{-# OPTIONS --safe #-}
module Cubical.Foundations.Pointed.Properties where

open import Cubical.Foundations.Prelude
open import Cubical.Foundations.Pointed.Base
open import Cubical.Foundations.Function
open import Cubical.Foundations.GroupoidLaws
open import Cubical.Foundations.Isomorphism
open import Cubical.Foundations.Equiv
open import Cubical.Foundations.Isomorphism

open import Cubical.Data.Sigma

     ℓ' ℓA ℓB ℓC ℓD : Level

-- the default pointed Π-type: A is pointed, and B has a base point in the chosen fiber
Π∙ : (A : Pointed ) (B : typ A  Type ℓ') (ptB : B (pt A))  Type (ℓ-max  ℓ')
Π∙ A B ptB = Σ[ f  ((a : typ A)  B a) ] f (pt A)  ptB

-- the unpointed Π-type becomes a pointed type if the fibers are all pointed
Πᵘ∙ : (A : Type ) (B : A  Pointed ℓ')  Pointed (ℓ-max  ℓ')
Πᵘ∙ A B .fst =  a  typ (B a)
Πᵘ∙ A B .snd a = pt (B a)

-- if the base and all fibers are pointed, we have the pointed pointed Π-type
Πᵖ∙ : (A : Pointed ) (B : typ A  Pointed ℓ')  Pointed (ℓ-max  ℓ')
Πᵖ∙ A B .fst = Π∙ A (typ  B) (pt (B (pt A)))
Πᵖ∙ A B  .snd .fst a = pt (B a)
Πᵖ∙ A B  .snd .snd = refl

-- the default pointed Σ-type is just the Σ-type, but as a pointed type
Σ∙ : (A : Pointed ) (B : typ A  Type ℓ') (ptB : B (pt A))  Pointed (ℓ-max  ℓ')
Σ∙ A B ptB .fst = Σ[ a  typ A ] B a
Σ∙ A B ptB .snd .fst = pt A
Σ∙ A B ptB .snd .snd = ptB

-- version if B is a family of pointed types
Σᵖ∙ : (A : Pointed ) (B : typ A  Pointed ℓ')  Pointed (ℓ-max  ℓ')
Σᵖ∙ A B = Σ∙ A (typ  B) (pt (B (pt A)))

_×∙_ : (A∙ : Pointed ) (B∙ : Pointed ℓ')  Pointed (ℓ-max  ℓ')
(A∙ ×∙ B∙) .fst = (typ A∙) × (typ B∙)
(A∙ ×∙ B∙) .snd .fst = pt A∙
(A∙ ×∙ B∙) .snd .snd = pt B∙

-- composition of pointed maps
_∘∙_ : {A : Pointed ℓA} {B : Pointed ℓB} {C : Pointed ℓC}
       (g : B →∙ C) (f : A →∙ B)  (A →∙ C)
((g , g∙) ∘∙ (f , f∙)) .fst x = g (f  x)
((g , g∙) ∘∙ (f , f∙)) .snd = (cong g f∙)  g∙

-- post composition
post∘∙ :  {ℓX  ℓ'} (X : Pointed ℓX) {A : Pointed } {B : Pointed ℓ'}
   (A →∙ B)  ((X →∙ A ) →∙ (X →∙ B ))
post∘∙ X f .fst g = f ∘∙ g
post∘∙ X f .snd =
    ( (funExt λ _  f .snd)
    , (sym (lUnit (f .snd))  λ i j  f .snd (i  j)))

-- pointed identity
id∙ : (A : Pointed ℓA)  (A →∙ A)
id∙ A .fst x = x
id∙ A .snd = refl

-- constant pointed map
const∙ : (A : Pointed ℓA) (B : Pointed ℓB)  (A →∙ B)
const∙ _ B .fst _ = B .snd
const∙ _ B .snd = refl

-- left identity law for pointed maps
∘∙-idˡ : {A : Pointed ℓA} {B : Pointed ℓB} (f : A →∙ B)  f ∘∙ id∙ A  f
∘∙-idˡ f = ΣPathP ( refl , (lUnit (f .snd)) ⁻¹ )

-- right identity law for pointed maps
∘∙-idʳ : {A : Pointed ℓA} {B : Pointed ℓB} (f : A →∙ B)  id∙ B ∘∙ f  f
∘∙-idʳ f = ΣPathP ( refl , (rUnit (f .snd)) ⁻¹ )

-- associativity for composition of pointed maps
∘∙-assoc : {A : Pointed ℓA} {B : Pointed ℓB} {C : Pointed ℓC} {D : Pointed ℓD}
           (h : C →∙ D) (g : B →∙ C) (f : A →∙ B)
            (h ∘∙ g) ∘∙ f  h ∘∙ (g ∘∙ f)
∘∙-assoc (h , h∙) (g , g∙) (f , f∙) = ΣPathP (refl , q)
    q : (cong (h  g) f∙)  (cong h g∙  h∙)  cong h (cong g f∙  g∙)  h∙
    q = ( (cong (h  g) f∙)  (cong h g∙  h∙)
        ≡⟨ refl 
        (cong h (cong g f∙))  (cong h g∙  h∙)
        ≡⟨ assoc (cong h (cong g f∙)) (cong h g∙) h∙ 
        (cong h (cong g f∙)  cong h g∙)  h∙
        ≡⟨ cong  p  p  h∙) ((cong-∙ h (cong g f∙) g∙) ⁻¹) 
        (cong h (cong g f∙  g∙)  h∙)  )

module _ { ℓ' : Level} {A : Pointed } {B : Pointed ℓ'} (f : A →∙ B) where
  isInIm∙ : (x : typ B)  Type (ℓ-max  ℓ')
  isInIm∙ x = Σ[ z  typ A ] fst f z  x

  isInKer∙ : (x : fst A)  Type ℓ'
  isInKer∙ x = fst f x  snd B

pre∘∙equiv :  { ℓ'} {A : Pointed } {B C : Pointed ℓ'}
  (B ≃∙ C)  Iso (A →∙ B) (A →∙ C)
pre∘∙equiv {A = A} {B = B} {C = C} eq = main
  module _ { ℓ' : Level} (A : Pointed ) (B C : Pointed ℓ')
           (eq : (B ≃∙ C)) where
    to : (A →∙ B)  (A →∙ C)
    to = ≃∙map eq ∘∙_

    from : (A →∙ C)  (A →∙ B)
    from = ≃∙map (invEquiv∙ eq) ∘∙_

  lem : {  : Level} {B : Pointed }
     ≃∙map (invEquiv∙ {A = B} ((idEquiv (fst B)) , refl))  id∙ B
  lem = ΣPathP (refl , (sym (lUnit _)))

  J-lem : { ℓ' : Level} {A : Pointed } {B C : Pointed ℓ'}
              (eq : (B ≃∙ C))
              retract (to A B C eq) (from _ _ _ eq)
              × section (to A B C eq) (from _ _ _ eq)
  J-lem {A = A} {B = B} {C = C} =
    Equiv∙J  B eq  retract (to A B C eq) (from _ _ _ eq)
              × section (to A B C eq) (from _ _ _ eq))
            ((λ f  ((λ i  (lem i ∘∙ (id∙ C ∘∙ f)))
                   λ i  ∘∙-idʳ (∘∙-idʳ f i) i))
            , λ f  ((λ i  (id∙ C ∘∙ (lem i ∘∙ f)))
                   λ i  ∘∙-idʳ (∘∙-idʳ f i) i))

  main : Iso (A →∙ B) (A →∙ C)
  Iso.fun main = to A B C eq
  Iso.inv main = from A B C eq
  Iso.rightInv main = J-lem eq .snd
  Iso.leftInv main = J-lem eq .fst

post∘∙equiv :  { ℓC} {A B : Pointed } {C : Pointed ℓC}
   (A ≃∙ B)  Iso (A →∙ C) (B →∙ C)
post∘∙equiv {A = A} {B = B} {C = C} eq = main
  module _ { ℓC : Level} (A B : Pointed ) (C : Pointed ℓC)
           (eq : (A ≃∙ B)) where
    to : (A →∙ C)  (B →∙ C)
    to = _∘∙ ≃∙map (invEquiv∙ eq)

    from : (B →∙ C)  (A →∙ C)
    from = _∘∙ ≃∙map eq

  lem : {  : Level} {B : Pointed }
     ≃∙map (invEquiv∙ {A = B} ((idEquiv (fst B)) , refl))  id∙ B
  lem = ΣPathP (refl , (sym (lUnit _)))

  J-lem : { ℓC : Level} {A B : Pointed } {C : Pointed ℓC}
              (eq : (A ≃∙ B))
              retract (to A B C eq) (from _ _ _ eq)
              × section (to A B C eq) (from _ _ _ eq)
  J-lem {B = B} {C = C} =
    Equiv∙J  A eq  retract (to A B C eq) (from _ _ _ eq)
              × section (to A B C eq) (from _ _ _ eq))
            ((λ f  ((λ i  (f ∘∙ lem i) ∘∙ id∙ B)
                   λ i  ∘∙-idˡ (∘∙-idˡ f i) i))
           , λ f   i  (f ∘∙ id∙ B) ∘∙ lem i)
                   λ i  ∘∙-idˡ (∘∙-idˡ f i) i)

  main : Iso (A →∙ C) (B →∙ C)
  Iso.fun main = to A B C eq
  Iso.inv main = from A B C eq
  Iso.rightInv main = J-lem eq .snd
  Iso.leftInv main = J-lem eq .fst

flip→∙∙ : {A : Pointed } {B : Pointed ℓ'} {C : Pointed ℓA}
   (A →∙ (B →∙ C ))  B →∙ (A →∙ C )
fst (fst (flip→∙∙ f) x) a = fst f a .fst x
snd (fst (flip→∙∙ f) x) i = snd f i .fst x
fst (snd (flip→∙∙ f) i) a = fst f a .snd i
snd (snd (flip→∙∙ f) i) j = snd f j .snd i

flip→∙∙Iso : {A : Pointed } {B : Pointed ℓ'} {C : Pointed ℓA}
   Iso (A →∙ (B →∙ C )) (B →∙ (A →∙ C ))
Iso.fun flip→∙∙Iso = flip→∙∙
Iso.inv flip→∙∙Iso = flip→∙∙
Iso.rightInv flip→∙∙Iso _ = refl
Iso.leftInv flip→∙∙Iso _ = refl