-- Finite Hereditary Multisets

{- We work with the quotient inductive type of finite hereditary
   multisets, which has been developed in

     Fredrik Nordvall Forsberg, Chuangjie Xu, and Neil Ghani.
     Threee quivalent ordinal notation systems in cubical agda.
     In Proceedings of the 9th ACM SIGPLAN International Conference
     on Certified Programs and Proofs, CPP 2020, page 172–185.
     Association for Computing Machinery, 2020.

{-# OPTIONS --cubical --safe #-}

module FiniteHereditaryMultiset.Base where

open import Cubical.Foundations.Prelude
open import Cubical.Foundations.Everything

{- Finite hereditary multisets as a quotient inductive type -}

infixr 40 ω^_⊕_

data Fhm : Type₀ where
 𝟎 : Fhm
 ω^_⊕_ : Fhm  Fhm  Fhm
 swap :  a b c  ω^ a  ω^ b  c  ω^ b  ω^ a  c
 trunc : isSet Fhm

   : Level
  a b c : Fhm

example : ω^ a  ω^ b  ω^ c  𝟎  ω^ c  ω^ b  ω^ a  𝟎
example {a} {b} {c} =
  ω^ a  ω^ b  ω^ c  𝟎 ≡⟨ swap a b _ 
  ω^ b  ω^ a  ω^ c  𝟎 ≡⟨ cong (ω^ b ⊕_) (swap a c _) 
  ω^ b  ω^ c  ω^ a  𝟎 ≡⟨ swap b c _ 
  ω^ c  ω^ b  ω^ a  𝟎 

{- Induction/elimination principles of Fhm -}

ind : (A : Fhm  Type )
     (a₀    : A 𝟎)
     (_✶_   :  {x y}  A x  A y  A (ω^ x  y))
     (✶swap :  {x y z} (a : A x) (b : A y) (c : A z)
              PathP _ (a  (b  c)) (b  (a  c)))
     (sv    :  {x}  isSet (A x))
      x  A x
ind A a₀ _✶_ ✶swap sv 𝟎 = a₀
ind A a₀ _✶_ ✶swap sv (ω^ x  y) =
  ind A a₀ _✶_ ✶swap sv x  ind A a₀ _✶_ ✶swap sv y
ind A a₀ _✶_ ✶swap sv (swap x y z i) =
  ✶swap (ind A a₀ _✶_ ✶swap sv x)
        (ind A a₀ _✶_ ✶swap sv y)
        (ind A a₀ _✶_ ✶swap sv z) i
ind A a₀ _✶_ ✶swap sv (trunc _ _ p q i j) =
  isOfHLevel→isOfHLevelDep 2
                            x a b  sv {x} a b)
                           _ _
                           (cong (ind A a₀ _✶_ ✶swap sv) p)
                           (cong (ind A a₀ _✶_ ✶swap sv) q)
                           (trunc _ _ p q) i j

-- The recursion principle and the induction principle for propositions
-- are just instances of the above full induction principle.

rec : {A : Type }
     isSet A
     (_✶_ : A  A  A)
     (∀ x y z  x  (y  z)  y  (x  z))
     Fhm  A
rec hset a₀ _✶_ ✶swap = ind _ a₀ _✶_ ✶swap hset

indProp : {P : Fhm  Type }
         (∀ x  isProp (P x))
         P 𝟎
         (∀ x y  P x  P y  P (ω^ x  y))
          x  P x
indProp pv p₀ _✶_ =
  ind _ p₀ (_✶_ _ _)  a b c  toPathP (pv _ _ _)) (isProp→isSet (pv _))

{- Singleton multisets, representing the ω-based exponentiation -}

ω^⟨_⟩ : Fhm  Fhm
ω^⟨ a  = ω^ a  𝟎

𝟏 ω : Fhm
𝟏 = ω^⟨ 𝟎 
ω = ω^⟨ 𝟏