Chuangjie Xu 2012 (updated in February 2015)


{-# OPTIONS --without-K #-}

module UsingSetoid.Space.Space where

open import Preliminaries.SetsAndFunctions
open import Preliminaries.NaturalNumber
open import Preliminaries.Sequence
open import Continuity.UniformContinuity
open import UsingSetoid.Setoid
open import UsingSetoid.Space.Coverage


We use E-maps ₂ℕ → X, called the probes, to topologize a setoid X.
Thus a topology on a setoid X, in our sense, is a setoid of E-maps
₂ℕ → X, called the probes, satisfying some conditions. We call it
the C-topology on X.


probe-axioms : (X : Setoid)  Subset (E-map-₂ℕ X)  Set
probe-axioms X P =
    (∀(x : U X)  E-λα X x  P)
  × (∀(t : E-map-₂ℕ-₂ℕ)  t  C  ∀(p : E-map-₂ℕ X)  p  P   X  p  t  P)
  × (∀(p : E-map-₂ℕ X)  (Σ \(n : )  ∀(s : ₂Fin n)   X  p  Cons s  P)  p  P)
  × (∀(p q : E-map-₂ℕ X)  p  P  (∀ α  E X (pr₁ p α) (pr₁ q α))  q  P)

TopologyOn : Setoid  Set₁
TopologyOn X = Σ \(P : Subset (E-map-₂ℕ X))  probe-axioms X P

Space : Set₁
Space = Σ \(X : Setoid)  TopologyOn X

G : Space  Set
G ((X , _) , _) = X

Probe : (X : Space)  Subset (E-map-₂ℕ (U X)) 
Probe (_ , P , _) = P

cond₀ : (X : Space) 
        ∀(x : G X)  E-λα (U X) x  Probe X
cond₀ (_ , _ , c₀ , _) = c₀

cond₁ : (X : Space) 
        ∀(t : E-map-₂ℕ-₂ℕ)  t  C  ∀(p : E-map-₂ℕ (U X))  p  Probe X 
         U X  p  t  Probe X
cond₁ (_ , _ , _ , c₁ , _) = c₁

cond₂ : (X : Space) 
        ∀(p : E-map-₂ℕ (U X))  (Σ \(n : )  ∀(s : ₂Fin n)   U X  p  Cons s  Probe X) 
        p  Probe X
cond₂ (_ , _ , _ , _ , c₂ , _) = c₂

cond₃ : (X : Space) 
        ∀(p q : E-map-₂ℕ (U X))  p  Probe X  (∀ α  E (U X) (pr₁ p α) (pr₁ q α)) 
        q  Probe X
cond₃ (_ , _ , _ , _ , _ , c₃) = c₃


Then we define continuous functions between spaces and show that they
do form a category.


continuous : (X Y : Space)  E-map (U X) (U Y)  Set
continuous X Y f =  p  p  Probe X   U X  U Y  f  p  Probe Y

Map : Space  Space  Set
Map X Y = Σ \(f : E-map (U X) (U Y))  continuous X Y f

id-is-continuous : ∀{X : Space}  continuous X X (E-id (U X))
id-is-continuous _ pinP = pinP

∘-preserves-continuity : (X Y Z : Space) 
    ∀(f : E-map (U X) (U Y))  continuous X Y f 
    ∀(g : E-map (U Y) (U Z))  continuous Y Z g 
    continuous X Z ( U X  U Y  U Z  g  f)
∘-preserves-continuity X Y Z f cf g cg p pP = cg ( U X  U Y  f  p) (cf p pP)

continuous-constant : (X Y : Space)  G Y  Map X Y
continuous-constant X Y y = (f , ef) , cf
  f : G X  G Y
  f _ = y
  ef :  x x'  E (U X) x x'  E (U Y) (f x) (f x')
  ef _ _ _ = Refl (U Y) y
  cf : continuous X Y (f , ef)
  cf p pX = cond₃ Y _ _ (cond₀ Y y)  _  Refl (U Y) y)
