{-# OPTIONS --cubical #-}
module index where
import Everything
open import Cubical.Foundations.Prelude
open import Cubical.Foundations.HLevels
open import Cubical.Foundations.Function
open import Cubical.Data.Empty
open import Cubical.Data.Sum
open import Cubical.Data.Sigma
open import Cubical.Data.Bool renaming (true to tt ; false to ff)
open import Cubical.Data.Nat
open import Cubical.Data.Nat.Order as N hiding (_≟_ ; _>_)
open import Cubical.Relation.Nullary
open import Cubical.Relation.Binary
open BinaryRelation
open import Cubical.Induction.WellFounded
renaming (WellFounded to isWellFounded)
open import PropTrunc
open import Iff
open import General-Properties
open import CantorNormalForm.Everything as C
open import BrouwerTree.Everything as B
open import ExtensionalWellfoundedOrder.Everything as O
open import Interpretations.CnfToBrw
open import Interpretations.CnfToBrw.Properties
open import Interpretations.BrwToOrd
import Abstract.Arithmetic
Lemma-1 : LPO ↔ WLPO × MP
Lemma-1 = (λ lpo → LPO→WLPO lpo , LPO→MP lpo) ,
(λ (wlpo , mp) → WLPO×MP→LPO wlpo mp)
Lemma-2 : ((s : ℕ → Bool) → ∥ Σ[ n ∈ ℕ ] (s n ≡ tt) ∥ → Σ[ n ∈ ℕ ] (s n ≡ tt))
× (LPO → (s : ℕ → Bool) → (∀ k → s k ≡ ff) ⊎ (Σ[ n ∈ ℕ ] (s n ≡ tt)))
Lemma-2 = (λ s → least-witness (λ z → s z ≡ tt) (λ _ → isSetBool _ _) (λ n → s n ≟ tt))
, LPO-to-Σ-LPO
module _ {ℓ ℓ'} {A : Type ℓ}
(_<_ _≤_ : A → A → Type ℓ')
(A-is-set : isSet A)
(isProp⟨<⟩ : isPropValued _<_)
(isProp⟨≤⟩ : isPropValued _≤_)
(<-irrefl : isIrrefl _<_)
(<-trans : isTrans _<_)
(≤-refl : isRefl _≤_)
(≤-trans : isTrans _≤_)
(≤-antisym : isAntisym _≤_)
(<-in-≤ : {a b : A} → a < b → a ≤ b)
(<∘≤-in-< : {a b c : A} → a < b → b ≤ c → a < c) where
Lemma-3 : ∀ {ℓ''} {P : A → Type ℓ''}
→ isWellFounded _<_
→ (∀ a → (∀ b → b < a → P b) → P a)
→ ∀ a → P a
Lemma-3 wf = WFI.induction wf
Lemma-4 : isWellFounded _<_
→ (¬ (Σ[ f ∈ (ℕ → A) ] (∀ i → f (suc i) < f i)))
× isIrrefl _<_
Lemma-4 wf = no-infinite-descending-sequence wf , wellfounded→irreflexive wf
Lemma-5 : (isIrrefl _<_ → ∀ {x y} → isProp ((x < y) ⊎ (x ≡ y)))
× (isWellFounded _<_ → ∀ {x y} → isProp ((x < y) ⊎ (x ≡ y)))
Lemma-5 = irreflexive→reflexive-closure-is-prop A-is-set isProp⟨<⟩
, wellfounded→reflexive-closure-is-prop A-is-set isProp⟨<⟩
open import Abstract.ZerSucLim _<_ _≤_ as A
module AP = A.Properties A-is-set isProp⟨<⟩ isProp⟨≤⟩
<-irrefl ≤-refl ≤-trans ≤-antisym
<-in-≤ <∘≤-in-<
Lemma-6 : (s : A → A) →
(A.calc-suc s) ↔ (∀ b x → ((b < x) ↔ (s b ≤ x)))
Lemma-6 = AP.calc-suc↔≤-<-characterization
Remark-7 : (a : A) →
∥ Σ[ X ∈ Type ] (Σ[ f ∈ (X → A) ]
∥ X ∥ × ((x : X) → f x < a) × a X -sup-of f) ∥ → a
Remark-7 a = ∥-∥rec (AP.isProp⟨is-general-lim⟩ a)
(λ (X , f , ∥X∥ , f<a , a-sup) →→is-general-lim a X f ∥X∥ a-sup f<a)
Lemma-8 : (a : A) → isProp ( a ⊎ ( a ⊎ a))
× isProp ( a ⊎ ( a ⊎ a))
Lemma-8 a = (AP.isProp⟨is-weakly-classifiable⟩ a ,
AP.isProp⟨is-classifiable⟩ a)
Definition-9 : ∀ {ℓ''} → Type _
Definition-9 {ℓ''} = A.satisfies-classifiability-induction ℓ''
Corollary-10 : A.satisfies-classifiability-induction _ → A.has-classification
Corollary-10 = AP.classifiability-induction→has-classification
Theorem-11 : A.has-classification → isWellFounded _<_
→ ∀ ℓ'' → A.satisfies-classifiability-induction ℓ''
Theorem-11 cl wf ℓ'' = AP.ClassifiabilityInduction.ind cl wf {ℓ''}
Definition-12 : Type _
Definition-12 = Abstract.Arithmetic.has-unique-add _<_ _≤_
Definition-13 : Type _
Definition-13 = ∀ has-add →
Abstract.Arithmetic.Multiplication.has-unique-mul _<_ _≤_ has-add
Definition-14 : Type _
Definition-14 = ∀ has-add has-mul →
Abstract.Arithmetic.Exponentiation.has-unique-exp _<_ _≤_ has-add has-mul
Definition-15 : Type _
Definition-15 = ∀ has-add →
Abstract.Arithmetic.Subtraction.has-unique-sub _<_ _≤_ has-add
Lemma-16 : isIrrefl _<_ → isTrans _<_ → isTrichotomous _<_
→ ({a b c : A} → a < b → b ≤ c → a < c) ↔ Splits A _<_ _≤_
Lemma-16 irrefl trans tri = <∘≤-in-<→Splits-≤ irrefl tri , Splits-≤→<∘≤-in-< trans
Theorem-17 : A.has-zero → A.has-suc → A.has-limits
→ Discrete A → WLPO
Theorem-17 A-has-zero A-has-suc A-has-lim = no-go-theorem
open <-irrefl <-trans ≤-antisym <∘≤-in-< A-has-zero A-has-suc A-has-lim
Theorem-18 : isSet Cnf × isPropValued C._<_ × isPropValued C._≤_
× isDecidable _≡_ × isDecidable C._<_ × isDecidable C._≤_
× isTrans C._<_ × isExtensional C._<_
× isTrans C._≤_ × isExtensional C._≤_
× isIrrefl C._<_ × isRefl C._≤_ × isAntisym C._≤_
× isTrichotomous C._<_ × isConnex C._≤_ × Splits Cnf C._<_ C._≤_
× (∀{a b c} → a C.≤ b → b C.< c → a C.< c)
Theorem-18 = Cnf-is-set , (λ _ _ → C.isProp⟨<⟩) , (λ _ _ → C.isProp⟨≤⟩)
, Cnf-is-discrete , C.<-dec , C.≤-dec
, (λ _ _ _ → C.<-trans) , C.<-extensional
, (λ _ _ _ → C.≤-trans) , C.≤-extensional
, (λ _ → C.<-irrefl) , (λ _ → C.≤-refl) , (λ _ _ → C.≤-antisym)
, C.<-tri , C.≤-connex , C.≤-splits
, C.≤∘<-in-<
Theorem-19 : isWellFounded C._<_
Theorem-19 = C.<-is-wellfounded
Definition-20 : (Cnf → Cnf → Cnf) × (Cnf → Cnf → Cnf)
Definition-20 = C._+_ , C._·_
Lemma-21 : isAssoc C._+_ × (∀ x y z → y C.< z → x C.+ y C.< x C.+ z)
× isAssoc C._·_ × (∀ x y z → x C.> C.𝟎 → y C.< z → x C.· y C.< x C.· z)
× (∀ x y z → x C.· (y C.+ z) ≡ x C.· y C.+ x C.· z)
Lemma-21 = C.+-is-assoc , +r-is-<-monotone
, C.·-is-assoc , ω^·-is-<-monotone
, ·-is-left-distributive
Lemma-22 : 𝟎
× C.calc-strong-suc (λ x → x C.+ 𝟏)
×<-monotone (λ x → x C.+ 𝟏)
×≤-monotone (λ x → x C.+ 𝟏)
Lemma-22 = 𝟎-is-zero
, +𝟏-calc-strong-suc
, succ-is-<-monotone
, succ-is-≤-monotone
Definition-23 : Cnf × (Cnf → Cnf)
Definition-23 = C.ω , C.ω^⟨_⟩
Lemma-24 : (∀ a b → a C.≤ b → Σ[ c ∈ Cnf ] a C.+ c ≡ b)
× (∀ a b → b C.> 𝟎 → Σ[ c ∈ Cnf ] Σ[ d ∈ Cnf ] (a ≡ b C.· c C.+ d) × (d C.< b))
Lemma-24 = C.Thm[sub]
, C.Thm[div]
Theorem-25 : C.has-add
× C.has-mul
× C.has-exp-with-base C.ω
Theorem-25 = (C._+_ , C.+-is-add)
, (C._·_ , C.·-is-mul)
, (C.ω^⟨_⟩ , ω^⟨⟩-is-exp-with-base-ω)
Lemma-26 : (a : Cnf) → a > 𝟎 → ¬ ( a) →Σlim a
Lemma-26 = C.fundamental-sequence
Theorem-27 : ∀ ℓ →
× C.satisfies-classifiability-induction ℓ
Theorem-27 ℓ = Cnf-has-classification , Cnf-satisfies-classifiability-induction ℓ
Theorem-28 : C.has-unique-add
× C.has-unique-mul
× C.has-unique-exp-with-base C.ω
Theorem-28 = Cnf-has-unique-add
, Cnf-has-unique-mul
, Cnf-has-unique-exp-with-base-ω
Theorem-29 : (C.has-limits → ⊥)
× (LEM → ∀ f b → (∀ i → f i C.≤ b) → Σ[ a ∈ Cnf ] a f)
× ((∀ f b → (∀ i → f i C.< b) →<-increasing f → Σ[ a ∈ Cnf ] a f) → WLPO)
Theorem-29 = Cnf-does-not-have-limits
, LEM-computes-sup
, having-limits-implies-WLPO
Lemma-30 : (∀ {x} → ¬ (zero ≡ B.succ x))
× (∀ {f f↑} → ¬ (zero ≡ B.limit f {f↑}))
× (∀ {x f f↑} → ¬ (B.succ x ≡ B.limit f {f↑}))
Lemma-30 =≠succ , zero≠lim , succ≠lim
Lemma-31 : ∀ {x y} → x B.≤ y ↔ B.succ x B.≤ B.succ y
Lemma-31 = ≤-succ-mono , ≤-succ-mono⁻¹
Lemma-32 : ∀ x f {f↑} → x B.< limit f {f↑} → ∥ Σ[ n ∈ ℕ ] x B.< f n ∥
Lemma-32 = B.below-limit-lemma
Lemma-33 : ∀ f {f↑} g {g↑} → (limit f {f↑} B.≤ limit g {g↑}) → f ≲ g
Lemma-33 = B.lim≤lim→weakly-bisimilar
Lemma-34 : (∀ f x {f↑} → limit f {f↑} B.≤ B.succ x → limit f {f↑} B.≤ x)
× (∀ f x {f↑} → x B.< limit f {f↑} → B.succ x B.< limit f {f↑})
Lemma-34 = B.lim≤sx→lim≤x
, x<lim→sx<lim
Theorem-35 : isWellFounded B._<_
Theorem-35 = B.<-is-wellfounded
Theorem-36 : isAntisym B._≤_
Theorem-36 = λ _ _ → B.≤-antisym
Corollary-37 : isSet Brw × isPropValued B._<_ × isPropValued B._≤_
× isTrans B._<_ × isIrrefl B._<_
× isTrans B._≤_ × isRefl B._≤_ × isAntisym B._≤_
× (∀ {a b c} → a B.< b → b B.≤ c → a B.< c)
× (∀ {a b c} → a B.≤ b → b B.< c → a B.< c)
Corollary-37 = Brw-is-set , (λ _ _ → B.isProp⟨<⟩) , (λ _ _ → B.isProp⟨≤⟩)
, B.<-trans , B.<-irreflexive
, (λ _ _ _ → B.≤-trans) , (λ _ → B.≤-refl) , (λ _ _ → B.≤-antisym)
, B.<∘≤-in-<
, B.≤∘<-in-<
Theorem-38 : isExtensional B._<_ × isExtensional B._≤_
Theorem-38 = B.<-extensional , B.≤-extensional
Lemma-39 : B.has-zero × B.has-strong-suc × B.has-limits
Lemma-39 = ( ,
, (B.succ , B.succ-calc-strong-suc)
, (λ (f , f↑) → limit f {f↑}) , (λ (f , f↑) → limit-is-sup f f↑)
Corollary-40 :<-monotone B.succ
×≤-monotone B.succ
Corollary-40 = <-succ-mono , ≤-succ-mono
Theorem-41 : ∀ ℓ →
× B.satisfies-classifiability-induction ℓ
Theorem-41 ℓ = Brw-has-classification , Brw-satisfies-classifiability-induction ℓ
Theorem-42 : B.has-unique-add × B.has-unique-mul × B.has-unique-exp
Theorem-42 = Brw-has-unique-add , Brw-has-unique-mul , Brw-has-unique-exp
Lemma-43-i : (∀ {x y} z → x B.≤ y → x B.+ z B.≤ y B.+ z)
× (∀ {x y} z → x B.≤ y → x B.· z B.≤ y B.· z)
Lemma-43-i = B.+x-mono , B.·x-mono
Lemma-43-ii : ∀ x {y z} → x B.+ y ≡ x B.+ z → y ≡ z
Lemma-43-ii = B.+-leftCancel
Lemma-43-iii : isAssoc B._+_
× isAssoc B._·_
× (∀ {x y} z → x B.· y B.+ x B.· z ≡ x B.· (y B.+ z))
Lemma-43-iii = (λ _ _ → B.+-assoc)
, (λ _ _ → B.·-assoc)
, B.·-+-distributivity
Lemma-43-iv : ∀ x y z → x B.^ (y B.+ z) ≡ x B.^ y B.· x B.^ z
Lemma-43-iv = λ x y z → B.exp-homomorphism {x} {y} {z}
Lemma-44 : (∀ x a → a B.< ω^ x → a B.+ ω^ x ≡ ω^ x)
× (∀ x {a b} → a B.< ω^ x → b B.< ω^ x → a B.+ b B.< ω^ x)
× (∀ {x n} → zero B.< x → ι (suc n) B.· ω^ x ≡ ω^ x)
Lemma-44 = B.additive-principal-ω^
, B.additive-principal-ω^-closure
, ω^x-absorbs-finite
Theorem-45 : (B.has-unique-sub ↔ B.has-sub)
× (B.has-sub ↔ LPO)
Theorem-45 = (fst , Brw-sub-is-unique)
, (B.has-sub→LPO , B.LPO→has-sub)
Theorem-46 : (∀ x → Dec (B.isFinite x))
× (∀ x n → Dec (ι n ≡ x)) × (∀ x n → Dec (x ≡ ι n))
× (∀ x n → Dec (ι n B.< x)) × (∀ x n → Dec (x B.< ι n))
× (∀ x n → Dec (ι n B.≤ x)) × (∀ x n → Dec (x B.≤ ι n))
Theorem-46 = decIsFinite
, dec-n≡ , dec-≡n
, dec-n< , dec-<n
, dec-n≤ , dec-≤n
Lemma-47 : (s : ℕ → Bool)
→ limit[ s ]↑ B.≤ ω·2
× (∥ Σ[ k ∈ ℕ ] (s k ≡ tt) ∥ → limit[ s ]↑ ≡ ω·2)
× (limit[ s ]↑ ≡ ω·2 → B.ω B.< limit[ s ]↑)
× (B.ω B.< limit[ s ]↑ → Σ[ k ∈ ℕ ] (s k ≡ tt))
Lemma-47 s = jumpSeq≤ω2 s
, jumpSeq-translate-forth s
, lim⟨jumpSeq⟩≡ω+ω→lim⟨jumpSeq⟩>ω s
, jumpSeq>ω-translate-back s
Theorem-48 : (LPO → (∀ x y → Dec ( x B.≤ y)))
× ((∀ x y → Dec ( x B.≤ y)) → (∀ x y → Dec ( x B.< y)))
× ((∀ x y → Dec ( x B.< y)) → (∀ x → Dec (B.ω B.< x)))
× ((∀ x → Dec (B.ω B.< x)) → LPO)
× (LPO → (∀ x y → Dec (x ≡ y)))
× ((∀ x y → Dec (x ≡ y)) → (∀ x → Dec (x ≡ ω·2)))
× ((∀ x → Dec (x ≡ ω·2)) → LPO)
Theorem-48 = LPO→Dec≤
, Dec≤→Dec<
, Dec<→Decω<
, Decω<→LPO
, LPO→Dec≡
, Dec≡→Dec≡ω·2
, Dec≡ω·2→LPO
Theorem-49 : WLPO ↔ (∀ x → Dec (x ≡ B.ω))
Theorem-49 = WLPO→Dec≡ω , Dec≡ω→WLPO
Theorem-50 : ∀ n → 2 N.≤ n → (LPO ↔ (∀ x → Dec (x ≡ B.ω B.· ι n)))
Theorem-50 n 2≤n = ((λ lpo x → LPO→Dec≡ lpo x (B.ω B.· ι n)) , Dec≡ωn→LPO n 2≤n)
Theorem-51 : (∀ x → Stable (x ≡ B.ω))
× (∀ n → 2 N.≤ n → (∀ x → Stable (x ≡ B.ω B.· ι n)) → MP)
Theorem-51 = stable≡ω
, stable≡ω·⟨n+2⟩→MP
Lemma-52 : LPO → (x y : Brw) → ¬ (x B.≤ y) → y B.< x
Lemma-52 = LPO→¬≤→>
Theorem-53 : (LPO → isTrichotomous B._<_)
× (isTrichotomous B._<_ → Splits Brw B._<_ B._≤_)
× (Splits Brw B._<_ B._≤_ → LPO)
Theorem-53 = LPO→trichotomy
, trichotomy→splitting-≤
, splitting-≤-to-LPO
Theorem-54 : (Σ[ _⊔_ ∈ (Brw → ℕ → Brw) ] (∀ x n → (x ⊔ n) x and (ι n)))
× (Σ[ _⊔ω ∈ (Brw → Brw) ] (∀ x → (x ⊔ω) x and B.ω))
Theorem-54 = (with-finite._⊔_ ,
, (with-ω._⊔ω , with-ω.is-join)
Theorem-55 : (LPO → Σ[ _⊔ω+1 ∈ (Brw → Brw) ] (∀ x → (x ⊔ω+1) x and B.succ B.ω))
× ((_⊔ω+1 : Brw → Brw) → (∀ x → (x ⊔ω+1) x and B.succ B.ω) → WLPO)
Theorem-55 = (λ lpo → with-ω+1.⊔ω+1 lpo , with-ω+1.LPO→⊔ω+1 lpo)
, (λ _⊔ω+1 p → Dec≡ω→WLPO (with-ω+1.⊔ω+1→Dec≡ω _⊔ω+1 p))
import BrouwerTree.AlternativeDefinition
Lemma-60 : ⓪ × O.calc-strong-suc (λ X → X O.+ ⑴)
Lemma-60 = ⓪-is-zero , O.succ-calc-strong-suc
Theorem-65 : ({a b : Cnf} → a C.< b ↔ CtoB a B.< CtoB b)
× ({a b : Cnf} → a C.≤ b ↔ CtoB a B.≤ CtoB b)
Theorem-65 = (CtoB-<-monotone , CtoB-reflects-<)
, (CtoB-≤-monotone , CtoB-reflects-≤)
Corollary-66 : {a b : Cnf} → CtoB a ≡ CtoB b → a ≡ b
Corollary-66 = CtoB-injective
Theorem-67 : ((a b : Cnf) → CtoB (a C.+ b) ≡ CtoB a B.+ CtoB b)
× ((a b : Cnf) → CtoB (a C.· b) ≡ CtoB a B.· CtoB b)
× ((a : Cnf) → CtoB (ω^⟨ a ⟩) ≡ ω^ (CtoB a))
Theorem-67 = CtoB-preserves-add
, CtoB-preserves-mul
, CtoB-preserves-exp-with-base-ω
Lemma-68 : (x : Cnf) → (p : x)
→ CtoB x ≡ limit (CtoB ∘ fund-sequence x p) {CtoB-preserves-increasing (fund-sequence↑ x p)}
Lemma-68 = CtoB-preserves-fund-sequence
Theorem-69 : (∀ {a} f f↑ → a (f , f↑) → CtoB a ≡ limit (CtoB ∘ f) {CtoB-preserves-increasing f↑})
↔ MP
Theorem-69 = CtoB-preserves-limits→MP , MP→CtoB-preserves-limits
Theorem-70 : (a : Cnf) → CtoB a B.< ε₀
Theorem-70 = CNF<ε₀
Lemma-72 : ((a b : Brw) → a B.< b → BtoO a O.< BtoO b)
× ((a b : Brw) → a B.≤ b → BtoO a O.≤ BtoO b)
Lemma-72 = BtoO-<-monotone
, BtoO-≤-monotone
publisher's version
import Comparision.Hardy