{-# OPTIONS --cubical --safe #-}
module Cubical.Data.Prod.Properties where

open import Cubical.Core.Everything

open import Cubical.Data.Prod.Base
open import Cubical.Data.Sigma

open import Cubical.Foundations.Prelude
open import Cubical.Foundations.Equiv
open import Cubical.Foundations.HLevels
open import Cubical.Foundations.Isomorphism
open import Cubical.Foundations.Univalence

     ℓ' : Level
    A B  : Type 

-- Swapping is an equivalence

swap : A × B  B × A
swap (x , y) = (y , x)

swap-invol : (xy : A × B)  swap (swap xy)  xy
swap-invol (_ , _) = refl

isEquivSwap : (A : Type ) (B : Type ℓ')  isEquiv  (xy : A × B)  swap xy)
isEquivSwap A B = isoToIsEquiv (iso swap swap swap-invol swap-invol)

swapEquiv : (A : Type ) (B : Type ℓ')  A × B  B × A
swapEquiv A B = (swap , isEquivSwap A B)

swapEq : (A : Type ) (B : Type ℓ')  A × B  B × A
swapEq A B = ua (swapEquiv A B)

  open import Cubical.Data.Nat

  -- As × is defined as a datatype this computes as expected
  -- (i.e. "C-c C-n test1" reduces to (2 , 1)). If × is implemented
  -- using Sigma this would be "transp (λ i → swapEq ℕ ℕ i) i0 (1 , 2)"
  test :  × 
  test = transp  i  swapEq   i) i0 (1 , 2)

  testrefl : test  (2 , 1)
  testrefl = refl

-- equivalence between the sigma-based definition and the inductive one
A×B≡A×ΣB : A × B  A ×Σ B
A×B≡A×ΣB = isoToPath (iso  { (a , b)  (a , b)})
                           { (a , b)  (a , b)})
                           _  refl)
                           { (a , b)  refl }))

-- truncation for products
hLevelProd : (n : )  isOfHLevel n A  isOfHLevel n B  isOfHLevel n (A × B)
hLevelProd {A = A} {B = B} n h1 h2 =
  let h : isOfHLevel n (A ×Σ B)
      h = isOfHLevelΣ n h1  _  h2)
  in transport  i  isOfHLevel n (A×B≡A×ΣB {A = A} {B = B} (~ i))) h