B f)
isPropOrderEquiv A B f
  = isProp× (isPropStructurePreserving A B f)
            (isPropΣ (isPropIsEquiv f) λ e  isPropStructurePreserving B A (invIsEq e))

{- Order between MEWOs -}

isSimulation : (A : MEWO )(B : MEWO ℓ') (f :  A    B )  Type (ℓ-max  ℓ')
isSimulation A B f
  = isStructurePreserving A B f ×  {b a}  b ≺⟨ B  f a  Σ[ a'   A  ] (a' ≺⟨ A  a × (f a'  b))

isSimulationExceptMarking : (A : MEWO )(B : MEWO ℓ') (f :  A    B )  Type (ℓ-max  ℓ')
isSimulationExceptMarking A B f
  = isMonotone A B f ×  {b a}  b ≺⟨ B  f a  Σ[ a'   A  ] (a' ≺⟨ A  a × (f a'  b))

-- Another characterisation of non-marking preserving simulations

markAll : MEWO   MEWO 
markAll (A , (_≺_ , _) , p) = (A , (_≺_ , λ _  Unit* , isPropUnit*) , p)

isSimulationExceptMarking→isSimulationMarkAll : (A : MEWO )(B : MEWO ℓ') (f :  A    B ) 
                                                isSimulationExceptMarking A B f 
                                                isSimulation A (markAll B) f
isSimulationExceptMarking→isSimulationMarkAll A B f (mon , sim) = (mon ,  _  tt*)) , sim

isSimulationMarkAll→isSimulationExceptMarking : (A : MEWO )(B : MEWO ℓ') (f :  A    B ) 
                                                isSimulation A (markAll B) f 
                                                isSimulationExceptMarking A B f
isSimulationMarkAll→isSimulationExceptMarking A B f ((mon , _) , sim) = (mon , sim)

forgetMarkingPreservation : (A : MEWO )(B : MEWO ℓ') (f :  A    B ) 
                            isSimulation A B f  isSimulationExceptMarking A B f
forgetMarkingPreservation A B f ((mon , mark) , sim) = (mon , sim)

simulationsInjective : (A : MEWO )(B : MEWO ℓ')  (f :  A    B ) 
                       isSimulation A B f  {x y :  A }  f x  f y  x  y
simulationsInjective A B f ((mon , mark) , sim) {x} {y}
  = wf-step x y (wellfounded A x) (wellfounded A y)
    wf-step :  x y  Acc (underlyingOrder A) x  Acc (underlyingOrder A) y  f x  f y  x  y
    wf-step x y (acc wf-x) (acc wf-y) fx≡fy =
      extensional A x y λ c 
          c<x  let (u , u<y , fu≡fc) = sim (subst  z  f c ≺⟨ B  z) fx≡fy (mon c<x))
                   in subst  z  z ≺⟨ A  y) (wf-step u c (wf-y u u<y) (wf-x c c<x) fu≡fc ) u<y) ,
          c<y  let (u , u<x , fu≡fc) = sim (subst  z  f c ≺⟨ B  z) (sym fx≡fy) (mon c<y))
                   in subst  z  z ≺⟨ A  x) (wf-step u c (wf-x u u<x) (wf-y c c<y) fu≡fc) u<x)

injective→simulationConclusionIsProp : (A : MEWO )(B : MEWO ℓ') (f :  A    B ) 
                                       (∀ {x y}  f x  f y  x  y)  {a :  A }{b :  B } 
                                       isProp (Σ[ a'   A  ] ((a' ≺⟨ A  a) × (f a'  b)))
injective→simulationConclusionIsProp A B f f-inj {a} {b} (x , x<a , fx≡b) (y , y<a , fy≡b)
  = Σ≡Prop  a'  isProp× (truncated A a' a) (isSetCarrier B (f a') b)) (f-inj (fx≡b  sym fy≡b))

simulationConclusionIsProp : (A : MEWO )(B : MEWO ℓ') (f :  A    B )  isSimulation A B f 
                                {a :  A }{b :  B } 
                                isProp (Σ[ a'   A  ] ((a' ≺⟨ A  a) × (f a'  b)))
simulationConclusionIsProp A B f f-sim
  = injective→simulationConclusionIsProp A B f (simulationsInjective A B f f-sim)

isPropSimulation : (A : MEWO )(B : MEWO ℓ') (f :  A    B )  isProp (isSimulation A B f)
isPropSimulation A B f f-sim
  = isProp× (isPropStructurePreserving A B f)
            (isPropImplicitΠ2  b a  isProp→ (simulationConclusionIsProp A B f f-sim))) f-sim

simulationsExceptMarkingUnique : (A : MEWO )(B : MEWO ℓ') (f g :  A    B ) 
                                 isSimulationExceptMarking A B f 
                                 isSimulationExceptMarking A B g 
                                 f  g
simulationsExceptMarkingUnique A B f g (str-f , sim-f) (str-g , sim-g)
  = funExt λ x  wf-step x (wellfounded A x)
    wf-step : (x :  A )  Acc (underlyingOrder A) x  f x  g x
    wf-step x (acc wf-x)
      = extensional B (f x) (g x) λ c 
          c<fx  let (y , y<x , fy≡c) = sim-f c<fx
                    in subst  z  z ≺⟨ B  _) (sym (wf-step y (wf-x y y<x))  fy≡c) (str-g y<x)) ,
          c<gx  let (y , y<x , gy≡c) = sim-g c<gx
                    in subst  z  z ≺⟨ B  _) (wf-step y (wf-x y y<x)  gy≡c) (str-f y<x))

simulationsUnique : (A : MEWO )(B : MEWO ℓ') (f g :  A    B ) 
                    isSimulation A B f  isSimulation A B g  f  g
simulationsUnique A B f g sim-f sim-g
  = simulationsExceptMarkingUnique A B f g (forgetMarkingPreservation A B f sim-f)
                                           (forgetMarkingPreservation A B g sim-g)

simulationsReflect : (A : MEWO )(B : MEWO ℓ') (f :  A    B ) 
                      isSimulation A B f  isReflecting A B f
simulationsReflect A B f (p , q) {x} {y} fx<fy
  = let (x' , x'<y , fx'≡fx) = q fx<fy
     in subst  z  z ≺⟨ A  y) (simulationsInjective A B f (p , q) fx'≡fx) x'<y

simulationsExceptMarking-comp : (A : MEWO )(B : MEWO ℓ')(C : MEWO ℓ') 
                                (f :  A    B )(g :  B    C ) 
                                isSimulationExceptMarking A B f 
                                isSimulationExceptMarking B C g 
                                isSimulationExceptMarking A C (g  f)
simulationsExceptMarking-comp  A B C f g (m-f , s-f) (m-g , s-g)
  =  ((m-g  m-f) , λ {b} {a} b<gfa  let (y , y<fa , gy≡b) = s-g b<gfa in
                                      let (z , z<a , fz≡y) = s-f y<fa in
                                      z , z<a , cong g (fz≡y)  gy≡b)

{- Two alternative characterisations of simulations -}

-- Simulations where the conclusion is ∃ rather than Σ
isSimulationWithExists : (A : MEWO )(B : MEWO ℓ') (f :  A    B )  Type (ℓ-max  ℓ')
isSimulationWithExists A B f
  = isStructurePreserving A B f
  ×  {b a}  b ≺⟨ B  f a   Σ[ a'   A  ] (a' ≺⟨ A  a × (f a'  b)) 

-- Functions which preserve and reflect <, preserve markings, and whose image is downwards closed
isSimulation' : (A : MEWO )(B : MEWO ℓ') (f :  A    B )  Type (ℓ-max  ℓ')
isSimulation' A B f
  = isStructurePreserving A B f
  × isReflecting A B f ×  {b a}  b ≺⟨ B  f a   Σ[ a'   A  ] (f a'  b) 

simulationsWithExistsInjective : (A : MEWO )(B : MEWO ℓ')  (f :  A    B ) 
                               isSimulationWithExists A B f  {x y :  A }  f x  f y  x  y
simulationsWithExistsInjective A B f ((mon , mark) , sim) {x} {y}
  = wf-step x y (wellfounded A x) (wellfounded A y)
    wf-step :  x y 
              Acc (underlyingOrder A) x 
              Acc (underlyingOrder A) y 
              f x  f y  x  y
    wf-step x y (acc wf-x) (acc wf-y) fx≡fy =
      extensional A x y λ c 
          c<x  ∥-∥rec (truncated A c y)
                         (u , u<y , fu≡fc)  subst  z  z ≺⟨ A  y)
                                                     (wf-step u c (wf-y u u<y) (wf-x c c<x) fu≡fc )
                        (sim (subst  z  f c ≺⟨ B  z) fx≡fy (mon c<x)))) ,
          c<y  ∥-∥rec (truncated A c x)
                         (u , u<x , fu≡fc)  subst  z  z ≺⟨ A  x)
                                                     (wf-step u c (wf-x u u<x) (wf-y c c<y) fu≡fc)
                        (sim (subst  z  f c ≺⟨ B  z) (sym fx≡fy) (mon c<y))))

simulationsArePrimedSimulations : (A : MEWO )(B : MEWO ℓ') (f :  A    B ) 
                                  isSimulation A B f  isSimulation' A B f
simulationsArePrimedSimulations A B f (p , q)
  = p , simulationsReflect A B f (p , q) , λ b<fa  let (a' , _ , fa'≡b) = q b<fa in  a' , fa'≡b 

primedSimulationsAreExistsSimulations : (A : MEWO )(B : MEWO ℓ') (f :  A    B ) 
                                        isSimulation' A B f  isSimulationWithExists A B f
primedSimulationsAreExistsSimulations A B f (p , r , q)
  = p , λ {b} {a} b<fa  ∥-∥map  (a' , fa'≡b)  (a' ,
                                                  r (subst  z  z ≺⟨ B  f a) (sym fa'≡b) b<fa) ,
                                (q b<fa)

existsSimulationsAreSimulations : (A : MEWO )(B : MEWO ℓ') (f :  A    B ) 
                                  isSimulationWithExists A B f  isSimulation A B f
existsSimulationsAreSimulations A B f sim@(p , q)
  = p , λ b<fa  ∥-∥rec (injective→simulationConclusionIsProp A B f
                          (simulationsWithExistsInjective A B f sim))
                        (idfun _)
                        (q b<fa)

{- end of alternative characterisations -}

_≤_ : (A : MEWO )(B : MEWO ℓ')  Type _
A  B = Σ[ f  ( A    B ) ] (isSimulation A B f)

isProp⟨≤⟩ : (A : MEWO )(B : MEWO ℓ')  isProp (A  B)
isProp⟨≤⟩ A B (f , p) (g , q) = Σ≡Prop (isPropSimulation A B) (simulationsUnique A B f g p q)

≤Refl : (A : MEWO )  A  A
≤Refl A = idfun  A  , ((λ p  p) ,  p  p)) ,  b<a  _ , b<a , refl)

≤Refl≡ : {A B : MEWO }  A  B  A  B
≤Refl≡ {A = A} = J  B A≡B  A  B) (≤Refl A)

≤Trans : (A : MEWO )(B : MEWO ℓ')(C : MEWO ℓ'')  A  B  B  C  A  C
≤Trans A B C (f , ((m-f , M-f) , s-f)) (g , ((m-g , M-g) , s-g))
  = (g  f , (((m-g  m-f) , M-g  M-f) , λ {b} {a} b<gfa  let (y , y<fa , gy≡b) = s-g b<gfa in
                                                            let (z , z<a , fz≡y) = s-f y<fa in
                                                            z , z<a , cong g (fz≡y)  gy≡b))

equivToSimulation : (A : MEWO ) (B : MEWO ℓ') (f :  A    B ) 
                    isOrderEquiv A B f  isSimulation A B f
fst (equivToSimulation A B f p) = fst p
snd (equivToSimulation A B f (f-mono , (f-eq , (inv-mono , inv-marking)))) {b} {a} b<fa
  = invIsEq f-eq b , subst  z  _ ≺⟨ A  z) (retIsEq f-eq a) (inv-mono b<fa) , secIsEq f-eq b

-- The type of order equivalences
_≃ₒ_ : MEWO   MEWO ℓ'  Type (ℓ-max  ℓ')
A ≃ₒ B = Σ[ f  ( A    B ) ] (isOrderEquiv A B f)

≃ₒRefl : {A : MEWO }  A ≃ₒ A
≃ₒRefl = idfun _ , (((λ p  p) ,  p  p)) , idIsEquiv _ , ((λ p  p) ,  p  p)))

isProp⟨≃ₒ⟩ : (A : MEWO )  (B : MEWO ℓ')  isProp (A ≃ₒ B)
isProp⟨≃ₒ⟩ A B (f , f-eq) (g , g-eq)
  = Σ≡Prop (isPropOrderEquiv A B) (simulationsUnique A B f g (equivToSimulation A B f f-eq)
                                                             (equivToSimulation A B g g-eq))

idtoeqₒ : (A B : MEWO )  A  B  A ≃ₒ B
idtoeqₒ A B = J  B p  A ≃ₒ B) (≃ₒRefl {A = A})

idtoeqₒRefl : (A : MEWO )  idtoeqₒ A A refl  (≃ₒRefl {A = A})
idtoeqₒRefl A = JRefl {x = A}  B p  A ≃ₒ B) (≃ₒRefl {A = A})

eqtoidₒ : (A B : MEWO )  A ≃ₒ B  A  B
eqtoidₒ { = } (A , (<A , MA) , axA) Y@(B , (<B , MB) , axB) (f , (f-mono , (f-eq , invf-mono)))
  = EquivJ P d (f , f-eq) ((<A , MA) , axA) f-mono invf-mono
      P : (C : Type )  C   Y   Type (ℓ-suc )
      P C e = (strC : MEWO-structure C) 
              isStructurePreserving (C , strC) Y (equivFun e) 
              isStructurePreserving Y (C , strC) (invIsEq (snd e)) 
              (C , strC)  Y
      d : P B (idEquiv B)
      d ((<B' , M') , axB') m m-inv
        = cong (B ,_)
               (Σ≡Prop  x  isPropIsEWO (fst x))
                       (≡-× (funExt  x  funExt  y  hPropExt (fst axB' x y)
                                                                  (fst axB x y)
                                                                  (fst m {x} {y})
                                                                  (fst m-inv {x} {y}))))
                            (funExt  b  Σ≡Prop  x  isPropIsProp) (hPropExt (str (M' b))
                                                                                 (str (MB b))
                                                                                 (snd m)
                                                                                 (snd m-inv))))))

-- We adapt the proof in TypeTopology that idtoeqₒ is an equivalence from ordinals to MEWOs
-- see https://www.cs.bham.ac.uk/~mhe/TypeTopology/Published.Ordinals.OrdinalOfOrdinals.html
UAₒ : (A B : MEWO )  isEquiv (idtoeqₒ A B)
UAₒ A = nats-with-sections-are-equivs A (idtoeqₒ A) λ B  eqtoidₒ A B , λ e  isProp⟨≃ₒ⟩ A B _ e
    idemp-is-id : {X : Type } {x : X} (e : (y : X)  x  y  x  y) (y : X) (p : x  y)
                 e y (e y p)  e y p
                 e y p  p
    idemp-is-id {X = X} {x} e y p idemp
      = cancel-left (e x refl) (Hedberg-lemma x e y (e y p)  idemp  sym (Hedberg-lemma x e y p))
        Hedberg-lemma : {X : Type  } (x : X) (η : (y : X)  x  y  x  y) (y : X) (p : x  y)
                       η x refl  p  η y p
        Hedberg-lemma x η y = J  y p  η x refl  p  η y p) (sym (rUnit (η x refl)))
        cancel-left : {X : Type }  {x y z : X}  (p : x  y){q q' : y  z} 
                      p  q  p  q'  q  q'
        cancel-left p {q} {q'}
          = J  x p   q q'  p  q  p  q'  q  q')
               q q'  subst2 _≡_ (sym (lUnit q)) (sym (lUnit q'))) p q q'

    nat-retraction-is-section : {X : Type  } {A : X  Type ℓ' } (x : X) (η :  y  x  y  A y)
                               ((y : X)  Σ[ s  (A y  x  y) ] (∀ x  η y (s x)  x))
                               ((y : X)  Σ[ s  (A y  x  y) ] (∀ x  s (η y x)  x))
    nat-retraction-is-section {X = X} {A} x η hs y = s y , i y
        s : (y : X)  A y  x  y
        s y = fst (hs y)
        ηs : {y : X} (a : A y)  η y (s y a)  a
        ηs {y} = snd (hs y)
        e : (y : X)  x  y  x  y
        e y p = s y (η y p)
        idemp : (y : X) (p : x  y)  e y (e y p)  e y p
        idemp y p = cong (s y) (ηs (η y p))
        i : (y : X) (p : x  y)  e y p  p
        i y p = idemp-is-id e y p (idemp y p)

    nats-with-sections-are-equivs : {X : Type } {A : X  Type ℓ' } (x : X) (η :  y  x  y  A y)
                                   ((y : X)  Σ[ s  (A y  x  y) ] (∀ x  η y (s x)  x))
                                    y  isEquiv (η y)
    nats-with-sections-are-equivs {A = A} x η hs y
      = isoToIsEquiv (iso (fun e) (invr e) (invr-rightInv e) (invr-leftInv e))
          open BiInvEquiv
          e : BiInvEquiv (x  y) (A y)
          e = biInvEquiv (η y) (fst (hs y)) (snd (hs y))
                               (fst (nat-retraction-is-section x η hs y))
                               (snd (nat-retraction-is-section x η hs y))

isSetMEWO : isSet (MEWO )
isSetMEWO A B = isPropRetract (idtoeqₒ A B) (eqtoidₒ A B) (retIsEq (UAₒ A B)) (isProp⟨≃ₒ⟩ A B)

≤Antisymmetry : (A B : MEWO )  A  B  B  A  A  B
≤Antisymmetry A B (f , sim-f) (g , sim-g) = eqtoidₒ A B e where
  f-iso : Iso  A   B 
  f-iso = iso f g  b  cong  z  z b)
                              (simulationsUnique B B (f  g) (idfun _)
                                                     (snd (≤Trans B A B (g , sim-g) (f , sim-f)))
                                                     (snd (≤Refl B))))
                   a  cong  z  z a)
                              (simulationsUnique A A (g  f) (idfun _)
                                                     (snd (≤Trans A B A (f , sim-f) (g , sim-g)))
                                                     (snd (≤Refl A))))
  e : A ≃ₒ B
  e = f , fst sim-f , isoToIsEquiv f-iso , fst sim-g

{- Strict order -}

_↓+_ : (A : MEWO )   A   MEWO 
A ↓+ a
  = (Σ[ y   A  ] ( y ≺⁺⟨ A  a ))
  , ((λ (y , _) (y' , _)  y ≺⟨ A  y') ,  (x , _)  (x ≺⟨ A  a) , truncated A x a))
  ,  x y  truncated A _ _)
  ,  (x , ∥x<a∥) (y , ∥y<a∥) ext  Σ≡Prop  x  isPropPropTrunc)
      (extensional A x y  c   c<x  fst (ext (c , ∥-∥map  x<a  step c<x x<a) ∥x<a∥)) c<x) ,
                                 c<y  snd (ext (c , ∥-∥map  y<a  step c<y y<a) ∥y<a∥)) c<y))))
  ,  (y , y<a)  acc-helper y y<a (wellfounded A y))
   acc-helper :  y y<a  Acc (underlyingOrder A) y  Acc  (y , _) (y' , _)  y ≺⟨ A  y') (y , y<a)
   acc-helper y y<a (acc p) = acc λ { (z , z<a) z<y  acc-helper z z<a (p z z<y) }

↓+Eq : (A B : MEWO )  (a :  A )  (p : A  B) 
        (b :  B )  fst (idtoeqₒ A B p) a  b  A ↓+ a  B ↓+ b
↓+Eq A B a = J  B p  (b :  B )  fst (idtoeqₒ A B p) a  b  A ↓+ a  B ↓+ b)
                b q  cong (A ↓+_) (sym (cong  z  fst z a) (idtoeqₒRefl A))  q))

_<_ : (A B : MEWO )  Type (ℓ-suc )
A < B = Σ[ b   B  ] marked B b × (A  B ↓+ b)

-- A small version of _<_
_<⁻_ : (A : MEWO )(B : MEWO ℓ')  Type (ℓ-max  ℓ')
A <⁻ B = Σ[ b   B  ] marked B b × (A ≃ₒ (B ↓+ b))

<⁻To< : (A B : MEWO )  A <⁻ B  A < B
<⁻To< A B (b , mb , p) = b , mb , eqtoidₒ _ _ p

<To<⁻ : (A B : MEWO )  A < B  A <⁻ B
<To<⁻ A B (b , mb , p) = b , mb , idtoeqₒ _ _ p

segment-inclusion : (A : MEWO )  (a :  A )  isSimulationExceptMarking (A ↓+ a) A fst
segment-inclusion A a
  =  p  p) ,  {b} {(a , p)} b<a  (b , ∥-∥map (TransCl-trans _ (emb b<a)) p) , b<a , refl)

segment-inclusion-markAll : (A : MEWO )  (a :  A )  isSimulation (A ↓+ a) (markAll A) fst
segment-inclusion-markAll A a
  = isSimulationExceptMarking→isSimulationMarkAll (A ↓+ a) A fst (segment-inclusion A a)

↓+Monotone≤ : (A : MEWO ) (x y :  A )  (A ↓+ x)  (A ↓+ y)  (∀ c  c ≺⟨ A  x  c ≺⟨ A  y)
↓+Monotone≤ A@(⟨A⟩ , (_<A_ , M) , axA) x y (f , s@((mon , mark) , sim)) c c<x = subst (_<A y) q u<y
    u :  A 
    u = fst (f (c ,  emb c<x ))

    u<y : u <A y
    u<y = mark {c ,  emb c<x } c<x

    q : u  c
    q = cong  z  z (c ,  emb c<x ))
             (simulationsExceptMarkingUnique (A ↓+ x) A (fst  f) fst
                 (simulationsExceptMarking-comp (A ↓+ x) (A ↓+ y) A f fst
                                                (forgetMarkingPreservation (A ↓+ x) (A ↓+ y) f s)
                                                (segment-inclusion A y))
                 (segment-inclusion A x))

↓+Injective : (A : MEWO ) (x y :  A )  (A ↓+ x)  (A ↓+ y)  x  y
↓+Injective A x y A↓x≡A↓y = extensional A x y λ c  (↓+Monotone≤ A x y (≤Refl≡ A↓x≡A↓y) c) ,
                                                    (↓+Monotone≤ A y x (≤Refl≡ (sym A↓x≡A↓y)) c)

isProp⟨<⟩ : (A B : MEWO )  isProp (A < B)
isProp⟨<⟩ A B (b , p) (b' , p')
  = Σ≡Prop  x  isProp× (isPropMarked B x) (isSetMEWO A (B ↓+ x))) b≡b'
      b≡b' : b  b'
      b≡b' = ↓+Injective B b b' (sym (snd p)  snd p')

isProp⟨<⁻⟩ : (A B : MEWO )  isProp (A <⁻ B)
isProp⟨<⁻⟩ A B (b , p) (b' , p')
  = Σ≡Prop  x  isProp× (isPropMarked B x) (isProp⟨≃ₒ⟩ A (B ↓+ x))) b≡b'
      b≡b' : b  b'
      b≡b' = ↓+Injective B b b' (sym (eqtoidₒ A _ (snd p))  eqtoidₒ _ _ (snd p'))

iterated↓+ : (A : MEWO )  (x y :  A )  (p :  y ≺⁺⟨ A  x ) 
             (A ↓+ x) ↓+ (y , p)  A ↓+ y
iterated↓+ A x y p = ≤Antisymmetry _ _ f g
    cast :  {b y p q}  b ≺⁺⟨ A  y  (b , p) ≺⁺⟨ A ↓+ x  (y , q)
    cast (emb x) = emb x
    cast {q = q} (step {y = y} x ps) = step {y = y , ∥-∥map (TransCl-trans _ ps) q} x (cast ps)

    f : ((A ↓+ x) ↓+ (y , p))  (A ↓+ y)
    f =  ((a , r) , q)  a , ∥-∥map (TransCl-map fst (idfun _)) q) ,
        ((idfun _) , idfun _) ,
         {(b , r)} {a} b<fa 
          ((b ,
            ∥-∥rec isPropPropTrunc  p  ∥-∥map  r  TransCl-trans _ r p) r) p) ,
           ∥-∥map cast r) , b<fa , Σ≡Prop  x  isPropPropTrunc) refl)
    g : (A ↓+ y)  ((A ↓+ x) ↓+ (y , p))
    g =  (a , r)    (a , ∥-∥rec isPropPropTrunc
                       p  ∥-∥map  r  TransCl-trans _ r p) r) p) , ∥-∥map cast r) ,
        (idfun _ , idfun _) ,
         {((b , q) , r)} {a} b<fa 
          (b ,
           ∥-∥map (TransCl-map fst (idfun _)) r) ,
          b<fa , Σ≡Prop  x  isPropPropTrunc) (Σ≡Prop  x  isPropPropTrunc) refl))

↓+Monotone< : (A : MEWO ) (x y :  A )  x ≺⟨ A  y  (A ↓+ x) < (A ↓+ y)
↓+Monotone< A x y p = ((x ,  emb p )) , p , sym (iterated↓+ A y x  emb p )

↓+Reflects< : (A : MEWO ) (x y :  A )  (A ↓+ x) < (A ↓+ y)  x ≺⟨ A  y
↓+Reflects< A x y ((b , l) , (p , r)) = subst  z  z ≺⟨ A  y) (sym x≡b) p
    q : (A ↓+ x)  (A ↓+ b)
    q = r  iterated↓+ A y b l

    x≡b : x  b
    x≡b = ↓+Injective A x b q

↓Accessible : (A : MEWO ) (a :  A )  Acc _<_ (A ↓+ a)
↓Accessible { = } A a = acc-helper a (wellfounded A a)
    acc-helper : (a :  A )  Acc (underlyingOrder A) a  Acc _<_ (A ↓+ a)
    acc-helper a (acc ih) = acc g
        g : (B : MEWO )  B < (A ↓+ a)  Acc _<_ B
        g B ((b , l) , (m , p)) = subst (Acc _<_) (sym (p  iterated↓+ A a b l))
                                        (acc-helper b (ih b m))

<Wellfounded : isWellFounded (_<_ { = })
<Wellfounded A = acc  B (a , (p , q))  subst (Acc _<_) (sym q) (↓Accessible A a))

simulationsTransCl : (A B : MEWO ) (f :  A    B )  isSimulation A B f 
                     {a :  A }{b :  B }  b ≺⁺⟨ B  (f a) 
                     Σ[ a'   A  ] (a' ≺⁺⟨ A  a × (f a'  b))
simulationsTransCl A B f f-sim {a} {b} (emb b<fa)
  = let (a' , a'<a , fa'≡b) = snd f-sim b<fa in a' , emb a'<a , fa'≡b
simulationsTransCl A B f f-sim {a} {b} (step p ps)
  = let (a' , a'<+a , fa'≡y) = simulationsTransCl A B f f-sim ps in
    let (a'' , a''<a , fa''≡b) = snd f-sim (subst  z  b ≺⟨ B  z) (sym fa'≡y) p) in
    a'' , step a''<a a'<+a , fa''≡b

simulations∥TransCl∥ : (A B : MEWO ) (f :  A    B )  isSimulation A B f 
                       {a :  A }{b :  B }   b ≺⁺⟨ B  (f a)  
                       Σ[ a'   A  ] ( a' ≺⁺⟨ A  a  × (f a'  b))
simulations∥TransCl∥ A B f f-sim {a} {b} b<+fa =
  ∥-∥rec  (x , _ , p) (x' , _ , p')  Σ≡Prop  a'  isProp× isPropPropTrunc
                                                               (isSetCarrier B (f a') b))
                                               (simulationsInjective A B f f-sim (p  sym p')))
          b<+fa  let (a , p , q) = simulationsTransCl A B f f-sim {a} {b} b<+fa in
                    a ,  p  , q) b<+fa

surjectiveSimulation→Equality : (A B : MEWO ) (f :  A    B )  isSimulation A B f 
                                ((a :  A )  marked B (f a)  marked A a) 
                                ((b :  B )   Σ[ a   A  ] (f a  b) )  A  B
surjectiveSimulation→Equality A B f sim reflect-mark surj =
 ≤Antisymmetry _ _ (f , sim) (fst  h , sim-h) where
  h : (b :  B )  Σ[ a   A  ] (f a  b)
  h b = ∥-∥rec  { (a , p) (a' , p')  Σ≡Prop  x  isSetCarrier B (f x) b)
                                               (simulationsInjective A B f sim (p  sym p'))})
               (idfun _) (surj b)

  hf≡id : (b :  B )  f (fst (h b))  b
  hf≡id b with h b
  ... | (a , fa≡b) = fa≡b

  sim-h : isSimulation B A (fst  h)
  sim-h = (monotone , preservesMarking) , simulation where
    monotone : {x y :  B }  x ≺⟨ B  y  (fst  h) x ≺⟨ A  (fst  h) y
    monotone {x} {y} x<y with h x | h y
    ... | (a , fa≡x) | (a' , fa'≡y)
      = simulationsReflect A B f sim (subst2 (underlyingOrder B) (sym fa≡x) (sym fa'≡y) x<y)

    preservesMarking :  {x}  marked B x  marked A (fst (h x))
    preservesMarking {x} mx with h x
    ... | (a , fa≡x) = reflect-mark a (subst (marked B) (sym fa≡x) mx)

    simulation :  {b} {a}  a ≺⟨ A  fst (h b)  Σ[ b'   B  ] b' ≺⟨ B  b × (fst (h b')  a)
    simulation {b} {a} a<hb with h b
    ... | (a' , fa'≡b) = f a , subst  z  f a ≺⟨ B  z) fa'≡b (fst (fst sim) a<hb)
                             , simulationsInjective A B f sim (hf≡id (f a))

simulationsPreserve↓ : (A B : MEWO ) (f :  A    B )  isSimulation A B f 
                       (a :  A )  A ↓+ a  B ↓+ f a
simulationsPreserve↓ A@(⟨A⟩ , (_<A_ , MA) , axA) B@(⟨B⟩ , (_<B_ , MB) , axB)
                     f f-sim@((mon , mark) , sim) a
  = surjectiveSimulation→Equality (A ↓+ a) (B ↓+ f a) g g-sim
                                   x mx  simulationsReflect A B f f-sim mx) surj
      g :  A ↓+ a    B ↓+ f a 
      g (x , p) = f x , ∥-∥map (TransCl-map f mon) p

      g-sim : isSimulation (A ↓+ a) (B ↓+ f a) g
      g-sim = (mon , mon)
            ,  {(x , x<fa)} {(b , b<a)} b<fx  let (a' , a'<a , fa'≡b) = sim b<fx in
                                                 (a' , ∥-∥map  b<a  step a'<a b<a) b<a) , a'<a
                                                     , Σ≡Prop  x  isPropPropTrunc) fa'≡b)

      surj : (b :  B ↓+ f a  )   Σ[ x   A ↓+ a  ] (g x  b) 
      surj (y , p) = let (x , q , r) = simulations∥TransCl∥ A B f f-sim p in
                      (x , q) , Σ≡Prop  x  isPropPropTrunc) r 

preserve↓Equiv→Simulation : (A B : MEWO ) (f :  A    B ) 
                            ((a :  A )  (A ↓+ a) ≃ₒ (B ↓+ f a)) 
                            isMarkingPreserving A B f  isSimulation A B f
preserve↓Equiv→Simulation { = } A B f e f-pres-mark
  = ((λ {x} {y} x<y  monUpTo y (∥TransCl∥-wellfounded (wellfounded A) y) x x<y) , f-pres-mark)
  , λ {b} {a} b<fa  simulUpTo a ((∥TransCl∥-wellfounded (wellfounded A) a)) b b<fa
    ∥≺⁺⟨A⟩∥ = λ x y   x ≺⁺⟨ A  y 

    isSimulationUpTo : (x :  A )  (f :  A    B )  Type 
    isSimulationUpTo x f = isSimulationExceptMarking (A ↓+ x) B (f  fst)

      simUpTo : (x :  A )  Acc ∥≺⁺⟨A⟩∥ x  isSimulationUpTo x f
      simUpTo x (acc s)
        = ((λ { {(a , p)} {(b , q)} a<b  monUpTo b (s b q) a a<b }) ,
            {b} {(a , a<x)} b<fa  let (a' , a'<a , fa'≡b) = simulUpTo a (s a a<x) b b<fa in
                                     (a' , ∥-∥map  a<x  step a'<a a<x) a<x) ,  a'<a , fa'≡b))

      monUpTo : (x :  A )  Acc ∥≺⁺⟨A⟩∥ x  (y :  A )  y ≺⟨ A  x  f y ≺⟨ B  f x
      monUpTo x s y y<x = subst  z  z ≺⟨ B  f x)
                                (cong  z  z (y ,  emb y<x )) e'≡f)
                                (mark y<x)
          e' = fst (e x)

          mark : isMarkingPreserving (A ↓+ x) (B ↓+ f x) e'
          mark = snd (fst (snd (e x)))

          e'≡f : fst  e'  f  fst
          e'≡f = simulationsExceptMarkingUnique (A ↓+ x) B (fst  e') (f  fst)
                  (simulationsExceptMarking-comp (A ↓+ x) (B ↓+ f x) B e' fst
                  (forgetMarkingPreservation (A ↓+ x) (B ↓+ f x) e'
                                             (equivToSimulation (A ↓+ x) (B ↓+ f x) e' (snd (e x))))
                  (segment-inclusion B (f x)))
                  (simUpTo x s)

      simulUpTo : (x :  A )  Acc ∥≺⁺⟨A⟩∥ x  (y :  B )  y ≺⟨ B  f x 
                  Σ[ x'   A  ] (x' ≺⟨ A  x × (f x'  y))
      simulUpTo x s y y<fx = fst (e⁻¹ (y ,  emb y<fx )) ,
                             mark y<fx ,
                             (sym (cong  z  z (e⁻¹ (y ,  emb y<fx ))) e'≡f)
                                cong fst (secIsEq (fst (snd (snd (e x)))) (y ,  emb y<fx )))
          e' = fst (e x)
          e⁻¹ = invIsEq (fst (snd (snd (e x))))

          mark : isMarkingPreserving (B ↓+ f x) (A ↓+ x) e⁻¹
          mark = snd (snd (snd (snd (e x))))

          e'≡f : fst  e'  f  fst
          e'≡f = simulationsExceptMarkingUnique (A ↓+ x) B (fst  e') (f  fst)
                  (simulationsExceptMarking-comp (A ↓+ x) (B ↓+ f x) B e' fst
                  (forgetMarkingPreservation (A ↓+ x) (B ↓+ f x) e'
                                             (equivToSimulation (A ↓+ x) (B ↓+ f x) e' (snd (e x))))
                  (segment-inclusion B (f x)))
                  (simUpTo x s)

preserve↓→Simulation : (A B : MEWO ) (f :  A    B )  ((a :  A )  A ↓+ a  B ↓+ f a) 
                       isMarkingPreserving A B f  isSimulation A B f
preserve↓→Simulation A B f e = preserve↓Equiv→Simulation A B f  a  idtoeqₒ _ _ (e a))

<∘≤-in-< : (X Y Z : MEWO )  X < Y  Y  Z  X < Z
<∘≤-in-< X Y Z (y , my , X≡Y↓+y) (f , sim-f) = f y , snd (fst (sim-f)) my ,
                                               X≡Y↓+y  simulationsPreserve↓ Y Z f sim-f y

markAllInitialSegmentsTheSame : (X : MEWO )  (x :  X )  X ↓+ x  markAll X ↓+ x
markAllInitialSegmentsTheSame X x = ≤Antisymmetry _ _ X↓+x≤markAllX↓+x markAllX↓+x≤X↓+x
    X↓+x≤markAllX↓+x : (X ↓+ x)  (markAll X ↓+ x)
    X↓+x≤markAllX↓+x = (idfun _) , ((λ p  p) , λ p  p) ,  {b} b<a  b , b<a , refl)

    markAllX↓+x≤X↓+x : (markAll X ↓+ x)  (X ↓+ x)
    markAllX↓+x≤X↓+x = (idfun _) , ((λ p  p) , λ p  p) ,  {b} b<a  b , b<a , refl)

<-to-<-withoutMarking : (X Y : MEWO )  X < Y  X  markAll Y
<-to-<-withoutMarking X Y (y , (_ , X≡Y↓+y)) = subst (_≤ markAll Y) (sym X≡Y↓+y) Y↓+y≤markAllY
    Y↓+y≤markAllY : (Y ↓+ y)  markAll Y
    Y↓+y≤markAllY = fst , isSimulationExceptMarking→isSimulationMarkAll (Y ↓+ y) Y fst
                                                                        (segment-inclusion Y y)
<-transWithoutMarking : (X Y Z : MEWO )  X < Y  Y < Z  X < markAll Z
<-transWithoutMarking X Y Z (y , (_ , X≡Y↓+y)) (z , (_ , Y≡Z↓+z)) = z' , tt* , X≡markAllZ↓+z'
    z' :  Z 
    z' = fst (subst ⟨_⟩ Y≡Z↓+z y)
    z'<+z :  z' ≺⁺⟨ Z  z 
    z'<+z = snd (subst ⟨_⟩ Y≡Z↓+z y)

    X≡markAllZ↓+z' : X  (markAll Z ↓+ z')
    X≡markAllZ↓+z' = X≡Y↓+y  t Y≡Z↓+z  iterated↓+ Z z z' z'<+z  markAllInitialSegmentsTheSame Z z'
        t : (q : Y  (Z ↓+ z))  (Y ↓+ y)  ((Z ↓+ z) ↓+ subst ⟨_⟩ q y)
        t = J  Z' q  (Y ↓+ y)  (Z' ↓+ subst ⟨_⟩ q y))
              (subst  r  (Y ↓+ y)  (Y ↓+ r)) (sym (substRefl {B = ⟨_⟩} {x = Y} y)) refl)