
A couple of general facts about equivalences:

- if f is an equivalence then (cong f) is an equivalence ([equivCong])
- if f is an equivalence then pre- and postcomposition with f are equivalences ([preCompEquiv], [postCompEquiv])
- if f is an equivalence then (Σ[ g ] section f g) and (Σ[ g ] retract f g) are contractible ([isContr-section], [isContr-retract])

(these are not in 'Equiv.agda' because they need Univalence.agda (which imports Equiv.agda))
{-# OPTIONS --cubical --safe #-}
module Cubical.Foundations.Equiv.Properties where

open import Cubical.Core.Everything

open import Cubical.Data.Sigma

open import Cubical.Foundations.Prelude
open import Cubical.Foundations.Function
open import Cubical.Foundations.Equiv
open import Cubical.Foundations.Univalence
open import Cubical.Foundations.Isomorphism

open import Cubical.Foundations.FunExtEquiv

isEquivCong :  {} {A B : Type } {x y : A} (e : A  B)  isEquiv  (p : x  y)  (cong (fst e) p))
isEquivCong e = EquivJ  (B' A' : Type _) (e' : A'  B') 
                         (x' y' : A')  isEquiv  (p : x'  y')  cong (fst e') p))
                        _ x' y'  idIsEquiv (x'  y')) _ _ e _ _

congEquiv :  {} {A B : Type } {x y : A} (e : A  B)  (x  y)  (e .fst x  e .fst y)
congEquiv e = ((λ (p : _  _)  cong (fst e) p) , isEquivCong e)

isEquivPreComp :  { ℓ′} {A B : Type } {C : Type ℓ′} (e : A  B)
   isEquiv  (φ : B  C)  φ  e .fst)
isEquivPreComp {A = A} {C = C} e = EquivJ
                   (B A : Type _) (e' : A  B)  isEquiv  (φ : B  C)  φ  e' .fst))
                   A  idIsEquiv (A  C)) _ _ e

isEquivPostComp :  { ℓ′} {A B : Type } {C : Type ℓ′} (e : A  B)
   isEquiv  (φ : C  A)  e .fst  φ)
isEquivPostComp {A = A} {C = C} e = EquivJ
                   (B A : Type _) (e' : A  B)   isEquiv  (φ : C  A)  e' .fst  φ))
                   A  idIsEquiv (C  A)) _ _ e

preCompEquiv :  { ℓ′} {A B : Type } {C : Type ℓ′} (e : A  B)
              (B  C)  (A  C)
preCompEquiv e =  φ x  φ (fst e x)) , isEquivPreComp e

postCompEquiv :  { ℓ′} {A B : Type } {C : Type ℓ′} (e : A  B)
              (C  A)  (C  B)
postCompEquiv e =  φ x  fst e (φ x)) , isEquivPostComp e

isContr-section :  {} {A B : Type } (e : A  B)  isContr (Σ[ g  (B  A) ] section (fst e) g)
fst (isContr-section e) = invEq e , retEq e
snd (isContr-section e) (f , ε) i =  b  fst (p b i)) ,  b  snd (p b i))
  where p :  b  (invEq e b , retEq e b)  (f b , ε b)
        p b = snd (equiv-proof (snd e) b) (f b , ε b)

-- there is a (much slower) alternate proof that also works for retract

isContr-section' :  {} {A B : Type } (e : A  B)  isContr (Σ[ g  (B  A) ] section (fst e) g)
isContr-section' {_} {A} {B} e = transport  i  isContr (Σ[ g  (B  A) ] eq g i))
                                           (equiv-proof (isEquivPostComp e) (idfun _))
  where eq :  (g : B  A)  ((fst e)  g  idfun _)  (section (fst e) g)
        eq g = sym (funExtPath {f = (fst e)  g} {g = idfun _})

isContr-retract :  {} {A B : Type } (e : A  B)  isContr (Σ[ g  (B  A) ] retract (fst e) g)
isContr-retract {_} {A} {B} e = transport  i  isContr (Σ[ g  (B  A) ] eq g i))
                                           (equiv-proof (isEquivPreComp e) (idfun _))
  where eq :  (g : B  A)  (g  (fst e)  idfun _)  (retract (fst e) g)
        eq g = sym (funExtPath {f = g  (fst e)} {g = idfun _})